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David Faber: Bank Of America NOT Out Of The Woods, Still Faces MASSIVE Mortgage Liability Risk - Video

Video - David Faber - Jan. 3, 2011

Yesterday's settlement...


Source - CNBC

Monday’s settlement does little to deal with a liability that could far exceed the settlement with the GSE’s - the so called “private put-back” of mortgage securities by their holders to Bank of America.

Some may take the settlement as a sign that BofA is more open to reaching a settlement with holders of private securitizations.  That’s the hopeful position being taken by Talcott Franklin, an attorney leading the charge against mortgage securitizers such as BofA on behalf of holders of such mortgage securities.

The issue is complex and it remains far from clear that much can be gleamed from Monday’s action. Franklin, in an interview on The Strategy Session earlier today, told me he expects to become much more aggressive on this issue as the year progresses. 


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Reader Comments (5)

The Carnage of Wall Street's Mortgage Frenzy

The two stories related to mortgages we have been following closely at CNBC do not have a great deal in common, other than tracing their lineage to the home loans of dubious provenance that were doled out to anyone with a pulse between 2005-2007 and quickly packaged up into securities and sold by Wall Street to accounts around the planet.

It is the frenzy of that time period that links the mortgage foreclosure story and the so called “put-back” story.

As detailed in our documentary "House of Cards" and in my book And Then the Roof Caved In, the participants in the chain of mortgage origination and securitization were not dwelling on the future when they seized on the unquenchable desire amongst investors to buy higher yielding securitized mortgage products.

The originator who was extending a home loan to someone they knew was lying about their income was not thinking about what would happen to that loan, the house it was financing or the foreclosure process that would ensue if that loan was not paid back. All they were thinking about was getting that loan signed and making sure the homeowner made good on their first three payments, after which it could be packaged up into a mortgage backed security (MBS).

Jan 5, 2011 at 2:48 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Thank God this con-man never targeted America: the U.K.'s Paul Bint posed as a banker, a lawyer, and a hospital consultant, bedding what he claims were 2,500 women along the way, and making away with 2 million pounds (approximately $3.1 million in today's money). The Daily Mail caught up with Bint -- who's been nicknamed "King Con" -- upon his recent release from a three-year jail term.

Jan 5, 2011 at 2:49 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Jan 5, 2011 at 9:47 AM | Unregistered Commenterjohn
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — Private-sector employment jumped a record 297,000 in December, according to Automatic Data Processing Inc.’s employment report released Wednesday, in what could be a signal that the recovery is finally adding jobs at a meaningful clip.


adp numbers up big this morning...
Jan 5, 2011 at 11:41 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail

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