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Winner: Lloyd Blankfein Douchebag Of The Year

Video - Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein wins Douchebag of the Year

Completely mindless 25 seconds.  This is for my sanity. 


Here's 2 minutes of Lord Blankfein with Charlie Rose...


Goldman Sachs continues the pillaging of taxpayers...

Goldman Earned $55.7 Million From Build America Fees


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Reader Comments (5)

« We Say Sue The Bailout-Sucking, Bonus-Paying Bastards! Foreclosure Fraudster GMAC Got $18 Billion In TARP Funds It Has Yet To Pay Back! »

Dec 22, 2010 at 3:12 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
« Check Out The Little House In Maine That Started The Nationwide Foreclosure Freeze (PHOTO, NYT Story) »

Dec 22, 2010 at 3:13 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
blanckfein is treated with kid-gloves by the fawning Rose. Did he receive a nice xmas box to be so sweet ?. Don Henley had it down when he sang..."steal a dollar and they throw you in jail, steal a million and they make you KING" ( in those days they didn't have "billions" That terminology was used for countries' GDP

Has anyone noticed how the money has ratcheted up suddenly, by 10 to the power of three. A few months ago it was "billions" now it's 'trillions"........but the single dollar is still scarce in civvy-street. Possibly after all., we will end up carrying a suit-case of bills to buy the supper, like happened in Zimbabwe " Anyone for a loaf of bread?.........only Z$2000,000, buy now while you can...!! " OFF WITH THEIR HEADS"

Dec 22, 2010 at 5:56 PM | Unregistered Commenterhenry
Yeah...he's doing God's work ya know. Goldman, Sachs....one of the top financial terrorists in the world that are likely complicit in fraud, genocide and grand theft. And the funny thing is that everyone realizes this so as things progress to "worser" the GS folks may get a little more attention than they want. Of course, I'm just hypothesizing.
Dec 22, 2010 at 11:56 PM | Unregistered Commenterdogismyth
Exclusive: Goldman's God problem goes away, for now



The bank has been in the spotlight since a mid-level executive resigned and fired off a blistering attack on the firm in a New York Times op-ed on March 14, describing a "toxic and destructive" culture motivated by greed.

For the past two years, a group of religious institutions that hold Goldman shares has asked the investment bank to review executive compensation packages and has been successful in getting its proposal taken up at regular shareholders' meetings.

This year, the group, including the Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia, again sought to have its proposal voted on by shareholders. But for the first time, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission sided with Goldman, which argued it had already complied with the request.

The SEC's letter of rejection was emailed to the religious groups' leaders on Thursday, the day after the former Goldman executive, Greg Smith, published his scathing op-ed piece in the Times.

An official at the Nathan Cummings Foundation, a Jewish group that is the lead filer of the proposal, said she was somewhat surprised that the agency rejected its request given that the op-ed touched on exactly the issues it had hoped to address.
Mar 17, 2012 at 11:44 AM | Registered CommenterJohn

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