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Watch Christopher Hitchens Get Waterboarded (VIDEO)

Many of you have likely seen this already.  I stumbled across it just this weekend.  Might surprise you to see exactly how waterboarding is conducted.

How does it feel to be aggressively interrogated?  Christopher Hitchens found out for himself, submitting to a waterboarding session in an effort to understand the human cost of America's use of harsh tactics at Guantánamo and elsewhere.


Believe Me, It’s Torture

What more can be added to the debate over U.S. interrogation methods, and whether waterboarding is torture? Try firsthand experience. The author undergoes the controversial drowning technique, at the hands of men who once trained American soldiers to resist—not inflict—it.

by Christopher Hitchens

August 2008


Here is the most chilling way I can find of stating the matter. Until recently, “waterboarding” was something that Americans did to other Americans. It was inflicted, and endured, by those members of the Special Forces who underwent the advanced form of training known as sere (Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape). In these harsh exercises, brave men and women were introduced to the sorts of barbarism that they might expect to meet at the hands of a lawless foe who disregarded the Geneva Conventions. But it was something that Americans were being trained to resist, not to inflict.

Exploring this narrow but deep distinction, on a gorgeous day last May I found myself deep in the hill country of western North Carolina, preparing to be surprised by a team of extremely hardened veterans who had confronted their country’s enemies in highly arduous terrain all over the world. They knew about everything from unarmed combat to enhanced interrogation and, in exchange for anonymity, were going to show me as nearly as possible what real waterboarding might be like.

Here is the most chilling way I can find of stating the matter. Until recently, “waterboarding” was something that Americans did to other Americans. It was inflicted, and endured, by those members of the Special Forces who underwent the advanced form of training known as sere (Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape). In these harsh exercises, brave men and women were introduced to the sorts of barbarism that they might expect to meet at the hands of a lawless foe who disregarded the Geneva Conventions. But it was something that Americans were being trained to resist, not to inflict.

Exploring this narrow but deep distinction, on a gorgeous day last May I found myself deep in the hill country of western North Carolina, preparing to be surprised by a team of extremely hardened veterans who had confronted their country’s enemies in highly arduous terrain all over the world. They knew about everything from unarmed combat to enhanced interrogation and, in exchange for anonymity, were going to show me as nearly as possible what real waterboarding might be like.



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Reader Comments (3)

It certainly is not pleasant but as awful as it is, it's not pulling fingernails out pushing bamboo shoots under them. Nor is it cutting off digits or fingers or limbs. And it's not facing the ground from atop one of the Twin Towers knowing it's your only way out. Maybe a video of the interrogation methods of the other side should air as well. War is not a pleasant experience. It is life or death with all the variations and degrees in between.
Feb 16, 2010 at 1:08 PM | Unregistered Commentervalerie eggers
That's right Valerie - It's all good if you leave the torture chamber with your digits and nails in tact. FYI - Beating your kids works great too.
Feb 16, 2010 at 4:56 PM | Unregistered CommenterAngry Jones
NEWSFLASH: The WORLD is watching Americans debating whether TORTURE is TORTURE (hint: it IS!) and scratching its collective head, wondering "WTF IS WRONG WITH THESE ASSHOLES??? First they invade THE WRONG COUNTRY and NOW they're sticking their tongues into the electrical sockets to confirm if it hurts or not".
Feb 16, 2010 at 8:01 PM | Unregistered CommenterRecoverylessRecovery

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