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« WATCH: Cyprus President Explains Why It's OK To Steal | Main | Santelli On Cyprus: "Our Leaders Are No Different Than Europe" »

WATCH: Cyprus Man Threatens Bank With Bulldozer

Raw bulldozer video plus interviews with Cypriots.

Cypriots rush banks and line up at ATMs in a mad dash before tomorrow's immediate EU Bailout Tax takes effect.  A story that just broke:

British government STOPS pension payments to expats in Cyprus so government won’t seize 10% tax for EU bank bailout

  • Payments to British pensioners on island suspended until vote on levy
  • Treasury Minister said Government would reimburse armed forces' losses
  • FTSE 100 initially fell by 1.5% but closed for the day just 0.5% down
  • Savers will lose up to 10% from accounts under unprecedented settlement
  • Move prompts fresh fears the eurozone could be on the verge of break-up
  • A parliamentary vote on controversial bank deposit levy has been postponed
  • Russia considering restructuring existing loan to Cyprus to bail out country
  • Vladimir Putin called levy 'unfair, unprofessional and dangerous' 
  • Cypriot banks will remain closed on Tuesday and Wednesday


    Full report from the BBC.

    Cyprus's parliament has postponed an emergency session on a controversial bailout deal for the country's banks.

    Here is the latest on the fast-changing story out of Cyprus.



    Cyprus bailout timeline.

    Watch the first minute of this clip.



    The Artist Taxi Driver goes off:

    MUST SEE: The Great Cyprus Bank Robbery




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    Reader Comments (1)

    Mentioned this Cyprus business to a (close) aquaintancce of mine, a keynesian. She said it was a good thing to take from the haves because the have nots need help. When I got over being speechless, I said they aren't giving to the poor, they're taking from responsible savers to bail out banks, pay bonuses and cover derivatives CDSs etc. That didn't seem to register. Barking at airplanes is more constructive than trying to explain this robbery to a socialist.. But when it's my acquaintance's savings that get levied she may feel differently. It's all fun until you run out of other people's money.
    Mar 18, 2013 at 11:43 PM | Unregistered CommenterCanuck

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