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It's Not AIG, It's The Government (Bob The Heart Attack Ranter Pt. 2)

Stop what you're doing and watch this. It's clean and quick -- 98 seconds of intensity. No profanity. Just a myocardial infarction.  He's heart-attack Bob.



Heart Attack Bob Part 1

Transcript From Drinking With Bob:

AIG! AIG! Everybody's going nuts. I can't believe they're getting bonuses! I can't believe they're getting bonuses! Would you people wake up! AIG is a freaking smoke screen to take your attention away from the real criminals in this country... The freaking government! The government is to blame for this problem. The government sits up on capitol hill vilifying wall street like they;re the problem. the government has been in bed with wall street from day one in this freaking economic disaster.

You know what one sure fire way from keeping AIG executives from getting bonuses was? NOT giving them a bailout to begin with. The American people knew this. the average citizen knew this. We said no bailouts for anyone, on day freaking one. Did the government listen? No! Bush,Bernanke, Paulson, Obama they're all to blame. They were handing out money like it was going out of style and not paying attention to where it was going. This is like giving a kid a hundred dollars to buy school clothes and then being mad when he comes home with video games and jelly beans. Are you kidding me?!

Then Senator Chris Dodd, Democrat from Connecticut comes out the other day and says, before the last stimulus bill was signed, he put in an amendment, Basically making it possible for the AIG executives to gets their bonuses. he basically wrote on top of the last stimulus bill, that no matter what happens the executives at AIG have to get their bonuses. You know who signed that stimulus bill? Barack Obama! Then he has the audacity to come out on t.v. the other day and be outraged. "I can't believe these people are getting bonuses... You signed a piece of paper making it possible for these people to get bonuses YOU SCHMUCK!!

Would you people WAKE UP! The government is playing a game with you and no matter what freaking number they roll, YOU FREAKING LOSE!!! You're worried about AIG. I'd be more worried about the GOV than AIG!! Would you wake up! We're finished people! We're freaking finished!!


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Reader Comments (7)

If you missed it earlier this week, see Heart Attack Bob Part 1 (about 90 seconds):

Sep 2, 2009 at 2:37 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
This vid was posted March 19 -- Bob and I were probably both drinking and ranting at the same exact time. Spideydouble probably was, too. (The odds are pretty good, anyway. I'll leave it at that.)

Hey Bob, I hear you bro'. I feel that pain. Believe you me.
Sep 2, 2009 at 2:41 PM | Unregistered CommenterJames H
Yeah...it's older but I felt it was so appropriate...he really understands the issues...it's both parties...it's corruption...and he delivers it in teh most intense way I've ever seen. It tends to get me fired up...

By the way, I saw some of your comments over on Cluster...in a few of their bailout stories this week...you made some great arguments.
Sep 2, 2009 at 2:48 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
No, it's an awesome vid. I loved it. (Natch.)

Yeah, I probably spent too much time this week pounding the table on the bailouts at Clusterstock, but I hate to see people just capitulate or accept the conventional wisdom on how they were necessary. "Something" may have been necessary, but it sure as hell wasn't forking over a wad of cash to a bunch of failures. And look at Bernanke -- he probably thinks that in the public eye, he'll get away with all his mistakes. Sorry, not content to let that happen.
Sep 2, 2009 at 2:56 PM | Unregistered CommenterJames H
"I hate to see people just capitulate or accept the conventional wisdom on how they were necessary. "Something" may have been necessary, but it sure as hell wasn't forking over a wad of cash to a bunch of failures. And look at Bernanke -- he probably thinks that in the public eye, he'll get away with all his mistakes. Sorry, not content to let that happen."

That's pretty much how I feel...at a minimum, we can make some noise and attempt to demonstrate that not everyone has been fooled. Those paying attention know the real story, and we're prepared to keep telling it.

Sep 2, 2009 at 3:00 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
its that crookie Paulson and his goldman people.
Sep 2, 2009 at 3:19 PM | Unregistered CommenterSell Short
My Fellow Americans:

We all now know that we have been scammed, banged and busted by Elite home grown Financial Al Aqaeda

AL Qaeda= Wall street/Bankers/Corp crooks and Washington Blood Sucking pests their stoozes.

Punishment for treason you decide?

It our TAX blood sweat and Criminals rewarded and we are getting punished?

How Bamboozled dumb fucks are we are,my fellow Americans?




S.E.C. "misses" MUCH BIGGER than Madoff!
Makes Madoff look like petty theft. All key recipients of bailout monies and paying bonuses with taxpayer $$$. Documented...#1.) 2006 Senate Banking Committee Report: "Fannie Mae's management directed employees to manipulate accounting and earnings to trigger maximum bonuses for senior executives...overstated profits...ill-gotten bonuses in the hundreds of millions of dollars. #2.) 2005 AIG "The irony of this case is that AIG was a well-run and profitable company that didn't need to cheat," Spitzer said. "And yet, the former top management routinely and persistently resorted to deception and fraud in an apparent effort to improve the company's financial results."..."sham insurance transactions...give the impression it reserves were higher than they were...AIG concealed losses...includes compelling evidence that investors and regulators were misled over an extended period of time." #3.)Bear Stearns "Why did the S.E.C. stop an investigation three years ago (2005) that could have averted the subprime crisis?"...The SEC Enforcement Division declined to bring a case against Bear Stearns for improperly valuing mortgage-related investments...the SEC's failure to bring an enforcement action following the drafting of a Wells notice:" -- People...it goes on and on and on. Don't foget about the special S.E.C. / CEO "hotline" to "stop an investigation or slow it down at the S.E.C" and "senior management at the S.E.C. was actually captured by the industry and that it wasn't doing the intense investigating that we would expect from them." as described last February by MA. Congressman Stephen Lynch that has gone absolutely unreported. -- "MISSES"???

Sep 2, 2009 at 5:21 PM | Unregistered CommenterKen

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