Dear Bank Of America - This Is Why We Hate You
PHOTO - The Guillotine Used To Behead Marie Antoinette
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Reader Comments (4)
The new electric guillotines are spectacular. A wire becomes superheated and cuts through any appendage like a knife through hot butter. Might as well use technological advances against them.
B of A did not so much as speak to me when this occured. They do not have a wet signature and I like so many underwent robo signing through both MERS and copy company called ReconTrust. It was ReconTrust who sold my home back to the bank. However they did so without even having a liccense to work in my state. An issue discovered this year.
In short, among other issues that fall under "An act of god in the eyes of the law" which prevented me from following through with a BK 13 as well blatent denial of mediation via a congressional letter I obatained through my Congresswoman. For the life of me I do not understand how a president has not been set by now?
All that aside the two issues that seem to illude my understanding is, the FTC has done nothing. Yet worse is in our country the last time Digital Due Process was formally addressed was in 1986.
Knowing this as fact, how can anyone think that a wet signature alone is not an issue if not a solid case for such a president to assist people fighting for there homes?
I would love to hear anyone's thoughts on this. I have resigned myself to the belief that it's a great way to keep the legal system flowing with money. Since judges are elected they have to please huge corporations etc. who placed them there. There's poision just about everywhere I've turned. Now I understand the Supreme Court has taken favor with MERS? Again I have trouble believing it could be nothing less.
I can understand Digital Due Process being in question. However Due Process is hurtin for certin. So afraid of Digital Due Process. For me, taking sides in favor of MERS anywhere should in turn acknowledge all the emails I sent to various people as much as a certified letter. And I did all of that in Due Dilligence in order to avoid being lables as negligent. It simply does not add up.
This and all the bail outs obama has handed out is whats behind OWS............