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VIDEO - Ron Paul Flirts With 3rd Party Campaign: "I Won't Endorse Any Other GOP Candidate"

Dr. Ron Paul appeared yesterday on Fox News with Chris Wallace.  Runs 90 seconds.

Raw Story

Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) told Fox News host Chris Wallace that if he loses, he will “probably not” endorse another any of the other candidates.

“Can you state flatly that you will support the Republican nominee in the off chance that it isn’t Ron Paul?” Wallace asked the candidate.

“Probably not, unless I get to talk to them and find out what they really believe in."

  • “But if they believe in expanding the wars, if they don’t believe in looking at the Federal Reserve, if they don’t believe in real cuts, if they don’t believe in deregulations and a better tax system, it would defy everything I believe in. And so, therefore I would be reluctant to jump onboard and tell all of the supporters that have given me trust and money, then all the sudden say, ‘All we’ve done is for nought so let’s support anybody at all even if they disagree with everything that we do.’”

“Would it mean then that you might consider an independent run?” Wallace wondered.

“No, it does not mean that at all.  I have no intention of doing that. That doesn’t make any sense to me.”

“Because?” Wallace pressed.

“Because I don’t want to do it,” Paul replied. “That’s a pretty good reason.”


Here's the full interview.




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Reader Comments (5)

I watched the whole interview last night. It is amazing the sea change that has occurred in terms of how Fox now gives Ron Paul the kind of respect they have long denied him. Chris Wallace sounded more like Mike Wallace here. I can't pinpoint the date, but sometime in 2007-2008, I remember Wallace being totally dismissive, if not rude, to Paul. But with this one I almost forgot that this was Fox News.

Nov 7, 2011 at 3:52 PM | Registered CommenterDr. Pitchfork
Sheraton Hotels Implement Chinese-style Internet Censorship, Block Alternative News Websites

Nov 7, 2011 at 5:43 PM | Unregistered CommenterDailyBail
@DB, I was up in NH earlier this year and stayed at a sheraton.... the computers there (guest computers) had your site blocked....
Nov 7, 2011 at 5:59 PM | Unregistered Commenterjohn
It was a Marriott not a Sheraton... sorry.... They still blocked alt news sites.
Nov 7, 2011 at 6:11 PM | Unregistered Commenterjohn
It was a Marriott not a Sheraton... sorry.... They still blocked alt news sites.

The American People are finding out way to much information on whats realy going on today in the goverment........If it wasent for the "Internet" we would still be in a Stamp on a Letter, to talk with everyone, and the One Black Tellephone that hung on the wall in the kitchen.

Later we had a 2nd one in the living room so we dident have to get up.....We would still be paying 58. day and 28. cents night time long distance too................

No wonder obama wants to shut down the internet on the American People........!
Nov 8, 2011 at 10:27 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar

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