BRILLIANT SATIRE: Clarke & Dawes on the INSANITY of European Debt Guarantees (Bernanke's Bible)
Video: Australian TV personalities Clarke & Dawe on the INSANITY of European Debt Guarantees -- The Million Dollar Question -- May 22, 2010
It's sort of like a 'Who's On First?' routine for the European debt crisis. As satire goes, it's one of the best I've ever seen. Just added 5 more clips below.
- "You're wasting very valuable time, Roger."
PLEASE email, facebook, re-tweet, share and take our stories with you when you leave. Our only weapon against the madness is GREATER AWARENESS. Just by sending this story to a few friends, you'll be contributing to the formation of an aggressive, educated voter base that understands the economic peril of our failed debt, deficit and spending policies. Thank you.
Video: Clarke & Dawes explain modern banking.
Video: Clarke & Dawes explain the ratings agencies process.
This one is hilarious.
- "All I did was drive the car. Let me go."
Video: Clarke & Dawes interview George Bush about the Wall Street bailout.
Video: Doom & Gloom
Video: Economic Survival
Reader Comments (38)
The dollar is good bc china owns the usa, mmmmmmmmmmmm
the latest from Mark McHugh....check it out...
God you gotta love such a excellent British tactic, this is a full frontal scamper and run tactic, or a paid instigator.
"Share your story -- how do you feel about being used and abused like this? Are you a chump?"
OK. This is how *I* dealt with it;
I bought myself a house ...OVERSEAS.
I took all my savings out of the bank and bought precious metals with it ...3 years ago.
I sold all of my American stocks and bought Northern EU & Asian stocks instead.
Oh! Almost forgot; I also wipe my ass religiously with the American flag after pooping.
May 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRecoverylessRecovery
Sorry, but wrong, wrong & wrong.
Born & bred in NYC, I'm simply fed-up with the BULLSHIT that consistently emanates from Washington DC. I witnessed Slick Willy loosening government regulation of corporations in what was OBVIOUSLY a precursory move to kick-start the rampant corporate FRAUD that we enjoy TODAY. Then I witnessed a semi-iliterate moron add to that deregulatory fervor AND mire us in TWO never-ending wars of occupation at the same time. Also, this retard-in-chief amplified corporate rights WHILE he simultaneously diminished the average citizen's.
And BTW, you dipshits voted TWICE for this dunce so I had to endure him TWO fucking times instead of the regular single term.
Flashforward to today; NOW I'm witnessing a cock-sucking DIRTBAG who promised 'reform' and instead winds-up bending over and spreading his ebony cheeks WIDE so that GOLDMAN SACHS can penetrate him, over and over and over again. Same ol' same ol'. This is becoming VERY Banana Repubikish.
And while you morons dress-up like CLOWNS with stupid fucking TEABAGS hanging from your tricorn hats in "protest" (or 'Looking RIDICULOUS' IMHO) NOT ONE OF YOU is focusing exclusively on the REAL ISSUE: INSTITUTIONALIZED FRAUD.
Instead you're all divided into incoherent subgroups of -quite frankly- white conservative christian DIPSHITS that believe man and dinosaur co-inhabited this planet at the same time. FUCK ALL OF YOU. Stupid idiots. It's always just 'Me, me, me'. "I want my health benefits!" "I want my government pension!". "I want to marry 10 women" "I want to marry my son" "I want to marry a fucking GOAT". "I want a bailout!" "I want an iPad" I want to re-negotiate the $876.000 I owe BUT still keep my 3 Hummers at the same time" Want want want.
And over half of you ignorant yahoos can't even name the capitol cities of your own states. Nor place them geografically on a map. Shit, half of you probably don't even know what 'geographically' means. And NO, it's NOT a magazine.
LIke Rambo once said, "We want our country to LOVE US as much as we love it". Well FUCK THIS ONE-SIDED LOVE AFFAIR I was in because my country DOESN'T love me or YOU; it LOVES GOLDMAN SACHS and their network of fuckbuddies ONLY..
So take your tea parties, your jesus and your country and shove it up your collective lily-white asses. Metaphorically speaking, of course.
You must be very young because you left out Reagan as the King of deregulation.
I am not a teabagger niether, where I come from that involves having someones balls in your mouth.
All I have ever wanted is my bag of seeds and a good season. My goals are simple.
That would be Columbus...
For you RLR...FUCK YOU!!!!!
This is beyond picking a fight, it was hateful and ridiculous and it highlights your immaturity.
So again I say to you RLR…FUCK YOU!!!!!
Your post didn’t show balls, it showed inane babble from a kid. You have had these meltdowns before and I hope DB deletes your post and this response.
So once again I say to you RLR…FUCK YOU!!!!!
Spain can try to claw back an even greater loss by cutting wages, but that risks a slow death by debt-deflation as compound interest tightens its vice.
Confidence has now gone. Bond investors see a swamp of never-ending debt created by a country locked in recession. Worse, the government's need for financing could climb even higher as it bails out its stricken banks. Bond investors are going on strike. The European Union at a crisis meeting two weeks ago set up a £640bn (€750bn) fund to which countries such as Spain could turn if they could not sell their government debt to the markets.
For the British, the scamper and run is really called a charge in reverse...
Courage is being scared to death, and saddling up anyway…
John Wayne
You are an asshole RLR.
RLR says...Flashforward to today; NOW I'm witnessing a cock-sucking DIRTBAG who promised 'reform' and instead winds-up bending over and spreading his ebony cheeks WIDE so that GOLDMAN SACHS can penetrate him, over and over and over again.
Um, is that what you want to do to Obama. So, is that what you are into you asshole.
RLR says...So take your tea parties, your jesus and your country and shove it up your collective lily-white asses. Metaphorically speaking, of course.
Why don't you go to a tea party and give it a go you pathetic little asshole.
Gobie, that was a compliment for you, your response was funny, the rest was for RLR. Where do silver spoons go? Alledgedly leaving the country is not very courageous...
"Gomp...You would find that funny, birds of a feather."
Sometimes it is a shame that you read every third word and formulate your own conclusion.
with lily whits asses like me .Let me tell you motherfucker not many Americans i know have this me me me problem.
It is a Human trait .You like speaking German mmm who was there to help in ww 2 .Never seen any liberty ships get turned
back bc us lily white asshole Christians came with them.Keep reading the evil media they have you running pretty good.
Return to touching yourself now.
You have stated before that you want to see America fail so you could "say I told you so", Ken wants to see war so he could run back to India building solar power plants, and statues of himself as the father of a new revolution, And RLR seeks the same with his glorifying of the Taliban, etc, from his offshore paradise with the silver spoons up his ass as collateral...
Between Osama and you three, you are ideologically not that far apart, as far as wanting to see us fail for your own separate reasons.
RLR is not on this post either.Oops, your doing it again.
Look come see me 7353 colerain ave cincinnati ohio ask for jAKE i HAVE NEVER POSTED UNDER ANOTHER NAME
This is like big gov everybody just fights but thats what people like to watch.;)
RLR says...Instead you're all divided into incoherent subgroups of -quite frankly- white conservative christian DIPSHITS that believe man and dinosaur co-inhabited this planet at the same time. FUCK ALL OF YOU. Stupid idiots.
RLR says...Flashforward to today; NOW I'm witnessing a cock-sucking DIRTBAG who promised 'reform' and instead winds-up bending over and spreading his ebony cheeks WIDE so that GOLDMAN SACHS can penetrate him, over and over and over again.
RLR says...So take your tea parties, your jesus and your country and shove it up your collective lily-white asses. Metaphorically speaking, of course.
and i don't have time to go back looking for posts to delete...chill...
The story is growing legs.
I don't believe a person with as big a ego, arrogance and narcissistic as Obama will resign from office. He will have to be impeached.
The Coming Resignation Of Obama
By Peter Ferrara
What leads me to predict President Obama's early political demise are his numerous, enormous vulnerabilities to further adverse developments, threatening a geometrically accelerating downward spiral, for him politically, and for America substantively.
Um, I did...i try to allow fights, arguments etc...i don't want to censor if i can help it...