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Bernanke Confesses To Oprah: "I've Been Doping For Years"

The Bernank admits to printing on steroids.

'Buy food, gold and guns.  This shit is about to get real!'

Comedic brilliance posted by Peter Schiff to Youtube earlier tonight.  This is the Oprah Winfrey interview we should have seen.  The Bernank confesses to years of performance-enhanced printing, claiming that this generation of central bankers "all do it" and mentioning that "some retard from the FT or NYT will write excruciatingly thoughtful op-eds about how this is actually a good thing."


Photo by William Banzai7

Ben's printing was simply obscene
He thought that he'd try to come clean 
He wasn't sincere
He shed not a tear
The literal lying machine

The Limerick King


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