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Zsa Zsa Huffington Discusses Scott Brown's Victory With Keith Olbermann (VIDEO)

Video:  Zsa Zsa and Keith console one another over the death of Obamacare


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Dobermann gets paid to be a blind ignorant blowhard, but Arianna--come on! After an ENTIRE year, you still don't get it! It's not about one party communicating how 'they care' or understand or about some 'need' to make programs for the people. It's about the people wanting to be FREE from government interference!! GET IT? LIBERTY, Arianna--look it up!!

Sonic Ninja





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Reader Comments (11)

Dobermann gets paid to be a blind ignorant blowhard, but Arianna--come on! After an ENTIRE year, you still don't get it! It's not about one party communicating how 'they care' or understand or about some 'need' to make programs for the people. It's about the people wanting to be FREE from government interference!! GET IT? LIBERTY, Arianna--look it up!!
Jan 21, 2010 at 8:54 PM | Unregistered CommenterSonic Ninja Kitty
nice comment, snk...i'm adding it to the story...
Jan 22, 2010 at 1:39 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
OH MY--the Kitty v. the Huffy :0

Bring it on.
Jan 22, 2010 at 10:08 AM | Unregistered CommenterSonic Ninja Kitty
I think she should be forced to legal change her name to "Zsa zsa Huffington", because it cracks me up every single time.

I'm not sure I completely agree with SNK on this one (which scares me a little, because Kitty's proven she really knows her dukes), but I took Zsa zsa's comments to mean "Hey! throw some crooks in jail already and stop trying to cram a half-assed healthcare bill down our throats".
Jan 22, 2010 at 1:02 PM | Unregistered Commentermark mchugh
And for the record, I got no problem with what Scott Brown said about his daughters. I'm sure he wants the best for them. It was a light-hearted family moment (and who's to say a prince or two won't come a courtin'?). Fuck you Oberman for trying to spoil the moment.
Jan 22, 2010 at 1:13 PM | Unregistered Commentermark mchugh
i agree about the daughters comment...i posted it on live beat becasue i thought it was funny...not reprehensible in any way...
Jan 22, 2010 at 5:17 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Stand back, my dear Mark, and please allow me in the ring. THIS one is mine. She raises the hair on my back and draws out the claws. I do not want anyone else to get hurt.


This is for the edification and enlightenment of all those out there who do not yet see your grand mistress huffingpuffingtonator for what she TRULY is. She is a partisan hack job and a holy money priestess political shill of the highest order. She—like every political figure—cares not one iota for what the people think or desire. She is an ideological miscreant whose loyalties lie only with the party system—and a very narrow contingent within it at that. She is one of hybrids: both a ZOM-OBAMA-BIE and a one-elitest-party affiliate.

From 1:53*:
“My initial take away is that THIS COULD ACTUALLY BE A BLESSING IN DISGUISE FOR THE DEMOCRATS. I know the disguise is very heavy, but this it their chance to course correct. Celinda Lake was absolutely right. This is a referendum on the administration’s and congress’ policies towards Wall Street. And if they interpret it that way and IF THEY CAN COURSE CORRECT, THEY CAN ACTUALLY PREVENT WHAT WAS COMING TO THEM IN 2010, which is potentially loosing the house and the senate. There is time to course correct. It has to start with the white house. The PRESIDENT ACTUALLY HAS TO TAKE A TRIP TO A METAPHORICAL MOUNTAINTOP and remember why he ran, why he got elected, and why when he now goes and campaigns for Martha Coakley, and talks about special interests, and fighting the status quo, he’s not believed, because HE IS THE STATUS QUO. HE IS IN CHARGE OF ALL THREE BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT."

*De-huffinated interpretation: All I care about is preventing the loss of the house and senate in 2010 to my particular side of the one elitist ruling party. President Obama is my guru. Presently he is not fooling the ordinary mortals into believing he is distinguishable from the other boring elites. He should figure out how to again set himself apart in word only. I don’t understand the proper Constitutional role of a president and I think he should rule everything as he sees fit, the will of the actual people be damned.

From 3: 06**:
“I think the problem with Massachusetts is that DEMOCRATS BECAME PARTNERS WITH THE SPECIAL INTERESTS and the status quo. The problem is not with independents and moderates, it’s with the fact that Billy Tauzin, the chief lobbyist for PhRMA, the head of PhRMA, visited the white house 11 times in the first six months. The fact that as Dick Durbin said the banks, basically, are in charge of what’s happening on the hill. This is the fundamental problem. THE DEMOCRATS, STARTING WITH THE WHITE HOUSE, NEED TO DEMONSTRATE TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE THAT THEY ARE ON THEIR SIDE, OF MIDDLE CLASS FAMILIES deathly worried about loosing jobs, foreclosures, and bankruptcies. And you know, I love Rachel [Maddow], but I completely disagree with her. The way to do that is not to fight for a broken health care bill that over 50% of Americans are against—moderates, independents, progressives and conservatives. The way to do that is to fight for jobs, to fight against the banks that are about this week to give out ridiculous bonuses while middle class Americans are hurting. This is the priority. There is time to course correct, but they need to course correct in the right direction.”

De-huffinated explanation: While I would never openly admit the democrats have always been eyeball deep in the corrupted web of special interest in Massachusetts, I see the people there finally broke the rest of the country free of its death grip before we could wrap them up and administer the final poison. They voted in someone they thought would represent them--instead of us! What insolence! We must lure them back! Let’s jump on banks even though they finance and front us as well so at least WE'LL LOOK to the country like we’re doing something to help them, our victims—errr…people!

From 5:15***:
“…in the end, we can say a lot of things about Scott Brown and a lot of things about Martha Coakley and what a lackluster candidate she was, but in the end, this is not about Massachusetts, and this is not about Scott Brown and Martha Coakley. THIS IS ABOUT THE NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC PARTY THAT HAS LOST ITS WAY, AND THIS IS THE TIME TO COURSE CORRECT and that’s why I am actually, in the end, optimistic that this could turn out to be a good night for democrats if they learn the right lesson. See, if they listen to Evan Bayh, and to Joe Lieberman who are telling them TO GO TO SOME SORT OF MYTHICAL MIDDLE, which is exactly where the status quo is, while upping the rhetoric but not changing their actions, then, unfortunately, the lessons of tonight will have been missed.”

***De-huffinated clarification: There should be no congregation of independent people, in the middle or otherwise! We should try and confuse them about 'where' they are. They are starting to get silly ideas about liberty and representation of their interests! It will only screw up this important step of our plan which I have never once denounced: our takeover of their individual health care decisions. The democratic party must realign its sites to rope them back into the fold so we can better administer the soothing anesthesia of our party’s supposed and supreme compassion and care!

She desires to stop neither any malfeasant figures nor any misconstrued health care initiatives. All she wants is for the democrats to turn their ship AWAY from the middle—from the status quo because the people are now onto this game of the ruling elites—and to “course correct” (in her exact, repetitive and inane words), dragging the people wailing, protesting, and showing up at the polls in record numbers down a more party centric (and I don’t really give a hoot in hell exactly which party this is, by the way) and oppressive path towards a purer and truer one elite (“Moneyed Rulers”) party-controlled existence!

(OMG—I loose my mind with this woman!)

Jan 22, 2010 at 7:52 PM | Unregistered CommenterSonic Ninja Kitty

Settle down Kit. I'm not going to spend one keystroke defending Zsa zsa. Thanks for the de-huffination.
Jan 22, 2010 at 8:06 PM | Unregistered Commentermark mchugh
Zsa zsa's worried about her team, not our Country, right?
Jan 22, 2010 at 8:08 PM | Unregistered Commentermark mchugh
Um, wow, I am completely blown away by SNK's response, great job and laissez les bons temps roulez. Make no mistake, Scott Brown was a shot over the bow. Come November, The United States Corporation Pirate Flagship needs to receive a full broadside by the U.S.S. Liberty, hold no quarter. It will only work if all are routed...

Somebody give me some mudbugs... I'm feelin tingly...

“Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber.”

Jan 22, 2010 at 8:25 PM | Unregistered CommenterS. Gompers
......good pilates today......yes, very very good.......i am the warrior.......
Jan 22, 2010 at 8:32 PM | Unregistered CommenterSonic Ninja Kitty

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