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Of The 1%, By The 1%, For The 1%

By Joseph Stiglitz

Americans have been watching global protests against oppressive regimes that concentrate massive wealth in the hands of an elite few. Yet in our own democracy, 1 percent of the people take nearly a quarter of the nation’s income—an inequality even the wealthy will come to regret.

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Bank Bailout Collection On Grafton Street, Ireland

Video - In a desperate bid to improve the public finances, the Final Nail Party take to the streets to raise money for troubled Irish bankers.  Featuring Brian Cowen, Brian Lenihan, and Mary Coughlan.  At least they're paying attention in Ireland, which is more than we can say for our culture of televised dancing with teenagers named Palin.


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Dan Jester: Still Looking For The Mystery Man Behind The Goldman Sachs AIG Swindle (VIDEO - Hank Paulson Grilled By Congress About Contact With Jester)

Paulson's a stuttering chump.

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Kaptur Exposes Tim 'Goldman Sachs' Geithner (VIDEO)

Video:  Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur questions Turbo on AIG, Goldman Sachs, and NY Federal Reserve actions regarding AIG counterparty payouts at PAR.  This clip could have been published with the last story, but two is better than one when it comes to Geithner looking like a Goldman shill.  Six minutes of revenge.

UPDATE:  We've located and added the transcript inside.

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Geithner Plunders Retirement Accounts, CEO Pay Skyrockets, The Next Financial Crisis, Bid-Rigging In Foreclosure Auctions, The Mystery $100M ATM Receipt, Afghan Bank Fraud Revealed (20 LINKS)


Eddie Murphy Goes To Washington: Trailer From 'The Distinguished Gentleman'


We defy anyone to demonstrate that anything has changed since this film was released in 1992.  In fact, crony crapitalism, whereby corporations run Congress and write legislation via K-Street lobbyists masquerading as prostitutes, has only gotten worse, as evidenced by our last story.

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Bernanke's Helicopter Delivers To Banks In Phoenix (Video)

Yesterday in Phoenix, as a dust storm overtakes the city.  This is pretty amazing video.

Read all about it here...


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You Want A Triple AAA, Just Give Me Some More Money (5 Star Clip)


"Who Will Default First On Their Debt Greece Or The United States?" - Question Arises As Germany's Top Court Considers Whether The Greek Bailout Is Even Constitutional

Full write-up inisde from Daniel Hannan with video and several links.

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FINALLY! - Ireland Issues Threat To Billionaire Bondholders

Updated on Jul 5, 2011 at 12:48 PM by Registered CommenterDailyBail

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The Star Spangled Banner

Best renditions I could find.  Happy Overthrow Your Government Day.

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Massive Chinese Bank Bailout, Greek Rescue Threatened By Rating Agencies, Bank Of Moscow $14B Bailout, Bill Clinton On Corporate Taxes, Geithner's Cover Letter To Goldman Sachs, Ron Paul Says Legalize Marijuana (18 LINKS)


Fed Officials Led By Greenspan Saw Housing Bubble in 2005, Didn't Alter Policy - Newly Released FOMC Minutes

Greenspan admits the Fed is above the law...

Greenspan spells it out...

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PIMCO's Bill Gross: "The U.S. National Debt Is $100 Trillion, We Are In Worse Financial Shape Than Greece" (Video)

CNBC Video - Bill Gross on the U.S. Fiscal Nightmare - June 13, 2011

When adding in all of the money owed to cover future liabilities in entitlement programs the US is actually in worse financial shape than Greece and other debt-laden European countries, Pimco's Bill Gross told CNBC Monday.

Much of the public focus is on the nation's public debt, which is $14.3 trillion. But that doesn't include money guaranteed for Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, which comes to close to $50 trillion, according to government figures.

The government also is on the hook for other debts such as the programs related to the bailout of the financial system following the crisis of 2008 and 2009, government figures show.

Taken together, Gross puts the total at "nearly $100 trillion," that while perhaps a bit on the high side, places the country in a highly unenviable fiscal position that he said won't find a solution overnight.

  • "We've always wondered who will buy Treasurys" after the Federal Reserve purchases the last of its $600 billion to end the second leg of its quantitative easing program later this month, Gross said. "It's certainly not Pimco and it's probably not the bond funds of the world."
  • "To think that we can reduce that within the space of a year or two is not a realistic assumption.  That's much more than Greece, that's much more than almost any other developed country.  We've got a problem and we have to get after it quickly."

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