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14 Years Of Planning And $400 Million Wasted Before Construction EVEN BEGINS On Washington Bridge

This is a local issue for Seattle, but it typifies what is happening all over the country, with virtually every municipal, county or state project regardless of size generating millions in fees for government connected consultants.  It's a hidden racket and it operates everywhere.


Source - King 5 Seattle

SEATTLE -- For any construction project, planning is key. And to replace the 520 bridge across Lake Washington for safety reasons, the State of Washington has planned, and planned, and planned some more -- 14 years of it.

The State of Washington is still having the conversation and spending. The KING 5 Investigators have obtained billing records going back to 1997 when work to replace the bridge first began. The reporters found while nothing significant has been built, plenty has been spent.

So far, taxpayers have paid more than $377 million on studies, planning, buying properties and a small amount of construction. Roughly $20 million has been spent on preparing for tolling. Citizens of Seattle chipped in more. Seattle spent another $1 million for additional studying. All of it totals to $398 million tax dollars spent so far.

"It's extraordinary!" said Mike Ennis, Washington Policy Center's Transportation Expert. "The original bridge cost $34 million to build in 1963. Adjusting for inflation, in 2011 dollars, the existing bridge had a total cost of $245 million. They've already spent more in just planning and design than the cost of the original bridge structure. You have to ask yourself as a taxpayer, what are they doing to increase these costs?"

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Another Blow To Global Warming Eco Fascists: Scientists drill through 2 kilometers of Greenland ice, find butterflies & lush forests

Mar 20, 2011 at 5:54 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail

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