Congressman: 'WE NEED MORE CAMERAS'...
Big Brother's onslaught on our civil liberties officially begins.
'We need more cameras to stay ahead of the terrorists.'
Big Brother Is Calling - Transcript
ANDREA MITCHELL, MSNBC: Congressman, briefly, do you think that this will lead to more cameras? I know it's controversial, there are privacy issues. Boston does have a lot of cameras. European cities, led by London, have the most. Are Americans going to have to get used to more surveillance on a daily basis?
REP. PETER KING (R-NY): I think we do because I think privacy involves being in a private location. Being out in the street is not an expectation of privacy. Anyone can look at you, can see you, can watch what you're doing. A camera just makes it more sophisticated, but it's no different from your neighbor looking out the window at you or a police officer looking at you walking down the street.
I do think we need more cameras. We have to stay ahead of the terrorists and I do know in New York, the Manhattan Security Initiative, which is based on cameras, the outstanding work that results from that. So yes, I do favor more cameras. They're a great law enforcement device. And again, it keeps us ahead of the terrorists, who are constantly trying to kill us.
REP. PETER KING (R-NY): I hope also that members of Congress, both parties, including my own, will realize that the war against terror is not over. And it's foolhardy to be making cuts in Homeland Security, especially to cities, whose police departments need this to train and to be ready to take on terrorism.
Andrea Mitchell Reports, April 16, 2013
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Reader Comments (15)
Daily dose of congressional comedy.
Last but not least the Courts must be watched at home, in the courts and the bathrooms. Basically everywhere they are the most corrupt of all.
Then stick one in the first lady too.