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Daniel Hannan: 'Bank Bailouts Were A Generational Crime!'

Truthtelling 101 from Hannan.

One trillion pounds spent on the U.K. bank bailout.

'The bailouts were an ethical crime where low and middle-income people were required to rescue extremely wealthy bankers and bondholders from the consequences of their own errors.  This will one day be seen as a generational offense!'

Give this 3 minutes.

Daniel Hannan | Occupy Wall Street Debate | Oxford Union


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Speaking of crime, Taibbi has a new piece that's a follow-up on Frontline's "Untouchables" episode that will be of interest to anyone planning to watch Eric Holder's performance tomorrow before the Senate Judiciary Committee:


It's widely known that Lanny Breuer resigned less than 24 hours after the show aired. Less well known is the fact that two Senators, in a display of outrage at the DOJ, sent a letter to Holder seeking information about information presented by Frontline. In particular, Senators Grassley (R-IA) and Brown (D-OH) wanted to know "the names of all outside experts consulted by the Justice Department in making prosecutorial decisions regarding financial institutions with over $1 billion in assets."

Their interest in the names of the experts stemmed from Breuer's revelation on Frontline that it was his consultation with these "experts" that led to his decision not to prosecute criminals inside of banks EVEN WHERE THE BANK ADMITTED THE CRIMES.

Despite the Senators' straightforward request--we want the names of these so-called experts--DOJ lawyers all pretended to have a massive reading comprehension problem and responded that the Justice Department had not paid any bank officials that for their advice not to prosecute them.

Even aside from this piss poort effort to avoid answering the question, the fake answer provided by the DOJ is so pitiful that it's actually informative: so the DOJ doesn't pay criminals to advise it on their own punishment? Really now. And the DOJ believes that this new information will advance the public's knowledge? Interesting. Moreover, it's amusing that the DOJ believes that two U.S. Senators would fall for this patent nonsense. "Far out," said the Dude.

Where was I? Oh, yes. Senator Grassley is on the Judiciary Committee and will have the opportunity to follow up on all of this with Mr. Holder tomorrow. I look forward to the education...
Mar 5, 2013 at 12:28 PM | Registered CommenterCheyenne
Interesting stuff, Cheyenne. Far out, indeed. I still contend that walstreetpro2 had the right idea about the kind of stuff you describe:

"We need to put the fear in these people!"
Mar 5, 2013 at 2:40 PM | Unregistered CommenterDr. Pitchfork
Re: Oxford debate. Agree with almost all of Hannan's argument. Wish he touched on risk in capitalism a bit, and lack of enforcement of existing regulations. Also, do not entirely agree with capitalism and freedom as reasons for 9/11. A part, yes. Let's not forget our longstanding backing of Israel (what I consider the primary reason for the attacks).

Re: Holder. Anticipate the BS response of "we do many things when investigating and preparing a case including consulting non-DOJ peeps. But, I do not know who these so-called experts are..."
Mar 5, 2013 at 5:06 PM | Unregistered CommenterJosie
Hannan failed to mention that we don't even know the names of the people to whom our wealth was given.

Moreover, it is NOT an "ethical crime". It's a crime plain and simple and our Parliament is a party to it. That makes it TREASON on the part of all those MPs who voted in favour of it. Does Parliamentary privilege now include TREASON?
Mar 5, 2013 at 6:14 PM | Unregistered CommenterPeter Wakefield Sault
You were allways scared of communism now you have it
Mar 5, 2013 at 7:34 PM | Unregistered Commenterstan
Check the Vatican...
Mar 6, 2013 at 12:43 AM | Unregistered CommenterWTH
There is no capitalism in this world, so, of course capitalism hasn't failed.

What has failed is a corrupt system of insider deals made by the whit-shoe boys whose granddaddy's sold slaves and rum. A system based on usury or rule by compound interest. Money makes money. If you don't have money, you're the investment.

That dude was full of himself, wasn't he? He wouldn't know a free market if he bought one and got one free.
Mar 13, 2013 at 2:55 AM | Unregistered Commenterusurykills
Economics and Politics: Reality
My theory below is based on the following premise by Hazel Henderson:

"The problem is, of course, that not only is economics bankrupt but it has always been nothing more than politics in disguise... economics is a form of brain damage."

So, based on that statement, I will argue that economics is an elaborate illusion and, yes indeed, merely "politics in disguise."

Economic Policies and Politics:
The entire slave-based economy is, in FACT, the political structure itself. Indeed the entire economy of the world has been and still is deliberately engineered by the very few white men in and of the WHITE POWER STRUCTURE. These very few shadowy figures, today and hereon known as the Trillionaires, have been from the very inception of controlled human societies and communities, it is THOSE people who have been and still are pulling ALL THE STRINGS of the mere Puppets in this OSTENSIBLE government.

So these WHITE MEN who themselves comprise the WHITE POWER STRUCTURE, the Robber Barons, Industry Tycoons, whatever, has/have succeeded for quite some time to keep a fairly tight lid on too much knowledge, learning, awareness, fact-based truth; Since learning and discovering actual FACTS would, of course, lead to bitter protest and violent revolt, and maybe even to their, the Robber Barons', own rather bloody DEMISE.

Religion as an Effective Tool:
Religion is the deliberate suppression of knowledge and suppression of general awareness of actual facts. Religion has CERTAINLY BEEN A HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL Tool, along with Mass media. "Fervor" and self-delusion was, and still is today, accomplished mainly through the veritable TOOL of Religion. Further, Religion serves to reinforce the desired effect of Abject Ignorance which is, of course, the ABSOLUTE KEY in the game of mind control; Pacification through Religion and the tireless campaigns of keeping people in ignorant FEAR. The outright lies which are found throughout ANY religion, also serve as a vehicle for virulent, abject hatred; And a hefty and steady stream of abject fear (of God, of Black people, of Hell, of Satan, Socialism, Fascism, on and on) The political hacks, in this scheme, have found that the employ of so-called buzz words is stunningly EFFECTIVE.

And there is a veritable myriad of other totally intentional distractions, deliberately designed to hide the truth and the FACTS, (Ongoing SLAVERY, THEFT, PLUNDER), Distractions on any and every contrived "side" of the political spectrum; the entire "Left"-"Right" paradigm is also a very useful and effective contrivance; So-called "Issues;" Also totally Contrived to distract the populace away from FACTS, TRUTH. That is, distract the fools Away from what the Robber Barons are actually doing (STEALING, PLUNDERING); Let them bicker and argue about such issues as Abortion, gun rights, etc., etc. All and every technique is used; All are forms of intentional trickery. Religion, though, has worked like a charm since the day it was invented and written down (BY MEN), and Religion is still, bar none, the most highly effective tool for mind control today. Well, there WAS the period in history known as the Age of Reason, the Enlightenment, Well, We all know about that history, don't we? CRUSHED IMMEDIATELY and THOROUGHLY BY (GUESS WHO); Replaced with RELIGION, NEVER TO SURFACE Widely AGAIN.

The Late 20th Century:
So, skipping straight to the late 20th century, the 1980′s specifically--Actually beginning with Carter's gutting nearly all regulations of the entire transportation industry--And the emergence of the despicable demon, Ronald Reagan, his total embracing of the R-wing “Christian” Fundamentalist-lunatics; the continuation of the Total DEREGULATION of ALL industry; the utterly Fantastic LIE of ”trickle-down” economics; And the new “service” economy (SLAVE); All worked hand in hand to set the new and more all-encompassing SLAVERY (Yes, that means ALL OF US) and the Modern slave-based economy.

And every [Puppet] Administration after that old bastard Reagan--Democrat, Republican--they are ALL IN IT TOGETHER--every government tool of the WHITE POWER STRUCTURE Did follow, in lock-step, the ongoing and now thorough DEREGULATION of every single industry and the Privatization of ALL previously public sectors.

Clinton, of course, was among the most destructive of these twisted, perverted white men, as he is the one that repealed the Glass-Stegal Act that had been put into place by FDR after the Great Depression of the 1930s. Clinton did it, fully knowing very well history and the certain ramifications [of giving a gigantic idiot-child a machine gun, i.e. DEREGULATION]; So, doing it anyway for his billionaire buddies in the Banks and on Wall Street; That, along with the passing of the Graham-Leech Bill, took away any and all restraints, i.e. REGULATIONS, from the banking industry and the financial sector..

So, look around NOW. They tanked the economy deliberately; They want, for lack of a better term, Zombie-Slaves that won’t think or even ask why: (IDIOT-AMERICA). And they've sure GOT them and they've got them by the BOAT LOAD.

Slavery Then and Slavery Now:
The main difference (other than race, i.e. skin color) between slavery then and slavery now, is that NOW, as the world is literally collapsing from overpopulation and centuries of destructive pillaging and ruinous plundering of the entire planet, the main difference is that those few men whom are "controlling" the people, the governments, etc., are thoroughly capable of committing mass Genocide; Indeed, it has become quite apparent that now we are all headed straight toward the edge of the CLIFF. And Engineered genocide is a clever and historic tactic; And that works too. They've been doing it all throughout history. Whether by Guns, Drugs, Prisons, Wars; You name it!! The main goal is very clear: Let "them" kill each other and themselves, on the battlefield, in the ghettos, etc. and let them ALL simply DIE OFF.

For those that Disagree:
By the way, ALL of the others, women, Blacks, et al, are MARGINAL, at BEST, in this grim little charade. Meg Whitman, for example, is rich, but she's still just an IDIOT. The women, the Blacks; They're all just Dupes. And actually I blame it ALL on the ENTIRE HUMAN SPECIES; The Human animal is simply put, to quote John Gray now, an "exceptionally rapacious Primate."

And I blame people of all stripes for sheer and stubborn stupidity. Rather than seeking actual facts, most humans willfully choose to believe ENDLESS LIES and stupid fairy tales. People, as a rule HATE FACTS. Of course, on a fundamentally impervious and horribly pervasive, Absolute Stupidity has morphed into a VIRTUE in America!! And it's a stupidity that is so base, so wide-reaching, that the destruction is total now. We've reached the point of NO Return.

But MAN has ALWAYS had the Ultimate control; Whether by writing dumb books (the Bible, the Koran) to scare people into submission, and to shut people's mouths and keep them ignorant and under MAN'S THUMB; Or by using BRUTE FORCE.
Indeed, take ONE look at every single culture in this godforsaken world; PATRIARCHAL, MACHISMO and YES, THOROUGHLY MISOGYNISTIC. PERIOD. Barbarians and Neanderthals. Brutal and sadistic. There are very few truly enlightened men, but I think you must be an ATHEIST to find them.

Christina Marlowe

State of Affairs:
Well, by now it seems that it truly does not matter at all who is installed in this U.S. government. Every Puppet-Administration, whether Democrat, Republican, are used as a mere distraction; An intentional diversion away from the ongoing and highly successful collaboration among thieves to continue their goals to commit Mass Fraud and to freely Plunder anything left of the already ravaged earth (extracting by theft ALL remaining natural resources). Any and Every tool, dupe, pimp, quisling installed in any Administration will do what ever they are told by the real Power Brokers: The Trillionaires, The Robber Barons, the Tycoons.

Each administration has followed, in lock-step, the ongoing and thorough DEREGULATION of every single industry, along with the ongoing Privatization of ALL previously public sectors. Mitt Romney, for instance, is just another clueless Figurehead; He, like Obama, will do exactly whatever he's told: More Deregulation and Privatization, and More Tax Cuts for the Uber-Wealthy. Yes, DEREGULATION is the same as giving an Idiot-Child a Machine Gun.

But alas, there may be HOPE yet!! Both Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin D. Roosevelt succeeded in breaking the stranglehold of Corporate Monopolies, first through Theodore's aggressive anti-monopoly and anti-trust legislation; And later by Franklin D. Roosevelt's responsive counter to the big banks' destruction, the Depression-era Glass-Steagal Act, among other critical Regulatory reforms. They were both aware and Altruistic and Decent enough to take these critical measures and more, all directly against the bitter opposition and the fervent protests by the Ruling tycoons of the day.

FDR also knew very well that, and I'll quote him now, "Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people."

Today, everything that so many people in this country have struggled long against and fought for HARD, sometimes even to their very own demise, Everything that has been fought for long and hard over many years, Voting Rights for Black men, Women's Suffrage, the Civil Rights movement, Worker's Rights, Unions; all of these "basic" and "fundamental" Rights, brutally and violently opposed by the Ruling Classes, were fought for to produce and ensure a robust middle class; and to create and maintain a rudimentary measure of a more Fair and Just system for all, Rich and Poor alike. Today, every organized effort, every life lost in pursuit of Fairness and Justice for all, has been thoroughly erased and intentionally destroyed. And WE the people, the hoodwinked, the lulled, the complacent, the lazy, have let it all happen. And now the Corporate takeover of the United States and of the entire world is complete.

But Fear NOT: Theodore Roosevelt was a wise and prescient man; He said the following inspiring words:

“Corporation cunning has developed faster than the law of nation or state. Corporations have found ways to steal long before we have found that they were susceptible to punishment for theft. But sooner or later, unless there is a season of readjustment, there will come a riotous, wicked, murderous day of atonement…. These fools on Wall Street think that they can go on forever! They can’t!”

So, with ALL of the stark and obvious warnings over the last four decades, having been totally IGNORED by most of the citizenry, THIS is the FINAL wake up call. They've DONE IT!! And we've indeed reached the point of no return; Unless and until an Enormous and Global Realization, a TRUE AWAKENING, occurs across this country, across this world, We are DOOMED.

Great fucking job, Brownie.
Mar 13, 2013 at 2:00 PM | Unregistered CommenterChristina Marlowe
Are you married, Ms Marlowe? I just fell in love with you.
Mar 13, 2013 at 2:22 PM | Unregistered CommenterPeter Wakefield Sault
Dear Peter,

I have only one hard-fast rule: Any one, and I do mean ANY ONE, that falls in love with the likes of ME, is automatically written into my will. And Yes, the answer is Yes, I'll marry you, but first you have to be a willing accomplice, a Quisling in my schemes...

Harlow Marlowe's Words of Wisdom
My Advice: Always Free, Always Unsolicited

As the ship goes down, don't focus on ANY of those ultimately useless issues. Rise above it all, always and forever. Let the fools rant and rave about stupid topics and enjoy your own rides, always far-above bickering innanely. Now, feel totally free to speak your truth whenever you feel like doing so; Any where, any time. Free speech? Let's See...

My one pressing question that no one will answer is this:

How much money do these people need? One million? Not enough? Okay...100 million?...500 million? I mean, really, how many mansions, yahts, and god knows what else, do these people need? I honestly don't understand. These CEO's and the bought-and-paid-for politicians, do act just like bratty, self-indulgent, childish 2-year-olds fighting other undeveloped, unevolved nitwit kids, over toys. Didn't their parents ever teach them to share? I consider myself wealthy, though I guess, by those wacked-out standards, I'm just another sod in the huddled masses. It's just that I know my time here on earth is fleeting and I can't take ANY of it with me; therefore I SHARE my good fortune with others!!! These uber wealthy people know nothing at all. To me, they are truly reptilian; Their small minds are unevolved, undeveloped, unenlightened. They are, quite simply, monkey-brained primates...and that, as you see, is indeed exactly how they act.

Furthermore, let's all get something straight, right here and right now: Idiotic arrogance, ignorant racism, unforgivable stupidity and base, inexplicable greed (Let's-throw-tons-of-money-at-the-poor-white-trash-and-see-what-happens) is simply not allowed anymore. In fact, just let them go about their brainless, despicable behavior and let them delude themselves in the face of all odds, all the while destroying everything in the world; I just don't care at all now. You see, I AM GOD.

Before your fleeting lives end, bask in the absurd. Share everything, every bit of your wealth before you die, share it with those whom you determine, yourself, deserve it. You know...the civilized and decent ones among the vast and deep oceans of absolutely worthless nothingness. Just like a mob of gigantic 2-year-old infants fighting amongst themselves for all that (Chinese) junk. Let them have it...ALL OF IT.


Christ...ina "Harlow" Marlowe
Mar 13, 2013 at 2:36 PM | Unregistered CommenterChristina Marlowe
What I find strangest of all is how I have to repeat the strange mantra every time I try to pay a utility bill. They won't let me just pay it. I've told them that everyone in the whole wide world has my permission to pay my bills for me but they just won't have it. Nor does it seem to matter that the information they demand is freely available to the whole world on the Internet: Date of birth, first line of address, postcode. I even tried telling them that refusing payment amounted to repudiation of the debt but I might as well talk to the proverbial brick wall.

You can find out all about me at odeion.org and although you will find no begging bowls there this is one starving artist who would like to finish a halfway-here symphony, not to mention half a dozen other projects. I am presently engaged in fulltime slavery writing computer programs to track bags of chips and bottles of Coke.

I love your spirit.

I'll still marry you. I'm
Mar 13, 2013 at 6:29 PM | Unregistered CommenterPeter Wakefield Sault
Dearest Peter:

Thank you.


My Thoughts On the American South (In Response to An Illiterate Dirtbag Cracker):

Christina Marlowe Stan Moorman • 4 months ago−
Okay, Stan. Here it is: The fact is that, through no fault of their own, some people have been born simply FUCKED from the START. And THEN they've been kicked to the curb over DECADES. And by people just...like...You.

America's [brutal] HISTORY is as important as any other variable in wealth and it's distribution; America is a country that was literally built on the backs, on the blood, sweat and tears of slaves, mostly of African decent, but Chinese and others as well. When you focus on that dynamic, SLAVERY, another picture clearly emerges: African-Americans, from forced slavery, to the Sharecropping system that took it's place, to the harsh and despicable Jim Crow laws, to wide voter suppression by terrorism, to the tenuous Civil Rights movement in the 1960's, and on and on. Black Americans, for one, are a group that has been systematically oppressed, continually repressed and physically and psychologically brutalized ever since they were FORCED to come to this country as SLAVES. Today, the sordid facts and the horrible legacy lives on. There was a recent article that stated that White Americans hold TWENTY (20) TIMES more wealth than Black Americans. Gee, Really? I am SHOCKED!!

To further my point, each year that I am able, I go to visit one of the most destitute regions in the United States, the ever-impoverished Mississippi Delta. There are hundreds of tiny towns strewn quite apart from each other, and in each of these tiny, dirt-poor towns, I find only fast food chain restaurants, local catfish, hushpuppies and BBQ shacks, perhaps a gas station here and there, a few general stores and several funeral parlors; no where have I seen a market filled with healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains.

Many people in the Mississippi Delta, many, if not most of them, black, have been and still are left completely ignored and poverty-stricken with little access to a proper education, healthy foods, [affordable] health care; many live in lean-to shacks with no hope for a better future. The people of this region of Mississippi, the POOREST STATE IN THE NATION, are largely ignored and there is always a severe lack of resources for them.

So Stan: How, exactly how would YOU get ahead with those kinds of conditions??? Generation after generation, there is NOTHING to do BUT play & sing the Blues. And they certainly have MASTERED THAT.

So, it is with that that I say, once more, the drastic lack of resources for black Americans and now for most people in all of America today, thanks largely to more than three decades of continual DEREGULATION of ALL INDUSTRIES, is so vastly widening and spreading...And the criminal conspiracy on Wall Street that brought this country to it's knees, along with the corrupt Kleptocratic U.S. government's draconian cuts to ALL of the most crucial and the most fundamental aspects to any "civilized" society, i.e. education, health care, food and shelter, have utterly shattered so many lives it's unspeakable.

Yes indeed! There are a lot of totally amoral and utterly unconscionable people; And I say to you directly, Stan:

Only YOU are accountable for your ACTIONS, and, conversely, your INACTIONS, here on earth. NEVER look away from [HUMAN] SUFFERING.

Further, I for one do NOT believe in FORGIVENESS. One MAY NOT commit one horrible, atrocious act after another, over and over again, or conversely, actively deny FACTS through their own Willful Ignorance... and expect to be FORGIVEN (in the end or at any other time).

So it is that this is the crux of the PROBLEM: This entire world has become so mean and so treacherous; there is no regard for other people, especially the poor, the needy, the downtrodden ones. Today, it's all about promoting one's own self-interest with myopic short-term (usually monetary) gains, all without taking into account a broader perspective on others, and just how our actions or inactions will affect those around us...And That, STAN, is SICK.

Whether in Ethiopia or in Mississippi, for that matter, what kind of world do you want to inhabit? I, for example, was BORN, through SHEER LUCK ALONE, into a family that had a bit extra; a child of PRIVILEGE; I did NOTHING to DESERVE ANY of it, thus I have no ghastly sense of entitlement. Plus, I wasn't born BLACK.

So, I see very clearly that these people, the ones who have brought and continue to bring SO MUCH to OUR CULTURE, were born into a HOPELESSLY RACIST EMPIRE, TOTALLY AGAINST THEIR WILL...If you put yourself in THAT position and REALLY THOUGHT HARD about it, maybe you people would see things in a far brighter light. But then again, maybe not.

We, as an entire species, WE need to reevaluate what is VALUABLE; and we MUST STOP RAPING PEOPLE!!!! And the Black people have been consistently RAPED; not just by America...think about it.

Oh, And, by the way, in case you've not noticed, It is Now that now We Are ALL, SCREWED TOGETHER; Black, White, Across the entire Spectrum, Together We are all Doomed and stuck in the Exact same system as some of your ancestors suffered through. How Lovely. Pay heed Y'All; Today, Right Now, We ARE the Sharecroppers, Slaves, Working Poor, Imprisoned, Repeatedly RAPED PEONS...to the HA! "Masters of the Universe...

One more thing:

I now know beyond any doubt whatsoever that, as Balzac wrote, "Behind every great fortune, there is CRIME."

These cretinous billionaire "people" should be tarred, feathered, paraded around in dunce caps and handcuffs, and then summarily and unceremoniously EXECUTED, preferably HANGED, in a public square. They are, each and every one of these CRIMINALS, the true dregs of society; They offer nothing at all of value; Rather they suck away at society and everyone that crosses their vile, reprehensible paths.

Conclusion: People cannot and SHALL NOT be trusted; Trusted especially to be good samaritans on good faith; It is pretty clear to me that we, as a nation, must FORCE them to follow and obey some basic rules of conscience. I do truly believe that the entire government, along with the institutionalized parasites whom cling to it's teat year after year, is fundamentally and systemically diseased; Only by raising it entirely and completely, starting from the level, will affect the systemic change that we so desperately need.

Fundamental Question:

Why is it that so many people cannot see basic facts and fundamental truths? And why can't the media state things as such? Indeed just one most obvious and glaring example is this: In eight short yet disastrous years, George W. Bush, along with his fellow clansmen, did in fact succeed in thoroughly decimating not just the United States' economy, but indeed the entire global economy. In FACT, every time the Republicans get their stranglehold on America, they do ruin everything while they blame the Democrats, the Liberals, the Progressives and all other groups that try belatedly and often in vain to fix their, the Republicans', dire messes from their own twisted, hypocritical, wrongheaded, and tried-and-failed policies and philosophies which have proven repeatedly, to utterly fail the general populace, i.e. the now-huddled-masses, as a direct result of pure, unfettered, unrestrained--unregulated--corporate and political greed and ghastly corruption therein; And these people STILL, despite all of these atrocious facts, they do still continue to proselytize deregulation and laissez faire economic policies. So, is it that these people are so stupid as to have utterly no insight whatsoever, no basic, fundamental knowledge of history (or anything else for that matter (to wit, neo-celebrity Sara Palin), or is it that these people are simply thieving, unthinking, pathological, lying cogs that do nothing other than spread outright lies, or, as the press likes to euphemize, "misinformation," as they simply clog up society as they literally ruin the world? Maybe a bit of both!! How charming!! The best part of all is that people just keep on voting for them, year after diabolical year. Do you know why? Obama once had it right: In the name of Guns, Religion and their mind-bendingly hypocritical definitions of "freedom" and "liberty." Oh, and don't forget the "god-given" "rights" to own high-powered assault weapons...

And Finally, Stan, If you don't want to listen to ME, then I'll simply spit and leave you with a Few Prescient Quotes:

"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."

- George Orwell

“When fascism comes to America, it will come in the form of democracy.”

~Huey Long

“The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism — ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or any controlling private power.”

~Franklin D. Roosevelt

"When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross."

~Sinclair Lewis

"The death-knell of the republic had rung as soon as the active power became lodged in the hands of those who sought, not to do justice to all citizens, rich and poor alike, but to stand for one special class and for its interests as opposed to the interests of others."

~ Theodore Roosevelt

"I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. . . . corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed."

~ Abraham Lincoln, Nov. 21, 1864

'I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered..'"

~ Thomas Jefferson, 1802

"There are plenty of ugly things about wealth and its possessors in the present age, and I suppose there have been in all ages. There are many rich people who so utterly lack patriotism, or show such sordid and selfish traits of character, or lead such mean and vacuous lives, that all right-minded men must look upon them with angry contempt...

~Theodore Roosevelt

"[The Chicago School of Economics is] a great center of contemporary scholasticism. The economists working there and produced by it are as important to the stagnation of useful thought as the Schoolmen of the University of Paris were at the height of the Middle Ages... Like that of the Paris scholastics, their mastery of highly complex rhetorical details obscures a great void at the centre of their argument... A large number of America's economic problems could be solved by shutting down the Chicago School of Economics... The purpose of closure would be simply to disentangle a tendentious ideology from its unassailable position within contemporary power structures. The same sort of liberating shock treatment was applied to European civilization in 1723 when the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) was disbanded. The effect was to set free the ideas of the Enlightenment."

--John Ralston Saul, 1994

"The problem is, of course, that not only is economics bankrupt but it has always been nothing more than politics in disguise... economics is a form of brain damage."
~ Hazel Henderson

The destruction of the natural world is not the result of global capitalism, industrialisation, 'Western civilisation' or any flaw in human institutions. It is a consequence of the evolutionary success of an exceptionally rapacious primate. Throughout all of history and prehistory, human advance has coincided with ecological devastation.
~ John Gray, Straw Dogs

"Democracy cannot survive overpopulation. Human dignity cannot survive it. Convenience and decency cannot survive it. As you put more and more people onto the world, the value of life not only declines, it disappears. It doesn't matter if someone dies. The more people there are, the less one individual matters."
~ Isaac Asimov

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not so sure about the former."
~ Albert Einstein

"How we dare even prate about democracy is beyond me. Our form of democracy is bribery, on the highest scale. It's far worse than anything that occurred in the Roman empire, until the praetorian guard started to sell the principate. We're not a democracy, and we have absolutely nothing to give the world in the way of political ideas or political arrangements. God knows, the mention of justice is like a clove of garlic to Count Dracula."
~ Gore Vidal

"The kind of growth Western culture has experienced over the past three hundred years would be considered a sign of gross malfunction in any other context. Healthy growth is paced differently - it does not absorb or destroy everything living around it. It is cancerous cells that grow and reproduce rapidly in total disregard of their connection with surrounding cells. From this viewpoint technology would have to be regarded as a cancer on human culture, Western culture as a cancer on the human species, and the human species as a cancer on terrestrial life - a cancer that may in the end be treated by radiation and radical surgery at the same time."
~ Philip Slater, Earthwalk, 1974

"To most of us nothing is so invisible as an unpleasant truth. Though it is held before our eyes, pushed under our noses, rammed down our throats - we know it not."
~ Eric Hoffer

“When all the trees have been cut down, when all the animals have been hunted, when all the waters are polluted, when all the air is unsafe to breathe, only then will you discover you cannot eat money.”
~ Cree prophecy

"...a society driven mainly by selfish individualism has all the potential for sustainability of a collection of angry scorpions in a bottle."
~ David Ehrenfeld

Not only will men of science have to grapple with the sciences that deal with man, but -- and this is a far more difficult matter -- they will have to persuade the world to listen to what they have discovered. If they cannot succeed in this difficult enterprise, man will destroy himself by his halfway cleverness.
~ Bertrand Russell, 1951

“If we don’t halt population growth with justice and compassion, it will be done for us by nature, brutally and without pity — and we will leave a ravaged world.”
~ Dr. Henry W. Kendall, Nobel Laureate

"Anyone who thinks that an economy can be expanded forever, within the confines of a finite planet, is either a madman or an economist"
~ Kenneth Boulding.

"The economy is a wholly owned subsidiary of the environment, not the other way around."
~ Gaylord Nelson, 1916 - 2005

There are in nature neither rewards nor punishments - there are only consequences.
~ Robert G. Ingersoll

and my favorite, for YOU:

"Goddamn you all, I told you so."

~ Herbert George Wells

State of Affairs:
Well, by now it seems that it truly does not matter at all who is installed in this U.S. government. Every Puppet-Administration, whether Democrat, Republican, are used as a mere distraction; An intentional diversion away from the ongoing and highly successful collaboration among thieves to continue their goals to commit Mass Fraud and to freely Plunder anything left of the already ravaged earth (extracting by theft ALL remaining natural resources). Any and Every tool, dupe, pimp, quisling installed in any Administration will do what ever they are told by the real Power Brokers: The Trillionaires, The Robber Barons, the Tycoons.

Each administration has followed, in lock-step, the ongoing and thorough DEREGULATION of every single industry, along with the ongoing Privatization of ALL previously public sectors. Mitt Romney, for instance, is just another clueless Figurehead; He, like Obama, will do exactly whatever he's told: More Deregulation and Privatization, and More Tax Cuts for the Uber-Wealthy. Yes, DEREGULATION is the same as giving an Idiot-Child a Machine Gun.

But alas, there may be HOPE yet!! Both Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin D. Roosevelt succeeded in breaking the stranglehold of Corporate Monopolies, first through Theodore's aggressive anti-monopoly and anti-trust legislation; And later by Franklin D. Roosevelt's responsive counter to the big banks' destruction, the Depression-era Glass-Steagal Act, among other critical Regulatory reforms. They were both aware and Altruistic and Decent enough to take these critical measures and more, all directly against the bitter opposition and the fervent protests by the Ruling tycoons of the day.

FDR also knew very well that, and I'll quote him now, "Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people."

Today, everything that so many people in this country have struggled long against and fought for HARD, sometimes even to their very own demise, Everything that has been fought for long and hard over many years, Voting Rights for Black men, Women's Suffrage, the Civil Rights movement, Worker's Rights, Unions; all of these "basic" and "fundamental" Rights, brutally and violently opposed by the Ruling Classes, were fought for to produce and ensure a robust middle class; and to create and maintain a rudimentary measure of a more Fair and Just system for all, Rich and Poor alike. Today, every organized effort, every life lost in pursuit of Fairness and Justice for all, has been thoroughly erased and intentionally destroyed. And WE the people, the hoodwinked, the lulled, the complacent, the lazy, have let it all happen. And now the Corporate takeover of the United States and of the entire world is complete.

But Fear NOT: Theodore Roosevelt was a wise and prescient man; He said the following inspiring words:

“Corporation cunning has developed faster than the law of nation or state. Corporations have found ways to steal long before we have found that they were susceptible to punishment for theft. But sooner or later, unless there is a season of readjustment, there will come a riotous, wicked, murderous day of atonement…. These fools on Wall Street think that they can go on forever! They can’t!”

So, with ALL of the stark and obvious warnings over the last four decades, having been totally IGNORED by most of the citizenry, THIS is the FINAL wake up call. They've DONE IT!! And we've indeed reached the point of no return; Unless and until an Enormous and Global Realization, a TRUE AWAKENING, occurs across this country, across this world, We are DOOMED.


Subject: My Thoughts Today On the American SOUTH (In The Economist)...

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christina Marlowe1 min ago
America's [brutal] HISTORY is as important as any other variable in wealth and it's distribution; America is a country that was literally built on the backs, on the blood, sweat and tears of slaves, mostly of African decent, but Chinese and others as well. When you focus on that dynamic, SLAVERY, another picture clearly emerges: African-Americans, from forced slavery, to the Sharecropping system that took it's place, to the harsh and despicable Jim Crow laws, to wide voter suppression by terrorism, to the tenuous Civil Rights movement in the 1960's, and on and on. Black Americans, for one, are a group that has been systematically oppressed, continually repressed and physically and psychologically brutalized ever since they were FORCED to come to this country as SLAVES. Today, the sordid facts and the horrible legacy lives on. There was a recent article that stated that White Americans hold TWENTY (20) TIMES more wealth than Black Americans. Gee, Really? I am SHOCKED!!

To further my point, each year that I am able, I go to visit one of the most destitute regions in the United States, the ever-impoverished Mississippi Delta. There are hundreds of tiny towns strewn quite apart from each other, and in each of these tiny, dirt-poor towns, I find only fast food chain restaurants, local catfish, hushpuppies and BBQ shacks, perhaps a gas station here and there, a few general stores and several funeral parlors; no where have I seen a market filled with healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains.

Many people in the Mississippi Delta, many, if not most of them, black, have been and still are left completely ignored and poverty-stricken with little access to a proper education, healthy foods, [affordable] health care; many live in lean-to shacks with no hope for a better future. The people of this region of Mississippi, the second poorest state in the union (Louisiana is the poorest), are largely ignored and there is always a severe lack of resources for them. How, exactly do you get ahead with those kinds of conditions??? Generation after generation, there is NOTHING to do BUT play & sing the Blues. And they certainly have MASTERED THAT.

The people of this region of Mississippi, the second poorest state in the union (Louisiana is the poorest), are largely ignored and there is always a severe lack of resources for them. How, exactly do you get ahead with those kinds of conditions???

So, it is with that that I say, once more, the drastic lack of resources for black Americans and now for most people in all of America today, thanks largely to three decades of continual DEREGULATION of ALL INDUSTRIES, is so vastly widening and spreading...And the criminal conspiracy on Wall Street that brought this country to it's knees, along with the corrupt Kleptocratic U.S. government's draconian cuts to ALL of the most crucial and the most fundamental aspects to any "civilized" society, i.e. education, health care, food and shelter, have utterly shattered so many lives it's unspeakable. There are a lot of totally amoral and utterly unconscionable people; I say to you all:Only YOU are accountable for your ACTIONS, and, conversely, your INACTIONS, here on earth. NEVER look away from [HUMAN] SUFFERING. I do NOT believe in FORGIVENESS. One MAY NOT commit one horrible, atrocious act after another, over and over again, or conversely, actively deny FACTS through their own Willful Ignorance... and expect to be FORGIVEN (in the end or at any other time).

That's where this entire world has become so mean and so treacherous; there is no regard for other people, especially the poor, the needy, the downtrodden ones. Today, it's all about promoting one's own self-interest with myopic short-term (usually monetary) gains, all without taking into account a broader perspective on others, and just how our actions or inactions will affect those around us...That is SICK. My point is that these people, whether in Ethiopia or in Mississippi, for that matter, have NO ACCESS WHATSOEVER, to what I, for example, have had in MY life, for example; I was BORN, through SHEER LUCK ALONE, into a family that had a bit extra; a child of PRIVILEGE; I did NOTHING to DESERVE ANY of it, thus I have no ghastly sense of entitlement.

I see very clearly that these people, the ones who have brought and continue to bring SO MUCH to OUR CULTURE, were born into a HOPELESSLY RACIST EMPIRE, TOTALLY AGAINST THEIR WILL...If you put yourself in THAT position and REALLY THOUGHT HARD about it, maybe you people would see things in a far brighter light...We need to reevaluate what is VALUABLE; and we MUST STOP RAPING PEOPLE!!!! And the Black people have been consistently RAPED; not just by America...think about it.


Christina Marlowe

And, by the way, in case you've not noticed, It is Now that now We Are ALL, SCREWED TOGETHER; Black, White, Across the entire Spectrum, Together We are all Doomed and stuck in the Exact same system as some of your ancestors suffered through. How Lovely. Pay heed Y'All; Today, Right Now, We ARE the Sharecroppers, Slaves, Working Poor, Imprisoned, Repeatedly RAPED PEONS...to the HA! "Masters of the Universe, (They All have enormous Short-Willy Complexes, you see), I say to each and every one of these stupid-to-the-core, power-mongering, narcissistic, sociopathic, delusional and Rapacious BUFFOONS/APES:

You Can ALL Kiss My ASS and go Burn in Hell for Eternity.

One more thing:

I now know beyond any doubt whatsoever that, as Balzac wrote, "Behind every great fortune, there is CRIME."

These cretinous billionaire "people" should be tarred, feathered, paraded around in dunce caps and handcuffs, and then summarily and unceremoniously EXECUTED, preferably HANGED, in a public square. They are, each and every one of these CRIMINALS, the true dregs of society; They offer nothing at all of value; Rather they suck away at society and everyone that crosses their vile, reprehensible paths.

As for Obama, I say to him: Listen up, MAN...If you don't hold the criminals accountable for their CRIMES, your precious "Legacy" will be pilloried by the FACT that YOU, SIR, are a LYING DEMON, cut from the very same cloth as your buddies in the Banks and on Wall Street that bankroll you.

Furthermore, you are, without any doubt, to quote Cornell West now,
“A black mascot of Wall Street oligarchs and a black puppet of corporate plutocrats."

To further quote West on Obama, "And now he has become head of the American killing machine and is proud of it.”

What a Disgraceful TRAVESTY.

Christina Marlowe


Dear President Obama,
Thursday, January 14th, 2010

I hate to say this because it sounds almost as inhuman, idiotic and backward as an idiot Republican; I just need to tell you that, while the poor and suffering people of Haiti are certainly worthy of our aid, I must hasten to add that, here in the United States, people are sinking like ships with utterly NO END IN SIGHT. People that I myself know are just a few months away from being quite literally HOMELESS; I mean, NO where to go, NOTHING to do; no food, no shelter, no work. On and on and on.

Therefore, I do hope that you can at least read between the lines, because this country of ours is becoming desperately and dangerously close to becoming Totally and unmanageably out of control!! It does not take a genius to figure out that OPPRESSION can last only so long before there are epic societal uprisings. Among the so-called developed countries, the United States ranks as among the WORST in terms of quality of life, longevity, education, health care, etc. etc. etc.

I fervently support you, just as I support some of the other well-intentioned Democrats, but the state of affairs in the United States has become a veritable NATIONAL CRISIS!!! We, American citizens, have been and still are being repeatedly, forcibly and unabashedly RAPED by the CEO's, CFO's et al of each and every one of these monstrously monolithic corporations!!!!! It's just a matter of time before the situation turns to violence--not by myself, mind you, but, if there was to develop a large march on Washington against these blatantly lying whoring and ruthlessly deceptive politicians--most notably those greedy, stingy REPUBLICANS and their hopelessly deranged and unfathomably STUPID constituents, I would hock anything necessary to fly right out to Washington and protest (PEACEFULLY) right along with everyone else. These moronic right-wing nutcases are absolutely SHAMELESS. These Republicans are either 1.) already wealthy and want to get more and keep as much as possible without the slightest regard for others, or 2.) Irretrievably and unforgivably stupid, quoting you now, sir, "...and grasping onto their religion and their guns."

Witness the stupid slut Palin and all these other brainless thugs and morons who glom on, apparently not even seeing the glaring and vast disparity between the RICH and the POOR!!! Or should I say the glaring and vast disparity between the OBSCENELY, DISGUSTINGLY, PIGGISHLY RICH and the millions upon millions (ever-increasing in numbers) countless throngs of US CITIZENS teeming in the streets, clawing and scratching every miserable step of the way YET STILL DO NOT EVEN MAKE ENDS MEET!!!!!! I FOR ONE WILL NEVER IN MY LIFE FORGIVE THE GODDAMNED REPUBLICANS FOR BEING THE SHORTSIGHTED, DELUSIONAL, GRANDIOSE, HOLIER-THAN-THOU, SELF-RIGHTEOUS, SANCTIMONIOUS, GREEDY, STINGY AND OH-SO-UNBELIEVABLY STUPID MORONS THAT THEY TRULY ARE; FURTHER, I WILL NEVER FORGIVE ANY OF THEM FOR BRINGING OUR BELOVED COUNTRY AND THE ENTIRE WORLD TO UTTER RUINATION AND NEAR TOTAL COLLAPSE!!!

I sincerely ask you to DO SOMETHING BOLD AND BRAVE; not just for Haiti, but for the UNITED STATES of America!! I implore you to start something similar to the Public Works Projects, and you needs must RE-REGULATE, RE-REGULATE, RE-REGULATE EVERY GODDAMNED INDUSTRY!!! This is a disaster and it all started with that greedy, no-good old bastard RONALD REAGAN; and on it went, all the way down the line, continuously dismantling all of the OBVIOUSLY NECESSARY anti-trust and anti-monopoly bills and legislation that Theodore Roosevelt, in his WISDOM and PRESCIENCE, put into effect. NOW CHANGE IT BACK!!!!! WE NEED SWIFT, DETERMINED AND, BY THE WAY, IRREVOCABLE ACTION RIGHT HERE AT HOME!!!!!!!

Sincerely and more than a bit irritated,

Christina Marlowe
U.S. Citizen

Oh well...

Yet, Take ACTION when the time is right and in your own ways.

Personally, I fervently believe in a very strong, reactionary Full-Scale Revolution to forcibly 1. Remove these billionaire tycoons from their [ill-gotten] mansions and filthy yachts and the pathological Liars and Insanely Megalomaniacal, Bottom-Feeding Cretins from "our" government offices; 2. Seize every single asset and freeze every single bank account, whether in U.S. or the Caymans or Switzerland, or where ever it is that these bastards keep their filthy Lucre; 3. Immediately Indict these CRIMINALS, Prosecute EACH ONE OF THEM Vigorously, then PENALIZE THEM Stiffly WITH SERIOUS PRISON TERMS and Give All ASSETS BACK TO Original owners, Donate them, give them to PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY WORK FOR A LIVING.

As Always,


Christina Marlowe

From: Christina Marlowe <HarlowMarlowe@gmail.com>
Date: April 3, 2011 1:50:47 PM PDT
Subject: The Decimation of America: Why the top 1-2% have all the Wealth ROUGH DRAFT

All lessons from history, such as the repeated rise and the repeated fall of mighty empires, have been tossed aside as if the truth is just not important. The likes of these types of people, you know...weak-in-the-head, unenlightened, infantile, self-involved, self-absorbed, and curiously self-important, destructive-like-a-two-year-old, totally unconscious and so utterly unconscionable; to the point of being out of touch with any semblance of reality. In my book, that is a form of psychosis. When one truly cannot tell one's own world from anothers' worlds or from the "real" world; And, further, these "types" don't know that they are really outright delusional. Yes, this is indeed the very definition of insanity.

Three decades ago, when Ronald Reagan (the old bastard) started up with massive and total deregulation of virtually every single industry in America and every administration on down the line, Republican and Democrat, has followed in lock-step, dismantling every last anti-monopoly and anti-trust bill that Theodore Roosevelt had put into place to prevent the perfectly foreseeable utterly catastrophic and wildly flagrant corporate abuses that we have been witnessing ever since. And it was also Reagan (that old bastard) that began an everlasting and unbreakable bond with the crazed, self-righteous, sanctimonious, hypocritical busybodies, i.e. the religious zealots. He courted them lock stock and barrel. NOW LOOK!!

It's notable that it is the Republicans who call themselves the "patriots," (Oscar Wilde said "Patriotism is a Virtue of the Vicious"); And it's also the Republicans that start the majority of (for-profit and thoroughly venal) WARS. Republicans also like to claim that they are so-called fiscal conservatives; that they want to shrink the enormous debt that their own failed policies have directly created, as with the disastrous and ever-enduring eight-year reign of that moron George Bush, the devil incarnate Dick Cheney, and all the other ruinous cretins. It is also decidedly the Republicans that state that they want to "balance the budget;" and they do this by extending enormous tax cuts to the overgrown ultra-powerful, thuggish, ruinous monolithic corporations that, REPUBLICANS HAVE CREATED; the same corporations that continue to ship every last American job overseas for unfettered access to cheap labor, slave labor, child labor, for the lax environmental regulations of other countries, etc. etc..

Today, it's the Republicans, and the Democrats are just as filthy in this, it's the government HACKS, let's say, that then reward these same corporations, along with their uber-wealthy lobbyists/special interest groups, the by writing all the tax loopholes so that NONE of them pay a DIME in taxes, all whilst destroying not only America, but the world; these policies, these measures, these corporate quislings in our government that continue on the same warped path that has now effectively and utterly destroyed the middle class and, in the process, has created a huge population of destitute and debt-burdened working-poor (See SHARECROPPER), all of whom work longer and longer hours for less and less pay and fewer or, more often than not, no benefits whatsoever.

to be cont...


Christina Marlowe

Stupidity has become a clear and proven genetic mutation. It is serious, profound, and abhorrently irreversible; a genuine pandemic, a plague. It's done...over. There is really nothing more that I can think of to change this Fact. So let's together weigh the options: But then again, let's not waste anymore time. Maybe I'll just decide to throw in the towel once and for all. I was raised in the good old 60's and seventies, back when there seemed to be some semblance of hope for all. It (Hope, that is) has been irretrievably and irreparably squandered in the name of horrific selfish greed, truly Amoral Idiocy, totally unquestioning, and really quite bewildering and gigantic sense of entitlement...and, if that's not bad enough, a complete, short-sighted and stupefying oblivion.

Maybe I will just give up talking to anyone at all. I think that now I can really see just how it is that a monk can become a monk; So maybe now I'll just strap on some leather sandals and go alone to some mountain-top to chant mantras till doomsday, which is drawing ever nearer because of pure and bewilderingly arrogant blindness.

In the end, maybe I'll simply choose to respond to these backward apes with wry and polemic humor along with a forced hilarity so lunatic that they'll all just stay away from me and leave me alone. Nothing, and I do mean NOTHING, ever works to either restore or to erase the amount of ungodly damage done to the utterly godforsaken and, to wit, witless human brain. As a stab at the vestiges of any humor left in my own drained, bedraggled and really-quite-numb-from-shock brain and my thoroughly mortified soul, I will leave you all with a favorite quote by Frank Zappa, that, of course, proves my own conclusion [which is] [that] Blinding Stupidity Reigns Supreme; Over and Over, Again and Again; Here's that Quote:

Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe.

~ Frank Zappa

Einstein had a similar quote...

On Subversives and the Slow Decent of a Whole (Blithering and Totally Ignorant, Idiot-Underclass Holding the Reins) Civilization...

November 21st, 2010

Dear Friends,

I know that I am seen, whether largely or minutely, for that matter, as a subversive. I am indeed a subversive. This whole unconscious and wholly unconscionable system, also known as capitalism, is in the greatest peril that I have ever witnessed in my life's time and even in modern history; Like in an Upton Sinclair piece; it--capitalism, that is, is just self-destructing before my very eyes; this whole place, this whole godforsaken place, also known as the United States of America (which has been ultimately over-reaching it's filthy, greedy, witless and shortsighted tentacles all over the rest of a very unfortunate and poisoned world), this country of ours is doing a literal nosedive, going down in flames, and people are running around like fucking chickens with their heads cut off. I do indeed feel as though I am a character living in a Kafka or George Orwell book. I'll just mind my own business, that's all. After all, I have no regard, utterly none at all, for brainless, gutless and blithering, blind stupidity--as that is just what I personally witness in each of my waking moments on earth ever-increasingly). I suppose that life itself is a bit like a pinball game: exhilaratingly dull right up to the non-climatic end...or, if you prefer, right up to the nadir. The lowest point that the human race has ever dug itself into a stupid and twisted, self-created mess that now we're all in...together; like in hell, (you know, Sartre's conclusion in his book, Huis Clos, which, incidentally, means "No Exit;" and his ultimate conclusion was that "Hell" is really other people...All I see nowadays is cheaply-made Chinese Junk; Rotting piles of it.

How can I possibly express how much contempt I have for all these undeveloped, stupid-like-a-two-year-old, idiotic-to-the-point-of-sheer-lunatic, abjectly unconscious and unconscionable morons that are cluttering up the atmosphere...My atmosphere. In fact, I do conclude, on my very own observations, that people, not just here in good ole America, but all humans on this earth, nowadays, are just like vivid and determined nightmares that never really disappear for good. The Republican party's whole agenda is based on pure, unbridled and blatant racism and bigotry along with this shockingly myopic greed; the black, the hispanic, the gay "Republicans" are all nothing but soiled and filthy instruments, tools, patsies, that have sold their very own souls to the Devil, for that stupid, vile and ignorant political party.

The Democrats, on the other hand, are just worse than useless.

As always,


Christ Marlowe


I do find it difficult to separate ghastly religion from ghastly politics. The fact of the matter is that it is decidedly and inarguably and insufferably the religious Right, i.e. the REPUBLICANS, that spew that toxic nonsense, Religion. On the other hand, the Democrats just tiptoe around religion, never wanting to offend potential voters. It seems that one is either a stark-raving hypocrite or a thorough and unforgivable coward, whimpering away pathetically with its tail between its legs. I choose to be none of the above; I disagree with religion in politics in its entirety; whether it's on the demonic, utterly stingy, greedy, self-serving, contemptible, R-wing conservative side, or on the lily-livered, weak and incredibly ineffectual L-wing side, each coming full circle into each other, one as bad as the other.

To the Democrats: I hate weakness of character and wishy-washy attempts to appease everyone, even SATAN. Stand up on the side of RIGHT, as certain others who lived before us: Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Muhammad Ali, etc.

But then, you see, every time this godforsaken world gets someone that is actually decent and someone who is a strong leader, one of the gun-toting, R-wing NUTBAGS puts a bullet in their heads!! That is a REPUBLICAN TRAIT. So, in the end, I'd rather cast my lot with NICE people who want to HELP the needy, not leave them suffering...


All lessons from history, such as the repeated rise and the repeated fall of mighty empires, have been tossed aside as if the truth is just not important. The likes of these types of people, you know...weak-in-the-head, unenlightened, infantile, destructive-like-a-two-year-old, totally unconscious and so utterly self-absorbed and unconscionable; to the point of being out of touch with any semblance of reality. In my book, that is a form of psychosis. When one truly cannot tell one's own world from anothers' worlds or from the "real" world; And, further, these "types" don't know that they are really outright delusional. Yes, this is indeed the very definition of insanity.

Three decades ago, when Ronald Reagan (the old bastard) started up with massive and total deregulation of virtually every single industry in America and every administration on down the line, Republican and Democrat, has followed in lock-step, dismantling every last anti-monopoly and anti-trust bill that Theodore Roosevelt had put into place to prevent the perfectly foreseeable utterly catastrophic and wildly flagrant corporate abuses that we have been witnessing ever since. And it was also Reagan (that old bastard) that began an everlasting and unbreakable bond with the crazed, self-righteous, sanctimonious, hypocritical busybodies, i.e. the religious zealots. He courted them lock stock and barrel. NOW LOOK!!

It's notable that it is the Republicans who call themselves the "patriots." And it's also the Republicans that start the majority of
(for-profit) WARS. Republicans also like to claim that they are so-called fiscal conservatives; that they want to shrink the enormous debt that their own failed policies have directly created, as with the disastrous and ever-enduring eight-year reign of that moron George Bush, the devil incarnate Dick Cheney, and all the other ruinous cretins. It is also decidedly the Republicans that state that they want to "balance the budget;" and they do this by extending enormous tax cuts to the overgrown ultra-powerful, thuggish, ruinous corporations that, REPUBLICANS HAVE CREATED; the same corporations that continue to ship every last American job overseas for unfettered access to cheap labor, slave labor, child labor, for the lax environmental regulations of other countries, etc. etc..

Today, it's the Republicans, and the Democrats are just as filthy in this, it's the government HACKS, let's say, that then reward these same corporations, along with their uber-wealthy lobbyists/special interest groups, the by writing all the tax loopholes so that NONE of them pay a DIME in taxes, all whilst destroying not only America, but the world; these policies, these measures, these corporate whores in our government that continue on the same warped path that has now effectively and utterly destroyed the middle class and, in the process, has created a huge population of destitute working-poor, all of whom work longer and longer hours for less and less pay and fewer or, more often than not, no benefits whatsoever.

to be cont...


Christina Marlowe

I do find it difficult to separate ghastly religion from ghastly politics. The fact of the matter is that it is decidedly and inarguably and insufferably the religious Right, i.e. the REPUBLICANS, that spew that toxic nonsense, Religion. On the other hand, the Democrats just tiptoe around religion, never wanting to offend potential voters. It seems that one is either a stark-raving hypocrite or a thorough and unforgivable coward, whimpering away pathetically with its tail between its legs. I choose to be none of the above; I disagree with religion in politics in its entirety; whether it's on the demonic, utterly stingy, greedy, self-serving, contemptible, R-wing conservative side, or on the lily-livered, weak and incredibly ineffectual L-wing side, each coming full circle into each other, one as bad as the other.

To the Democrats: I hate weakness of character and wishy-washy attempts to appease everyone, even SATAN. Stand up on the side of RIGHT, as certain others who lived before us: Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Muhammad Ali, etc.

But then, you see, every time this godforsaken world gets someone that is actually decent and someone who is a strong leader, one of the gun-toting, R-wing NUTBAGS puts a bullet in their heads!! That is decidedly a REPUBLICAN TRAIT. So, in the end, I'd rather cast my lot with NICE people who want to HELP the needy, not leave them suffering...


Christ...ina Marlowe

Date: June 10, 2012 6:25:46 PM PDT
Subject: Drunk on Power & Privilege...

I rely on what I see for myself in this world, along with actual facts and evidence to support my beliefs, my opinions, my conclusions or ponderations; what I see in a larger picture is that people are just out of control. Most politicians are so drunk on power and privilege, they do not even know anything about ANY subject anymore; They only care about their own self interests and their own personal agendas and frankly I am sick and tired of these stingy and rapacious and hoarding SOCIOPATHS trying to legislate their delusional beliefs and insane opinions on others--especially on me. I don't agree with 99% of them and I wish they would quit being the dangerous and worse-than-useless busybodies (quid nuncs) that they are in reality. Their deranged "values" damages an absolute cornerstone of the foundation of this country: freedom of and, MOST important, freedom FROM religion, for one thing. I consider that to be a serious crime and I probably will never shut up because I really don't want to shut up--and let's make it even more clear: I will do and say whatever I think; that's my right. And I will vehemently disagree with any one that I think is trying to literally usurp, not just my own, but others' freedoms. So, that's a cause that I like to take on. As for the citizens who keep on voting for these stupid-to-the-core, self-aggrandizing, whoring and truly unconscionably out of touch politicians, I must say, I have little to no respect or even regard for those people. They are, in my estimation, very much part of the problem and I either ignore them completely or I bait and berate them. I mean, occasionally, I will argue with idiots but after a relatively short time, it's really very uninteresting. Blatant stupidity, base greed and overall stinginess are traits that I really find despicable, unconscionable and intolerable. So, therefore, I don't spend much time with the people who have those kinds of character disorders.

Cheers With Much Love,

Mar 14, 2013 at 12:51 AM | Unregistered CommenterChristina Marlowe

Racism is abhorrent and so is hypocrisy, from both sides of the aisle.


HUSHED BUT NOT FORGOTTEN: The Democrat Party's Long And Shameful History Of Bigotry And Racism


A must read.
Mar 14, 2013 at 12:57 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
BUSTED: Liberals Admit Racism Charges Against Tea Parties A Tactic, Not A Truth


Also a must read. Pretty disgusting honestly.
Mar 14, 2013 at 12:59 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
92% of Republicans supported the Civil Rights Act, vs. just 62% of Democrats

Mar 14, 2013 at 1:01 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Sheila Jackson Lee Plays Race Card: Congress Is Challenging Obama On Debt Ceiling Because He Is Black


Sheila Jackson Lee on Friday said that members of Congress are making it difficult for President Obama to raise the debt ceiling because of his race. She apparently forgot that Obama voted against Bush's attempt to raise the debt ceiling in 2006.
Mar 14, 2013 at 1:03 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
The Knockout Game: Racial Violence and the Conspicuous Silence of the Media


Very interesting read.
Mar 14, 2013 at 1:05 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Mar 14, 2013 at 1:06 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
What Does Klansman Robert Byrd Have To Do To Win The Approval Of The NAACP?

Mar 14, 2013 at 1:07 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Liberal Reporters Vs. Conservative Black Leaders At Press Conference


False racism charges.
Mar 14, 2013 at 1:08 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail

I just wanted to make clear I'm not attacking you in any way. I agree with your views on race. I was using these links to point out that both parties are the same on race. Both are liars and hypocrites, and the false Left-Right paradigm of politics doesn't serve anyone well. Racism is a trait of ignorance and both parties are guilty in abundance.
Mar 14, 2013 at 1:11 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
No, Dear. This IS PRECISELY what is called "FREE SPEECH." Further, It is EXACTLY how I, Myself--A nothing and a no one in a vast sea of NOTHINGNESS--TIt is exactly how I happen to see it all. Yes, That is IT. Oh, And by the way, if you delete my writings in order to DENY me my humble opinions, then it's called FASCISM!

Mar 14, 2013 at 1:21 AM | Unregistered CommenterChristina Marlowe
Daily Bail & Other Victims of the Long-winded Tirade:

Good God, I say to myself..."What a m__F___ing Windbag I am!!" Looking back at it all, I'm as shocked and mortified as anyone else in their, um, "right" minds...Please...Just Overlook it...Write me off as a Lunatic.

It's ALL about LOVE.
Mar 14, 2013 at 1:31 AM | Unregistered CommenterChristina Marlowe
Please forget about trying to "save" the Masonic Entity. The only thing you can do with a zombie nation is blow its head off and you ain't got the nukes. It's a shame those "19 Arabs with boxcutters" (wink, wink) didn't put a nuke on "Flight 77" (wink, wink) since they found it so very easy to hijack a jet (wink, wink) and fly it into Washington DC with the full permission of VP Richard Cheney.
Mar 14, 2013 at 6:13 AM | Unregistered CommenterPeter Wakefield Sault

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