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BROKEN RECORD: Freddie Mac Asks For $11 Billion More


Roubini: America Faces Inflation or Default

Roubini in New York with IU grad Michael Kandinov.

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Fed Under Fire: Dorgan, Grassley Push Amendment Requiring Fed Compliance With Federal Court Orders

This is related to the Bloomberg vs. the Fed FOIA case.

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Sanders Agrees To 'Audit The Fed' Modification, Dodd & White House Now Support 


James Kwak On Too Big To Fail Banks (VIDEO)

CBS Video:  James Kwak of Baseline Scenario -- May 6, 2010


As the FCIC continues to dig into the causes of the financial crisis with testimony from former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and current Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, it might occur to even the most casual observer that banks are still pretty big. If we thought that banks were "too big to fail" in 2008, today it's scary to consider that the top 6 banks control an even larger share of the industry post Great Recession.

James Kwak, co-author with Simon Johnson of "13 Bankers" discussed what needs to happen to prevent banks from getting so big that they could potentially drag down the entire financial system.


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WATCH LIVE: Financial Crisis Hearings -- Testimony From Tim Geithner & Henry Paulson

Updated on May 6, 2010 at 7:55 PM by Registered CommenterDailyBail

Today's testimony:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3


You can watch Hank Paulson's testimony HERE  >>


Paulson quotes from testimony  >>


Paulson testified this morning and Geithner is in the FCIC crosshairs now.

From C-Span

The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC) is on its final panel on the “Shadow Banking System”.  Earlier, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner stated that the U.S. was “fundamentally inadequate” overseeing financial regulation.  Also Fmr. Treasury Sec. Henry Paulson appeared earlier and noted that the financial bailouts still "remain very unpopular" with Americans.


Some early reaction to today's testimony:

Paulson defends actions in financial crisis

Ex-Treasury Chief Paulson Says ‘Wolf Pack’ Menaced Bear Stearns

Paulson: U.S. wasn't ready for meltdown

Geithner says crisis could have been milder


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Audit The Fed -- Call Your Senators NOW @ 202-224-3121


After you call click HERE  >>


You can also sign the petition and generate and automatic letter supporting an audit of the Federal Reserve at:

Stop The Banksters USA >>


And don't forget Ron Paul's and Alan Grayson's website -- You can quickly send another automatic letter here:



Thank you!


We are tracking all the stories related to the Senate push:

UPDATE:  Senate Battle To Audit The Federal Reserve


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During White House Bailout Meeing, Barney Frank Erupted At Paulson, Screaming 'F**k You, Hank!' Repeatedly

And it's not the only bailout related revelation in Jonathon Alter's new book The Promise.  McCain was a walking disaster, and Bush's face turned 'sour and quizzical' when Mr. Unprepared started speaking.

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UPDATE: Senate Battle To Audit The Federal Reserve

Updated on May 5, 2010 at 12:11 AM by Registered CommenterDailyBail

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Senate Considers Throwing Wall Street Executives in Jail for Reckless Investments

Would you like the top bunk, Secretary Geithner?

Without a doubt, the best headline I've seen in months.  Even better, it's not a joke.

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Ron Paul & Alan Grayson With Dylan Ratigan: Audit The Freaking Fed (VIDEO)

Video:  Paul and Grayson discuss efforts to ensure a full audit of the Federal Reserve is included in any financial reform package -- May 3, 2010

The interview begins near the 4:50 mark.  Ratigan does a thorough introduction and review of reform for the first 4 minutes.  No miss.

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Yves Smith Of Naked Capitalism On Failed Economists, Goldman Sachs & Wall Street Reform (WATCH)


Blankfein Vs. Levin & McCaskill (Multiple Clips)

Three more clips from the Goldman hearings -- a whole lotta Lloyd.

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Creepy Orwellian Pennsylvania Tax Amnesty Commercial "Nice Car, Tom...We Know Who You Are" (WATCH)

Video:  Television commercial from the PA Dept. of Revenue -- April 28, 2010

  • "Nice car, Tom."


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