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SHOCK RESULT - Fox News Poll On Occupy Wall Street - 70% Say They Agree With Protesters

The poll is still open:


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CHART - U.S. Corporate Profits Vs. Employee Wages

In Japan the ratio of pay for a ceo compared to that of the average worker is…11 to 1.

In Germany that ratio expands to a dizzying.....12 to 1.

And in the United States…..it’s 475 to 1.

Great chart is inside.

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Occupy Wall Street More Popular Than Congress, GE's Immelt - Intellectual Styles Of The Rich And Clueless, Huntsman Only Candidate That Blames Banks, The Volcker Rule: Toothless Then, Even More Toothless Now (LINKS)


Dear Super Congress - Bring Our War Dollars Home!

Seventy members of Congress have signed a short letter to the 12-member Super Congress calling for ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, thereby "saving more than $1.8 trillion from current law spending levels over ten years."  That’s $1.8 trillion in savings beyond already-planned troop drawdowns.  And it’s $700 billion more in savings than President Obama proposed this week to find through a plan that cuts our social safety net.  The bipartisan letter concludes: "Before we ask American families to pitch in more, let's bring our troops home -- and, in the process, our tax dollars home."  If you agree with these 70 Congress members, sign below to tell the Super Committee.

Bring Our War Dollars Home!

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Hey Jamie Dimon, The Protesters Are Outside Your House

This is starting to get fun - Photo inside.

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HERE WE GO AGAIN - Romney Flip-Flops On Wall Street Protests: "I Worry About The 99 Percent' (Video)

Full write-up inside.

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New Ron Paul Campaign Video - Peace

Brand new.  I'm sure this is not an official ad, but it's outstanding.

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Fox News Juan Williams: 'This is The Age Of Ron Paul, Don't Discount A Third-Party Presidential Run'

Fox News Juan Williams drops a hint: A third-party Ron Paul presidential run...?

'People don't understand the power of his supporters.'

“I think the Republican Party has to worry that when all is said and done, he might figure, ‘well, I can’t make it in this party, this party is not for me,’ and if he goes third party in the Fall, he is not going to be taking votes away from Barack Obama,” Hume said.

“You know I think this is the age of Ron Paul in so many ways,” Williams added. “I think he is the father of the tea party, his son is in the Senate, I think you’re exactly right. People don’t understand the power of Ron Paul.”

Full quotes inside.

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Max Keiser: "Pitchforks & Torches See Higher Prices, Where Are The Guillotines For Wall Street?"


Calpers CIO Tells CNBC :"I Understand Why People Are Protesting, Wall Street Is A Rigged Game" 

CNBC Video - Joseph Dear, Chief Investment Officer CALPERS - Oct. 11, 2011

People are “waking up” to the fact that “the game appears to be rigged,” Joe Dear, CIO of California Public Employees’ Retirement System, told CNBC Tuesday.

“The financial system gets bailed out, executives' salaries stay high and the incomes of people who work for a living, paycheck to paycheck, continue to decline,” said Dear.

The fact that people are taking to the streets because the economy isn't meeting the needs of ordinary Americans "should not come as any surprise to anybody," he explained.

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Dear Bank Of America - This Is Why We Hate You


MUST SEE: Irish Protesters Rage Against The Banks - Beautiful Black & White Photo Essay

See the rest of the photos - 25 pics - all black & white...


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Corporate Raider Asher Edelman Backs Occupy Wall Street: "Banks Win, Taxpayers Automatically Lose"

Asher Edelman, the well-known corporate raider, told CNBC Tuesday that he supported Occupy Wall Street, saying “the greed of the banks are the cause for the terrible economic situation that we have today.”

Edelman helped inspire the character Gordon Gekko in the 1987 film “Wall Street.”

Edelman appeared at Zuccotti Park:

  • The banking system has become a system, which is one large hedge fund supported by the free money of the depositors and by the taxpayers whenever it loses.  That was not the banking system of the 1980s."
  • "We are on the verge of another banking crisis.  The government must handle it in another way this time."


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Video: Kanye West Supports Occupy Wall Street, Majority Of Republicans Support Higher Taxes On The Wealthy, Former Goldman CEO Jon Corzine Speaks On Protests (LINKS)