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VIDEO - Anonymous Sends Solidarity Message To Injured Marine Scott Olsen Of Occupy Oakland

ANONYMOUS also temporarily knocked out the Oakland police website, and released personal information about Oakland police officers.

  • Scott Olsen, it has come to our attention that you have been critically injured by the Oakland Police Department for standing up for the American peoples' First Amendment Rights. The honor and courage you have displayed on the battlefield is only overshadowed by the cowardice and dishonor displayed by those who have committed these inhumane crimes against you. As you stand in solidarity with the people of the world, Anonymous stands in solidarity with you Scott. A bullet to the head of our brother is a bullet to the head of us all. We may not share the physical pain and hardships you are enduring, but know that we feel the emotional turmoil that comes along with this injury that being inflicted on you has been inflicted on all free Americans.

Members of “Occupy Oakland” have called for a city-wide strike on November 2, and hope to shut down the local government to express their displeasure with officials who authorized the brutal police crackdown.

Address for the hospital where Scott Olsen is recovering, if you wish to send a card.

Highland Hospital
1411 E. 31st Street
Oakland, CA 94602



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Reader Comments (2)

Occupy Oakland protesters should ALL be rounded up and jailed ...They do not have a cause other than their own self-serving
attempts at increased Govt. welfare..
Oct 29, 2011 at 2:58 PM | Unregistered CommenterGene
@ Gene, you dont read much do you?
Oct 29, 2011 at 8:57 PM | Unregistered CommenterJames

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