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Buffett: Obama's First Stimulus Was '1/2 A Viagra Mixed With Candy'

Short clip from Buffett's appearance Friday on Good Morning America. 

It's worth watching.  He gives some decent color on the operating environment he sees in the varied companies of Berkshire.  Prognosis: negative.  Freefall is over; recovery is nowhere in sight.

I'm not going to plow through another anti-Keynesian rant, having done it here, here and here already.  Buffett says the first stimulus was akin to taking half a viagra mixed with candy.  This we need to discuss.  I don't have time to find the links, but Dealbreaker has covered his obsession with Becky Quick of CNBC, his off-color comments to someone (probably Becky) that not listening to Bear Stearn's desperate pleas would be like saying 'no' to your date who asked if you would like to see her undress.  He really said that on-camera.

D'ya notice how he hugs the young ABC reporter, Bianna Golodryga when they greet in the 2nd clip.  That's not even close to typical.  The viagra comment seals it.  Buffett gets his fill from discussing the economy with attractive women as he peppers the colloquies with sexual innuendo.  It's his interview fetish.  Watch.

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For newcomers (in fact 75% of our visitors every day are NEW...never had their IP recorded on our site even once)...here's what we do:

We cover all stories related to the institutionally dysfunctional, painfully inept and completely counter-productive taxpayer bailout of failed people, ideas, businesses, pensions, municipalities, states and ultimately, we fear, of our federal government.

Tell your friends about our site and what's going on in Washington. Help us spread the word about the immoral transfer of debt from failed, private banks directly onto the backs of your chldren. And to young people directly, seriously wake the f up, and realize that it's mostly your cash that's headed out the door.
Jul 14, 2009 at 12:23 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Warren's first bit of advice in the second linked clip - "If it's too good to be true, it usually is" - is something my father always said growing up an is probably the best bit of advice I ever received.
Jul 15, 2009 at 12:55 AM | Unregistered Commenterspideydouble

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