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Does The Devil Reside at 85 Broad Street: GoldmanSachs666.com Is Making Progress

Most of you know the story already.  Mike Morgan started a little blog.  Lloyd Blankfein was wearing a man-thong and felt especially irascible.  He instructed Goldman's lawyers to sue.  Mike Morgan's blog got a wee bit of attention.

It appears he's not wasting the traffic.  Check it out if you haven't already.

See also:

Maxine Waters Asks The Goldman Question

Goldman Examined

Dylan Ratigan on Hank Paulson


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Reader Comments (10)

As they say in Ireland -- Feckin' hilarious. Morgan is also working on a slew of similar sites like... (wait for it)...www.Pimco666.com and www.BankOfAmerica666.com. Makes me love this guy even more.

(scroll down for article)
Apr 17, 2009 at 2:16 PM | Unregistered CommenterJames H
And there's MorganStanley666.com coming soon as well.

If there are any readers here from Morgan Stanley, tell Dan Simkowitz to get in touch with me.
Apr 17, 2009 at 2:36 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
I sure hope he dosen't try Bush666.com or heaven forbid....Obama666.com. Guy would be gutted right on the spot.....
Apr 17, 2009 at 4:42 PM | Unregistered CommenterAin't Bullshittin'
The Devil couldn't afford to live there.
Apr 17, 2009 at 6:45 PM | Unregistered CommenterK

You should post more often. You are hilarious.
Apr 17, 2009 at 11:54 PM | Unregistered Commenterspideydouble

Good short on Citi Corp or Shitty Group. The stock is down 12% as Goldman Sachs gave them a $1.50 target. Banks are all bleeding this morning and we are making money. Go down all you manipulated pigs!! Go down like the pigs you are!!
Apr 20, 2009 at 10:16 AM | Unregistered CommenterSell Short
Apr 20, 2009 at 8:14 PM | Unregistered CommenterJames H
Here is the email address of Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein:


Send this colossal prick an email letting him know how you feel
Oct 25, 2009 at 7:05 PM | Unregistered CommenterBillk
Front Page News...



The body of a Palm Beach billionaire who was the biggest beneficiary of Bernard Madoff’s record-setting fraud was found yesterday at the bottom of his swimming pool.

Jeffry Picower, 67, a longtime Madoff friend, was being sued for the return of $7.2 billion in allegedly bogus profits made from the disgraced financier’s pyramid scheme while others lost their life savings.

Mr Picard says that Mr Picower, as a sophisticated investor, should have realised that the 950 per cent gains he received were ill gotten.
Oct 25, 2009 at 9:44 PM | Unregistered Commentergobias
Front Page News...



The body of a Palm Beach billionaire who was the biggest beneficiary of Bernard Madoff’s record-setting fraud was found yesterday at the bottom of his swimming pool.

Jeffry Picower, 67, a longtime Madoff friend, was being sued for the return of $7.2 billion in allegedly bogus profits made from the disgraced financier’s pyramid scheme while others lost their life savings.

Mr Picard says that Mr Picower, as a sophisticated investor, should have realised that the 950 per cent gains he received were ill gotten.
Oct 25, 2009 at 9:47 PM | Unregistered Commentergobias

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