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John Lennon's Message To Occupy Wall Street

The Oakland police violence was unnecessary as a curfew ban on peaceful assembly was struck down by a federal court in Cleveland.

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Rogoff: Euro Bailout Will Fail, Greece Will Leave (LINKS)


UPDATE - Scott Olsen To Undergo Brain Surgery, Statement From Oakland Mayor


VIDEO - Marine Scott Olsen Moments Before He Was Shot By The Oakland Police, Olsen Now In 'Critical' Condition

If the police claim that Scott Olsen attacked them, show them this clip.

Olsen remains in critical condition.  Officials at Highland Hospital in Oakland are refusing further comment at this time.  At first, Doctors told Olsen's friends that he was stable.  Now they're being told that his skull has been fractured and his brain is beginning to swell. Neurologists are in the process of determining whether or not he will require surgery.

According to Keith Shannon, a friend who served with Olsen in Iraq, Olsen was shot in the head with a tear gas or smoke canister, and he has the scar to prove it.  Police policy specifically prohibits the firing of these weapons at a person's head.

Meanwhile, Oakland police admit that they used tear gas and baton rounds, but have denied the use of flash bang grenades (even though this video shows conclusively that an officer lobbed a flash grenade into the crowd attending to Olsen).

Olsen hails from Wisconsin, served tours of Iraq in 2006 and 2007, and is active in both Veterans for Peace and Iraq Veterans Against the War.

Address for the hospital where Scott Olsen is recovering, if you wish to send a card.

Highland Hospital
1411 E. 31st Street
Oakland, CA 94602

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VIDEO - Alan Grayson Explains Occupy Wall Street And Shreds PJ O'Rourke

HBO Video - Alan Grayson on Occupy Wall Street - Oct. 7, 2011

Many readers have likely seen this clip already, but it's worth a second look.

Full transcript is inside.

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Pissed Off Irishman Is Back

This time he shares his views on Wall Street.

This is not as good as his appearance last year.

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VIDEO - Anonymous Sends Solidarity Message To Injured Marine Scott Olsen Of Occupy Oakland

ANONYMOUS also temporarily knocked out the Oakland police website, and released personal information about Oakland police officers.

  • Scott Olsen, it has come to our attention that you have been critically injured by the Oakland Police Department for standing up for the American peoples' First Amendment Rights. The honor and courage you have displayed on the battlefield is only overshadowed by the cowardice and dishonor displayed by those who have committed these inhumane crimes against you. As you stand in solidarity with the people of the world, Anonymous stands in solidarity with you Scott. A bullet to the head of our brother is a bullet to the head of us all. We may not share the physical pain and hardships you are enduring, but know that we feel the emotional turmoil that comes along with this injury that being inflicted on you has been inflicted on all free Americans.

Members of “Occupy Oakland” have called for a city-wide strike on November 2, and hope to shut down the local government to express their displeasure with officials who authorized the brutal police crackdown.

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Source - BI

Marines around the world are outraged by the injuries inflicted by police on Scott Olsen at Tuesday's Occupy Oakland protests.  Olsen is in a medically-induced coma after getting hit in the head by a police projectile.  

The photo is taken from the Reddit thread:

In the five hours since the thread went up there have been over 600 comments.

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REVENGE - Police Brutality Handled In The Right Way

With the brutality from Occupy Oakland still on our minds, this clip demonstrates what should happen to police who cross the line.  A futbol player gets it started with a kick to the head of one of the offending officers.  Then all hell breaks loose.  The only problem is that the main perpetrator escapes punishment as he scurries into the locker room.

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BREAKING - EU Official: Bank Bondholders Agree To 50% Cut On Greek Debt


Slow Motion Video Of Police Throwing Flash Grenade Into Crowd Attending To Injured Marine Veteran Scott Olsen

The slow motion begins at the 45-second mark.

Veterans for Peace member Scott Olsen was wounded (skull fracture) by a less than lethal round fired by either San Francisco Sheriffs deputies or Palo Alto Police on October 25, 2011 at 14th Street and Broadway in downtown Oakland.

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VETERANS FOR PEACE - Official Statement On U.S. Marine Scott Olsen Shot By Oakland Police


UPDATE - Occupy Protester Shot By Oakland Police Is Scott Olsen, A Marine Vet With 2 Tours In Iraq (PHOTOS)

Details and several photos are inside.

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Disgraced Hedge Fund Manager John Paulson Sends Bankster Shill To Interview Protesters At Occupy Wall Street

Paulson's crimes are outlined here and here.

By way of background, this clip was recorded the day after protesters raised hell outside Paulson's home in Manhattan.  Paulson sent Andy Pipa, a former Morgan Stanley executive who presumably now works for Paulson's hedge fund, down to Zuccotti park to interview some of the 99%.  It ws sent to us by reader Jonathan Jetter.

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