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'Why Does Cheryl Mills Still Have Top Secret Clearance...?'


This is a really good clip. The pitbull reporter is Catherine Herridge from Fox News and she has consistently provided the most reasoned and thorough coverage on the Clinton email case. She will not let the State Dept spokesman off the hook on this question and continues to demand an answer.

Meanwhile, Cheryl Mills is back in the news today, asking a judge to block the release of video of her deposition last week in the Judicial Watch FOIA case.





The passage I have excerpted below demonstrates exactly why these lawsuits matter. Do not forget that Hillary and her cover-up team deleted 30,000 emails from her private server before turning it over to the FBI. No one has seen those emails except her closest aides. However, there have been a few published FBI leaks over the past 4 months hinting that the bureau has been able to find the deleted files.


Ray Maxwell, a former assistant secretary of state for North Africa, has told reporters that Cheryl Mills was one of several Clinton aides who on a Sunday afternoon “separated” out Benghazi-related documents that might put Clinton or her team in a “bad light.”

These documents were kept out of the pile that the State Department turned over to the Board that was investigating Benghazi. When Maxwell stumbled upon the operation, which was taking place in a “basement operations-type center at State headquarters in Washington,” he questioned whether it was above-board. “Isn’t that unethical?” he asked the office director in charge of the weeding-out process. “Ray, those are our orders,” she answered. A few minutes later, Cheryl Mills entered the room and challenged Maxwell over his presence, asking him, “Who are you?”



UPDATE: Cheryl Mills Storms Out Of FBI Interview




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Reader Comments (6)

Judicial Watch Statement on State Department OIG Report on Hillary Clinton’s Email Practices

May 26, 2016 at 4:52 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Liberal Media FINALLY Covering THIS Terrible Story From Hillary’s Past – Because Of TRUMP!!

May 26, 2016 at 9:51 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
A federal judge on Thursday ordered that the videotape of Hillary Clinton’s former chief of staff giving a deposition this week be sealed so it can’t be used in political attacks against the former secretary of state and likely Democratic presidential nominee.


Judge Emmett G. Sullivan said the transcript of Cheryl Mills‘ testimony will be made public so the voters can know what she says. He said it was “unnecessary” to have the video released.
May 26, 2016 at 10:41 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Hillary Clinton's ENTIRE inner circle refused to cooperate with investigators in email probe

May 26, 2016 at 10:43 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Government employees are supposed to work for US, the people, even though they are elected and can't be easily fired. They have not worked for US for a very very long time. It's time we flush all governments (Federal and most States) and start over.
May 26, 2016 at 10:47 PM | Unregistered CommenterGinger
Hillary Clinton was so attached to her BlackBerry as secretary of state that she was sometimes spotted in the hallway outside her highly secure office using the device, according to a State Department official.

“The crux of the issue was that BlackBerrys and iPhones are not allowed in the secretary’s office suite, so the question was: How is the secretary going to be able to check her e-mails if she’s not able to have the BlackBerry at her desk with her?” the official, Lewis Lukens, said in a deposition released Thursday by the conservative government transparency group Judicial Watch.

May 26, 2016 at 11:16 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail

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