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Charlie Rose Interviews Nouriel Roubini

Video:  Dr. Nouriel Roubini & Charlie Rose -- May 11, 2010

This is a focused Roubini. He compares his life to that of George Clooney's character from Up In The Air.  Life in hotels and airports.

UPDATE:  Have also added 2 short clips of Roubini with Henry Blodget from May 10.

No embedding allowed by PBS anymore.  Transcript is at the following link.


Click to Watch on PBS  >>



Video:  Roubini with Blodget & Task -- May 10, 2010

Text and quotes are here:

Senate Votes to Audit the Fed: Roubini "Wary" of Fed Losing Its Independence


Video:  Roubini with Blodget -- May 10, 2010

Text and quotes are here:

"Markets Are Happy" But Even $1T Won't Solve Europe's Woes, Nouriel Roubini Says





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