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Wall Street Bum: "I Never Thought It Would Happen To Me, I Lost 9 Of My 14 Homes"




"I used to be able to buy an island, now just a peninsula."

(Hat tip to Crossing Wall Street)


bailout comedy, satire, humor, laughs

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Reader Comments (2)

There's a new Ponzi scheme waiting on the sidelines that NOBODY knows about and you can be among the first to get in. It's called the American Communist Party.
If you get in early enough you can be the first American Dick 'tater and think of all the girls you will git.
And your face will be on Mount Rushmore.
Hell, you will be able to demolish the big Rushmore four and have a statue of yourself carved out as a replacement.
Get in before the stampede starts.
You can own every man, child and yes, WOMAN in America.
Git in NOW before the stampede starts.
Yippie kai aye!
Aug 12, 2009 at 12:48 AM | Unregistered CommenterJames Street
I think they've already got me on their mailing list.
Aug 12, 2009 at 1:18 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
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