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Bailout Hypocrisy Watch: David Shuster Examines Obama's Treatment Of Wall Street Vs. Detroit (MSNBC Video)

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Both short clips are segments from Shuster examining Washington and bailout hypocrisy: the banks versus the auto manufacturers.

The answer to the first clip is simple. Obama and Geithner are owned by Wall Street. Goldman Sachs was President Obama's largest single corporate donor.  Detroit and the auto manufacturers have no clout. Ask GM bondholders how they like the terms bank bondholders have struck.

We applaud Shuster for his fairness and integrity.  More truth and transparency is the answer and Shoe demands it regulary from both sides.

And our opinion not surprisingly, don't bail out either group.

Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy

Bloomington, Indiana native David Shuster getting down at his wedding.  Sorry, Shoe.

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Reader Comments (2)

You know times are bad when a picture like the one above has been up for a whole day and no one bothers to come up with a smart-ass caption. I mean c'mon, David Shuster is just BEGGING to be made fun of here. Any takers?
Apr 2, 2009 at 12:40 AM | Unregistered CommenterJames H
David Shuster looks as though he has never danced before. Oh, well. Can't be perfect at everything.

Reminds me of Elaine's dancing once on Seinfeld.
Apr 2, 2009 at 3:36 PM | Unregistered CommenterHulu

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