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Video:  BP well is capped -- July 13, 2010

BP has successfully lowered a new containment cap onto its leaking well, the latest of 8 attempts to control the gushing oil since the start of the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico 85 days ago.  However, if Matt Simmons is correct about a massive leak from the sea bed, then the problem is far from over.











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Reader Comments (25)

BP Oil Spill: Containment Cap Installed on Leak, As Anger Surges Over Slow Claims Payouts

Jul 13, 2010 at 2:14 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Im guessing that couldent be posted here.......?
Jul 13, 2010 at 3:27 PM | Unregistered Commentertexasdar
someone attacked you in a comment following yours and when removing it i accidentally removed both comments...feel free to put it up again...
Jul 13, 2010 at 3:34 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Thats OK, DB. Im getting it more and more for trying to tell people what "MAY BE", realy going on and they cant stand to know about it. Plus the BHO Lovers would neaver stand for it evan with Proof right in front of thier eyes.

Some should "Neaver Know the Truth".........If it cauzes to much of a stir just dump it. But I did my resurch and yes big oil is graring up for the New Green Fuel. Funny, the main streem media hasent picked up on the story...........Oh, some of us would put 2-&-2 togeather.

And you should see the Rucckus I started on that web site becouse my "Spellin Aint Perfect".......? They missed the whole point about this comming Oct. and chewed me up becouse I spell words differant than the smart people do.

I Got Tough Skin, I had to claw my way threw the Entertainer Bussines till that ol Tick got me. Now I just miss-spell my way threw each day 24/7. I should record a song about Dar's Miss-Spellin"........................it would be on the Ray Stevens style..... Tex !

When I first started looking into this situation I received this email from someone:

In the course of our investigation into the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, we have uncovered some startling information.

What I am about to tell you will knock you out of your seats.

There is a lot more going on in the Gulf of Mexico than the oils spill.

This administration and many other entities like BP, Citi, Nalco, GM, GE, Goldman Sachs, University of Chicago, holding companies along with Dept of Defense, Billionaires and Politicians are all vested in biofuels.

What is going on in the Gulf is directly related to this new industry.

There is an Algae these companies are interested in.

From the mouth of the Mississippi river, all along the Gulf coast and spreading down to the Everglades is prime area for growing this Algae. Crist is aware of this. He's funding it.There is a couple of other prime spots too. Chesapeake is one area and the Great Lakes is another. (Funny, we already had a Great Lakes Czar and a Chesapeake Czar.) (Now we have a Gulf Czar too!)

As you know, the oil continues to flow in the Gulf.

It looks incompetent when assessing the response to the crisis. It is not incompetence. It is intentional and willfull destruction.

They are spraying dispersants that are toxic to sea life. The dispersants hold the oil below the surface. Ask yourselves why you would want that. Wouldn't it be easier to vacuum the oil if it were floating?

They are not letting foreign tankers in to help. Even the few barges Jindal got his hands on were stalled, citing they need to be inspected to see if they carried enough life vests. They did.

They even pass the buck as to who is in charge. BP says they were in charge. O says he's in charge. The Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen says he's in charge. They run us in circles to divert the real questions.

If you have noticed, most of their news conferences have very little to do with action response, instead focusing on claims processing.

This is not incompetence. It is an intentional strategy. They don't want to clean it up or even try to contain it.

What they are doing is in three steps.

First get rid of oil industry in Gulf.

Then turn Gulf into a dead zone. A dead zone is free of life or ability to sustain it. The oil, dispersants and fertilizers deplete oxygen. It kills animals and fish, also turning their remains into fertilizer.

Finally, use Gulf as a giant Algae farm. Algae grows on water surface, getting oxygen from air, not water. Fertilizers like Urea supply much needed nitrogen. The Mississippi and the other rivers that empty into Gulf also pick up fertilizers from the many farms along the way. This feeds the Algae at the mouths of these rivers.

The oil in the water won't hurt the Algae. It will only promote it's growth and burn factor.

Algae costs about $2. a Barrel to refine. This is potentially very profitable.

The down side is , there isn't enough Algae to sustain the demand. It takes a lot of Algae to produce a single barrel. That means they need a huge place to grow and multiply the supply of this Algae. Right now they don't have this enormous Algae farm location. They have the desire, the technology, the investments and companies all set up.They have even taken the steps to map out the plan.

That plan involves projects in the Great Lakes., Chesapeake Bay and the Gulf of Mexico.

This oil spill whether sabotage, negligence, accident or design is the perfect way to eliminate fossil fuels such as oil and to advance his biofuel agenda..

They will sacrifice the Gulf and all who live in or around it for this multi Trillion Dollar industry.

This also ties in with Carbon capture and exchange. You all know about the Chicago Carbon Exchange, Cap & Trade and even O's support of Kyoto, so I won't bore you with history.
Jul 13, 2010 at 3:58 PM | Unregistered Commentertexasdar
Anyone wantting to know all about Algae fuel can check it out here......
Jul 13, 2010 at 4:06 PM | Unregistered Commentertexasdar
Although your post smells of conspiracy theory, maybe there is a bit of truth in it. Or is it just sheer incompetence? There is so much of it in government. I think Obama's response is just shameful and it does make your point if there is something more behind it. Well, thanks for alternative view.
Jul 14, 2010 at 12:28 AM | Unregistered Commenterdee dee
I just got this and if you add up all the conspiracy theorys out there, its all starting to add up. We could find out that it was BP and BHO behind the mini-sub that took down the oil rig. This is real scary stuff, but then 911 was too.

It only took 2 years for the truth to come out. And this is not the worst of it. .....................
THIS IS NO ACCIDENT, COMRADES http://www.tothepointnews.com/content/view/4143/2/

WILL OBAMA GO TO OKLAHOMA? http://www.tothepointnews.com/content/view/3739/2/

Way to much info is starting to add up. Is it to hadr to grasp, yes. If someone would of said in Aug. 2001 that 911 would be the darkest day of our lifes and over 3,000 people would be Dead by the end of the day, that person would of been scroned at and mocked for crying dooms day.

Im not the one saying this, im only passing it on. If I was in the gulf aera, I would be packking it up and getting out. The hand writting is on the wall................................Look at it this way, if BP realy wanted to plug the well, all they would need to do is "Un-Bolt" the flange, and rebolt a new one with a Shut-Off wheel above it.

Have the ROV turn the wheel Shut, and the oil would of been stoped in 4-5 days. I wonder if were only seeing a mock up in a 5,000 gal tank in some whare house. If the mini sub story is true, the BOP was taken out by the mini sub sinking to the bottom and setting off the 3rd nuke.

But wait, were not evan in Oct. yeat. Thats to make sure the Dems stay in power this Nov. Is all this going to realy happen, Lets pray to God it dont, and the people shout loud and clear, this maddness has to stop. All this is only theroy, becouse it has'ent happened Yeat. 911, & Oaklahoma, has.......................!
Jul 14, 2010 at 12:00 PM | Unregistered Commentertexasdar

my Time line for Civil Unrest prediction is : Nov 2010-2011

Washington DC Federal Govt & many states have no Budgets so far this year?LOL

Running on Empty but for how long?

BANKERS & CORPORATE thugs busy looting every working class penny contributions into 401k's via Mutual fund scam.

What inside those pensions now? Zero cost corporate thugs scam ass wipe backed dated worthless paper.

USA emperor has no clothes and no Morals. USA republic hijacked by Home Grown financial AL Qaeda and turned into a pure PONZI SCAM Nation and World has now crystal clear view of this Ponzi scam.

CHINA: credit agency ranked finally USA 13th and worst DEBT ridden Nation. OBUNGHOLE already surrendered to IMF in 2009.
Our Green Dollar paper is going up in fumes in the very near future. I was listening To MALONE interview on BLOOMBERG this morning. He has moved his investments out of US Dollars and has no faith in the green paper any more. ELites already positioned against the US$. Bill Gates, Buffett all bet against the US$.

Only GANDHI STYLE REVOLT is the solution, No elections can fix it.

Jul 14, 2010 at 12:30 PM | Unregistered CommenterKen
I stand with you Ken, on that one. People that think this is the worst year.........................................Hang Tight ? For the last 3 years things have been comming apart.

2011, things will "Impload" on its self. All the signs are thAre. Elisabeth Warren has warned us whats going to go down. Its not prety. Interest rates will re-set on most all bussines loans, and banks will NOT Renew them.

Just the way goverment wants it to be. Were lucky, but we almost lost our cabin last year. Homes are gone. Whats next...................."Buissnes".........drive threw town and look for all the shops that are all ready closed.

2011 will take 50% more out. Thoes that own thier shop, strip mall, Dealership, they will be the only ones still open. This Cct. should open peoples eyes. Nov. will supprise the most stand up American out thAre......

I hope im wrong, but im reading to much on the internett, and not hearing what Brian Williams is telling me on NBC. ........ No elections can fix it. But, the shadow goverment has the controls on the machines.

Thats why we went away with the chad-paper ballots. They will have a 51/49, and you know what the people will do next...? 2010 is only lighting the fuse. 2011 the fuse gos into the bomb. A few of us know what happens Next ! 2012 we could be back to "Sticks-&-Stones" ?
Jul 14, 2010 at 12:52 PM | Unregistered Commentertexasdar

From your backyard: Alex Jones


Top Clinton Official: Only A Terror Attack Can Save Obama
A former senior advisor to President Bill Clinton says that the only thing which can rescue Barack Obama's increasingly tenuous grip on power as his approval figures continue to plunge is a terror attack on the scale of Oklahoma City or 9/11.
Jul 14, 2010 at 2:03 PM | Unregistered CommenterKen
Democrat Levin Demands More Illegal Attacks On Pakistan
Kurt Nimmo | Karzai faces the fate of of Vietnamese premier Ngo Dinh Diem, who was murdered in a coup sponsored by the CIA in 1963.
Jul 14, 2010 at 2:08 PM | Unregistered CommenterKen
BECK clown also predicts now RIOTS
Beck Predicts Civil Unrest If Dems Lose in Nov
Now here’s a prediction that I really hope Beck is wrong on. In fact I’m counting on it. He claims that the hard Left organizations are going to cause civil unrest when the Democrats lose in November. My gut is telling me he’s wrong, but admittedly it could just be my desire not to see such things happen. I know we are headed for tough times and I know that there are groups that hate America who feel that this is their chance to see their type of change, but Obama will still be President after November, and he’s their main guy. They know he will just veto Republican proposals and continue to demonize the Right.
Jul 14, 2010 at 2:13 PM | Unregistered CommenterKen
@DB debate this:

The potential for a breakdown of loyalty to the federal government and for states turning against each other on a regional basis is certainly real. The country could easily split in two on red-blue lines, or break up as some have suggested with the West Coast, the South, Texas, the Midwest, and the East Coast all becoming autonomous regions. The question is whether the current crisis is bad enough or will become bad enough to precipitate such a breakup, and whether the federal government would actually engage in the kinds of actions which would precipitate the breakup of the union.


Food Riots, Civil Unrest and the Disunited States of America

ARIZONA vs FEDERAL GOVT. clash has begun and how many states want same Immigration law like Arizona?

OBAMA: honey moon now wolf full moon :AMEN
Jul 14, 2010 at 2:24 PM | Unregistered CommenterKen
Thats very interesting TD i dont care what they run on they still have to break. I remember going to school 9 years
ago for hybrid cars they talked like the streets would be flooded with the hell i think we got three customers with them.

The problem is oil companies want you to believe oil is running out faster than it is .Truth is oil is still cheap easy
fuel .They tack on all the BS to keep it a superpower.
Even the new cars emit almost no polution .If you tried to kill yourself with car exhaust today you would die
of lack of oxygen before carbon monoxide .NOT that i want to try.Thanks Dar
Jul 14, 2010 at 3:17 PM | Unregistered CommenterJTS
He claims that the hard Left organizations are going to cause civil unrest when the Democrats lose in November. My gut is telling me he’s wrong, but admittedly it could just be my desire not to see such things happen.

I have had a saying for years now..... If you send the bucket into the well for water and on the 6th time you come up with an Empty Bucket, the 7th time should not supprise you when its Empty..........

If you say "Honny, Lets do it tonight, im in the Mood".....and for the 6th time she says "Im not in the mood, Good-Night" dont be supprised if on the 7th night the answer is the same.

Soooooo, if each piece we see, and it all makes sense as to what may happen and it dose, we shouldent be suprised when it dose.

So im waithing for the big supprise when nothing happens in Oct. or Nov. and the only worry is the people in the gulf, and where were going to put all of them.

Im finding these pieces from way to many differant places. Thats why I will not be supprised if something dose happen. Why do I post them here with DB, to hope people will stock up and be ready.

If you want good MRE's, here is a great place to buy them......... http://www.jimbakkershow.com/Groups/1000065577/Jim_Bakker_Show/Love_Gifts/Love_Gifts.aspx

They are far better than what our troops are made to eat. & will the Tea Party People Riot............NO, its the BHO people that will turn agunist us for knowing all a long what they just found out, "The Wizzered of O-Bama Oz" is a FAKE !
Jul 14, 2010 at 3:33 PM | Unregistered Commentertexasdar
Just In..................Only 6 more puzzle pieces to go now !


1. Four weeks before the BP blowout Obama builds an alibi---“I am opening offshore drilling off of all the Coastal U.S.” Goldman Sachs dumps nearly all of its stock 40%+ in BP, a profitable winner. Days before they dump the rest.

2. BP ignores the advice of all the drilling contractors on making the well safe. BRITISH Petroleum had a manager directing drilling who had never been on an offshore rig before, that purposely ignored all safety warnings. BP ignores Transoceanic warnings about a problem with the blowout preventers. BP ignores repeated warnings on numerous problems from numerous sub-contractors.

3. The well explodes under suspicious circumstances, but BP does nothing immediately to control it. Why? The Dutch offer to have it controlled in 48 hours. They are ignored.

4. Obama sacks his National Intelligence Director (a Navy Admiral) who cannot comment on intelligence, or the reasons he was sacked because of Federal Laws.

5. BP top fills the well but it fails as predicted in advance by numerous oil professionals causing downhole damage to the well which has
caused a massive pollution of the southern U.S. The way they bungled
everything, the Gulf will be dead for decades!

6. Obama now declares ALL drilling is suspended in the Gulf and makes numerous PR trips to the Gulf to look like he is outraged.

7. John Podesta is Obama’s man that built his cabinet, and all his Czars

8. John Podesta is also head of George Soros ‘Center for American Progress’ (a socialist organization dedicated to killing capitalism in America and for building according to Soros “A New World Order”)

9. John Podesta’s brother is the lead lobbyist for British Petroleum, whose services are now in huge demand.

10. Soros was a huge contributor to Obama’s campaign

11. Soros invested $900 million in Petrobras, the Brazilian government controlled oil company that plans on drilling offshore in Brazil, yet cannot get the deepwater rigs operating in the Gulf

12. Days after Soros investment, Obama grants $2 billion to Petrobras of U.S. taxpayers dollars to drill offshore in Brazil….the company nets over $15 Billion annually

13. U.S. drilling companies must do something with their now idled rigs and are planning on moving them off to South America----to Petrobras which will supply the oil to the U.S. as an Import

14. Obama gives a patsy White House Oval Office speech on the disaster, but also during the speech he states the need for Carbon Taxes….Cap and Trade.

15. The carbon tax exchange will be based in…You guessed it…….Chicago….and called the CCX…..The CHICAGO Climate Exchange

The Joyce Foundation, a private U.S. foundation which provides funding and support to initiatives focusing on education, environment and employment in the Great Lakes region. The Joyce Foundation was established in 1948 by Beatrice Joyce Kean of Chicago . Since its inception, the foundation has made grants of more than $600 million.
Some of those grants include $1.1 million to Richard Sandor in 2000-2001 to create the Chicago Climate Exchange. Former Board of Directors'
members include President Barack Obama (1994-2002) and Valerie Jarrett, his top adviser.

Question: Who will benefit from the Chicago Climate Exchange?
Answer: Obama and his buddies, Goldman Sachs and the Chicago crew.

Question: Who will benefit from Obama’s shutdown of drilling in the Gulf?
Answer: Obama and his buddy George Soros

Question: Who benefits from Obama sending $2 Billion of taxpayer dollars to a company that Nets $15 Billion per year?
Answer: Obama and his buddies.

Barack Hussein Obama is intent on the total destruction of America.

He does nothing to stop the Illegal invasion from Mexico, he does nothing to fix the banking problem, he does nothing to stop the blowout, he DOES NOTHING to stop the downfall of America while he plays golf, travels to Ohio for 10 minute speeches at a cost of $750,000, listens to Paul McCartney concerts, and goes to baseball games in NY. What do you expect from someone that never produced his Birth Certificate, has gone around the world apologizing for America’s past actions, and bowing to the head of the Muslim World?
Jul 14, 2010 at 5:11 PM | Unregistered Commentertexasdar
Entertainment from Bollywood

Indian Movie Banned Pakistan


Watch Video section:LOL
Jul 14, 2010 at 7:40 PM | Unregistered CommenterKen
TEXAS…You say...I have had a saying for years now..... If you send the bucket into the well for water and on the 6th time you come up with an Empty Bucket, the 7th time should not supprise you when its Empty..........

But this is Obamaland, like Candyland only more twisted. Obamanomics means that the government may put water in the well from the swimming pool of a taxpayer.

As for what is going to happen when the Dems are tossed out on the socialist asses, don't worry, they are the cockroaches of the world. They are the white family in a horror movie of a house that has blood oozing from the walls. They are the type of people that think that if they are super nice, they can keep riding the killer whale. They are like Hillary and Bill’s marriage, they can’t live together but nothing beats a dance on the beach after a good polling (no innuendo intended, well maybe). They are like John Edward’s, an ambulance chaser with an insatiable ego. They are the John Kerrys of the world, just gigolo-ing from one free lunch to the next…okay…you get it.

If you want to know what will happen in November...watch this clip…


Yes, HE IS EVEN LIKE KENNYBOT, the rucking fetard spambot.
Jul 14, 2010 at 8:15 PM | Unregistered CommenterZ
Z...........filthy soul and Mental Sickness:LOL

Don't Send That Outraged E-Mail

by Gary North
Jul 14, 2010 at 10:17 PM | Unregistered CommenterKen
Dari read about the alga fuel they are still away from getting a good method of separation from water, But
the piece said it would only take 15,000 square acres to provide all of Americas oil that is 1/7 of the corn area.
very interesting.
Jul 15, 2010 at 12:10 PM | Unregistered CommenterJTS

BP has bought off(*) all the local sheriffs and Police depts. and is currently using them to KEEP AWAY REPORTERS. So now that there's no independant scrutiny of WTF these assholes are doing down there, they can claim ANYTHING THEY WANT.

(*) BP has been making significant cash 'contributions' to local police depts, enabling them to afford TONS of overtime & extra shifts, mostly patrolling the beaches and keeping journalists away. SIEG HEIL! Glory to our negro Fuhrer!
Jul 15, 2010 at 7:02 PM | Unregistered CommenterRecoverylessRecovery
My penis has developed a gooey LEAK. I invite President OBama to cap it ..WITH HIS MOUTH.
Jul 15, 2010 at 7:03 PM | Unregistered CommenterRecoverylessRecovery
EeeeeeeWwwwww, that is just disgusting. My wife wouldent do that if Barry offered her a "Zazillion-Dollars", I tryed and the answer was no too......................?

Maby Billy could get Moncia to "Swaller"............er put it on her Blue Dress, but I dought may Gurls, much less med would go thAre...........

Nice try thoe, RLR, becouse Barry was brought up to like that brown spot in his under-pants. You may just have a "Suckker thAre"...?

How Sick is this getting anyhow..? But then Gibsion said to day his Chic should Blow him first, as if he souuld get the first "Blow-Out" ? Barry would beg the differ with ol Mel........?

The dead zone should be compleat by Oct, just in time for the "Big Nuke" to hit the , God dosent evan know what Berry & his buddys have in store for us.

Geeeeeeeese's RLR, now I gotta go to the loft thinking about yr Peckker-Leakking.........& a guy suckking on it. Hillery would be a better thought. Moncia, YES, I'ed evan go down and Kiss the "One Eyed Monster"........................but Not Barry, Please.

"Z-Man".........save us from this thought, please.......? Most of us are going whAre No Man Has Ever Gone Before........like in yr battle ship......."Zoom Me Up Z-Baby"................I cant take this anyore.

Ken, flood this "Wet-Spot" Please with yr choice of Stuff...! Were drowning in little squiggley things. "OMG" this site has become just what the goverment wants us to do, turn on our self's with Sex Stuff & Beer.

OK, Im up for that, just not with RLR. Just Kiddin. This is the best'est site I've been on for a shit-load of times. Just think if we all got togeather at "Bass-Pro" in Springfield Mo. and did a breakfast at 9:00 am.

Shit, Gomps would be doin the cookin. DB would be doin the "Yup, Its Good, and "Z" would be warnning to salt it hard first.

Crap, RLR, its time for my bed time, and all I can think about is.......................................................................................?
Jul 15, 2010 at 10:05 PM | Unregistered Commentertexasdar
"Crap, RLR, its time for my bed time, and all I can think about is.......................................................................................?"

Sorry if you lose any sleep over that gadawful mental picture I drew of Barry capping my pipeline. Let's just make-believe I said, "Michelle" instead.


Jul 16, 2010 at 5:38 PM | Unregistered CommenterRecoverylessRecovery
"Oh Yea"...........much, Much, MUch better. I can see that. Crap, I had nightmares all night long. Had the bed all tore apart. Pillow case over my head and woke up the next mornning under the bed trying to get away from "Ol Barry Boy"...?

& it was dark in the loft so I couldent see whAre he was. I could hear him thoe, I heared suckking noise over by the fish tank. My wife said, You tore it up, you put it back togeather again. "OOp's" thAre I go entertaining again !
Jul 17, 2010 at 3:30 PM | Unregistered Commentertexasdar

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