VIDEO - Oakland Police Shoot Protester Helping Scott Olsen To Safety In Violation Of Geneva Convention
A protester shows his wound after the police shot him with a rubber bullet while he helped carry Scott Olsen. The bullet had to be removed from his body.
The Oakland police violated their own rules (page 9), and violated the Geneva Convention against targeting wounded combatants or those attempting to render medical aid.
Amnesty International has condemned the use of tear gas as well as the actions of Mayor Jean Quan of Oakland, who said the measures were justified because protesters threw rocks.
The Obama administration and Eric Holder have shown no interest in investigating.
Reader Comments (38)
Why was my former Fire Rescue department required to provide DHS with copies of all EMS run sheets?
This was once considered confidential information and now medical records of anyone is accessed by your department (and made available to anyone who is an elected public official). If I were to sprain my ankle or stub my toe that information, including insurance information etc. is none of your fucking business let alone anyone else. You madam, and your accomplices have well overstepped the line and I expect an answer here.
Obama and his ilk will go the way of Marie Antoinette. No politician ever pretends to "change" until bullets start flying in their direction.
Same as it ever was. There will be several murders of politicians, several real riots, several murders of innocent people, a shut down on banking access ,and then an elimination of internet communications. THEN people will get angry enough to eliminate, by vote or otherwise, every large-scale politician on every level.
The International law that could be applied here is Human Rights.
But it isn't necessary to take this all the way to The Hague,
The USA has perfectly good laws against assault with deadly or dangerous weapons.
#OccupyOakland should find this kid a mean Kick-S lawyer and rip Oakland PD a $25 million plus budget deficit.
Remember we are dealing with Capitalists and effective strategy is hitting where they are most sensitive ... (in the wallet).
That will teach OPD to respect We The People from here on.
It might become even more fun
when the cops find out they have to take future cuts in their pensions because of all this.
"Assange has laid the responsibility for the non-appearance of a much-heralded cache of documents relating to Bank of America on sabotage by ex-employees. However, sources close to the site believe the real issue is more mundane: journalists at more than one financial outlet have been given access to review the material, and found nothing of interest."
I live in a very rich country, I have had it all, lost it all, and ended up with depth beyound my Head.
And for a decade i had No money. In periods I had to steel food from others, looked thru Trashcans for some thing to eat, picked up used sigarets, and all this gave me a total different perspectiv on our so caled sivilized world.
People with a sickening moral, that judges you on simple aperanses and for the moment, fleating as it may be, welth.
To day the situation is different, but I will never forget tsome Peoples belives and atitute to Poor people, and whats even more rfrightening, its all the dogmas atatshed to the notion of being poor.
So, this is not good at all, this segregation policy and way of persiving others.
I know that they are just like me and you.
I know, I have been there.
This item was posted by an anonymous author, meaning that he or she does not have a personal account with this website.
Website (URL): Not specified.
Perhaps you are paid to target Patriots like myself?
Below is an excerpt from Marine Jay Gentile's full statement(full statement at : or )
I am Jay Gentile, the man from the "brother" photograph, and this is my message to you.
My Dearest Occupants,
I'd like to start, briefly, by thanking the staff at Highland hospital in Oakland, CA, for the help they have given Cpl. Scott Olsen. From what I hear, his condition is continuously (albeit slowly) improving, and we owe them our full gratitude for the work they have done, and continue to do. To Cpl. Olsen's family, I offer my sincerest apology on behalf of anybody that has yet to apologize. What happened should not have occurred, and I am deeply sorry for what you are currently going through. Know that he, undoubtably, has great determination, and I hope to see that realized further as his condition continues to improve.
Now is not the time for further anger or violence. Now is the time to hurl logical thought, with rational minds, and calm demeanors. Yes, a lot of us are angry, but that anger can be directed in very productive ways. There is no changing what has already occurred, be it in Oakland, New York, or any other city across the globe. Instead, we move on, more rational than ever. The police, as a whole, should not be blamed for what has, unfortunately, already occurred. The individuals responsible, and their chain(s) of command, need to be held accountable -- not the organization(s), themselves. If the anger that we all feel is directed at the police, in general, then it is misguided. (more..)
DB, you get mention here regarding photos of munitions used. Dianne Feinstein gets ripped too including a link to her financial statement.
Well this could be why he wants to remain anonymous. And there are lots of other
examples of people and groups being targeted and infiltrated.
Nor have I ever espoused violence; I abhor it. This is true for the vast majority of protesters. It is an open group, you can only try to convince those predisposed to violence not to harm the movement. They may do it anyway, and I cannot really stop that.
I don't think we fundamentally disagree, but I do think calling yourself a "patriot" is a bit pompous. Just my opinion.
Korea and Venezuela.
As a protester, I am not asking for welfare (I have a job, thanks). I have no interest in a communist system. It is true that I would like to see a more liberal social democracy (which is indeed what we have on paper, though increasingly less true in reality). But before that, I want to see the rule of law enforced, and the fraud on wall-street prosecuted. That really is the number 1 goal. Right behind it are the goals of getting the money out of Washington (see: Dylan Ratigan as posted all over this site).
By repeating these paranoid claims about "communism" you do a great disservice to the people who are serious about changing this country the only way they can.
The banks are bailed out at the expense of the taxpayers throughout the world, which only encourages more risky behavior. When we remove consequence we remove accountability. Though many of the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) people make this point, most do not. Essentially this crowd believes they are entitled to unearned privilege just like the banks. The OWS believe they deserve a good job (though as an employer I can state that when they get one all they do is complain and whine about the work). They believe that because they are not wealthy the rich should be taxed to support them, as though all wealthy people work on Wall Street. The OWS ward of the state mentality will prevent them from accumulating wealth. Because they come, hat in hand, with entitlement expectations, they fail to see that though some of their arguments have substance their solutions are no better than those they wish to condemn; only the proportions are different. Banks need billions, OWS wants free lunches, guaranteed income, guaranteed healthcare, and free tattoos.
Were the police acting prudently? No. Were the protesters acting prudently? No. The protesters want to believe it is OK to behave in a disorderly manner, but it is a travesty when the police react in a disorderly manner. While neither groups' behavior is justified, stop the whining because the police did not respond as you expected. Your actions and behavior have consequences, even though the left wing agenda that has dominated our educational system for 30 years has led you to believe that your feelings are more important than your thoughts and behavior. Maybe the police thought the crowd would be willing to move the demonstration in a peaceful orderly fashion and 'felt' threatened by the crowds' lack of tolerance for order. The point here is that the protests can be as despicable as unauthorized force by police. So stop whining because the cops have feelings too.
Folks, we are experiencing a structural change. The demographic shift that is taking place is of monumental proportion. As the baby boomers exit their peak productive and earning years and enter their peak saving years do not expect economic demand to resume for at least 10 years (think Japan). This economic slog will not be solved by Obama, Republicans, democrats, or the protesters. We have $14 trillion in public debt that must be unwound (though the President and the Ds want to add to it). The Bozo in the White House never even had a paper route so don't expect solutions from him or the Wall Street cronies that are his biggest supporters and contributors. Never mentioned in the media is the fact that private debt (consumer debt) is in excess of $42 trillion. In a consumer driven economy, these debts on the private side are far more dangerous than the public deebt. These debts must be written off and de-leveraged. As this deleveraging proceeds prosperity will be out of reach for at least 10 years. Government stimulus and fake job programs will not solve those problems. Creating more debt to solve the outstanding debt is the work of academics and White House occupants, and is the equivalent to treating diabetes by feeding the patient strawberry shortcake. It is a difficult fact to admit, but the prosperity of the last 20 years will not be experienced again for at least another 20 years. If the wealthy were taxed at 100% there would not be enough money to solve our problems! Our Marxist President wants to create class warfare as a diversion in his attempts to get re-elected. Do not fall for his charade. While their are no viable solutions to the economic winding down that must occur, his interventions have prolonged the agony making it worse. Man up. It will be rough sledding ahead. Recognize that many of you have not been prepared for what we face, and search for more thoughtful solutions. Or, you can complain that the police were over reacting, even though you were provoking them. Protesting, whining about the police, defecating on cars, hooking up and having gratuitous sex will make yo feel better for the moment, but these economic-demographic problems are long term. I know this is difficult but you are going to have to learn to think for yourself. It will be a new experience for many, but the outcome will be much more satisfying than the current morass in which you find yourselves
Your condescending drivel altogether misses the point despite its prolixity. What separates the 99% from the elite? Two related phenomena: the elite is above the law (meaning there is no rule of law), and the elite gets rewarded with bailout money--taken from the 99%--for its bad decisions. Until that changes, there will NEVER be prosperity. This is why people are protesting.
Your cartoonish critique of people who've gotten off their asses to voice their dissent marks you as a sheep.
I watched the allegations that the OWS were an Acorn operation, paid "protest for hire" and "rent a mobs." The "news" anchor showed a picture of two guys who he said had "ties to islamic terror networks." Wrapped it all up with a ribbon: "Not surprising because all of these radicals work together." "You see the anti-Semites, the Communist Party... and now these people who MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE ties to terrorist groups...."I'm sure the segment on defecation put to shame the old babies taken from incubators propaganda for provoking disgust and outrage, but I couldn't watch further since I had to read an article about journalists who tap phones instead.
Dear Tom Kayne, Karl Marx orders the WORKING CLASS to take possession of the MEANS OF PRODUCTION not wealth. If necessary through violent struggle (Class warfare). To bad that you are also victim of the American education system. Because the rest of the English speaking nations understand what is meant by Marxism but your classification of Obama as Marxist proves you ain't got a clue.
But maybe I missed something. So, Where or When has Barack Obama insisted on relegating the "means of production" to the working class ? Because I haven't seen that occur yet, and I am quite confident it never will.
You've inadvertently struck a nerve, as my next documenatary focuses in on that time frame. What in your estimation happened on 3/9/33?
Talk about missing the point. You claim that what separates the 99% from the elite is the elite believe they are above the law. I did not miss that fact and stated that their theft was the result of corruption, and the political elite are owned by the bankers (first paragraph). I stated that the protesters, no matter how deeply they 'feel' about the bail-out theft, are willing to break the law, not for money but because they 'feel' they were victims. Different motivation but same results, laws are broken. Despite my commentary on the structural components of this economic morass, you choose to ignore the substance of my argument and comment on the social commentary. How's that subscription to the Oprah channel workin' out for you? You are probably 'Feelin' pretty good about your retort, but as usual, your feelings are causing you to miss the substance of the fact that this demographic change prevents easy solutions to the debt bubble and the bail out theft that has occurred.
Thanks for the thoughtful commentary. Soviet Marxism as worked out by Lenin and modified by Stalin were the most recent iterations of Marxism. The most prominent beliefs are that class struggle is the main agent of change, and that capitalism will decay and be replaced by a socialist order. If that description does not remind you of the current occupant of the Oval Office, then you and I are in agreement. You are missing something. You are missing everything.
“A Soldier, His Prayer”
Stay with me God. The night is dark.
the night is cold; my little spark
of Courage dies. The night is long;
Be with me God and make me strong.
I love a game; I love a fight.
I hate the dark; I love the light.
I love my child; I love my wife.
I am no coward. I love life.
Life with its changes of mood and shade
I want to live. I am not afraid
But me and mine are hard to part.
Oh! Unknown God, lift up my heart.
You stilled the waters at Dunkirk
And save your servants. All your work
Is wonderful, Dear God. You strode
Before us down that dreadful road.
We were alone and hope had fled.
We love our country and our dead
And we could not shame them; so we stayed
The course, and were not afraid.
Dear God; that nightmare raod, then
That sea; we got there-we were men
My eyes were blind, my feet were torn,
My soul sang like a bird at dawn.
I know that death is but a door.
I know what we are fighting for.
Peace for our kids our brothers freed,
A kinder world, a loving creed.
I but the son my Mother bore.
A simple man and nothing more.
But-God of strength and gentleness
Be pleased and nothing less.
Help me God, when death is near
To mock the haggard face of fear.
That when I fall, if fall I must,
My soul may triumph in the dust.
Chaplain Oran Zaebst
102nd Cavalry Regiment
“Essex Troup”
This was read at a funeral I went to Saturday by a fellow Serviceman at the deceased's request. Three uniformed soldiers folding our flag. Taps. Not a dry eye in the Church.
I was so moved, I requested a copy from the Gentleman. It's available for download with handwritten notes below.
("I did not miss that fact and stated that their theft was the result of corruption, and the political elite are owned by the bankers (first paragraph).")
I disagree!
The theft was the result of a criminal conspiracy to commit fraud involving Wall Street, regulators, and politicians. These elite crooks stole billions, maybe even trillions from the American People. Laws were broken with no investigation or prosecution. Criminal Fraud, not corruption is the right description. A full investigation by an Attorney General and Justice System following rule of law, would end up with a bunch of Wall Street behind bars, and whatever could be recovered of the billions they robbed back in the U.S. Treasury. They would probably have some regulators and politicians for cellmates.
("I stated that the protesters, no matter how deeply they 'feel' about the bail-out theft, are willing to break the law, not for money but because they 'feel' they were victims.")
I disagree!
Most of the protesters are exercising their rights as Americans Citizens and not breaking any laws, just as most of the cops are not breaking any laws. A few idiots on both sides are causing problems and should be prosecuted when they break the law.
I don't think you understand anything that O.W.S. is trying to accomplish. It never ceases to amaze me, how people who think they know everything about a controversial issue such as this, aren't even on the same page with the real goals of those who are seeking to make positive changes to a broken system. As for labeling Bankster Obama as a Marxist, Wall Street owns him lock stock and barrel. He's about as much a Marxist as you are.
Let's get down to brass tacks:
(1) Do you believe criminal investigations should be opened to discover Wall Street crimes?
(2) Can you explain why 10.000 criminal referrals were made after the S&L crisis, but now, following an economic crisis 50 times larger, no--zero--criminal referrals have been made?
(3) Do you believe an economic recovery is possible in the headwinds of untrammeled Wall Street looting of Main Street via CDS. Bailouts, foreclosure fraud, and predatory lending--among other crimes?
(4) Do you think that protesting the outrageous crimes that to this day go unpunished is wrong?
When all 3 branches of government have turned on the governed, there is no consent of the governed. This is what has given rise to the General Assemblies.
You know, it's funny. I've been reading this and other skeptical blogs for more than 3 years. Fianally, when a credible threat to the criminal class appears, the number of lapdog doubters of dissent literally explodes.
What is your excuse?
I will answer your questions:
(1) Do you believe criminal investigations should be opened to discover Wall Street crimes?
Yes, but I believe the investigations should go beyond Wall Street. The investigations should include Congress, the Senate, Paulson, and Geithner as well.
(2) Can you explain why 10.000 criminal referrals were made after the S&L crisis, but now, following an economic crisis 50 times larger, no--zero--criminal referrals have been made?
yes I can explain. As stated previously, Wall Street owns DC. The government is for sale to the highest bidder.
(3) Do you believe an economic recovery is possible in the headwinds of untrammeled Wall Street looting of Main Street via CDS. Bailouts, foreclosure fraud, and predatory lending--among other crimes?
This is the best point you have made. Normally, this matter would not receive attention. However, because we have not snapped back from this downturn more people are realizing that we have squandered our prosperity. Yes, corruption and elite influence peddling are at the root of this problem. But, we are not snapping back because of the demographic issues I presented earlier, and because we have reached a point where our debt to GDP ration is becoming unsustainable (think Greece).
(4) Do you think that protesting the outrageous crimes that to this day go unpunished is wrong?
Yes, when thieves that go unpunished is wrong. I just do not believe two wrongs make a right.
When all 3 branches of government have turned on the governed, there is no consent of the governed. This is what has given rise to the General Assemblies.
This has been happening for years. My point is that acting like uncivilized barbarians will not fix the problem. Whining will not help. The aberrant behavior on display only detracts from the message.
You know, it's funny. I've been reading this and other skeptical blogs for more than 3 years. Fianally, when a credible threat to the criminal class appears, the number of lapdog doubters of dissent literally explodes.
What is your excuse?
Excuse. I do not have an excuse for trying to point out to you that we basically agree in philosophy. You just believe that it is acceptable to behave like an animal and I do not. You think it is OK to behave like an adolescent that just had his allowance to be withdrawn; I don't. You believe that because these thieves stole from you and me, it is OK for you to steal: I don't.
Everyone will have no choice but to decide which side they're on. There is no gray area.
Because both sides behaved like animals, I protest both sides. However, the DB readers are defending the street monkeys and most of my criticism is toward them.
The gray area is not about choosing sides. The gray area is your belief system. Would you feel better if a few fat cats went to Jail but nothing changed? Would you feel better if the 'Soak the rich' ideology increased you standard of living by pennies? If we increase taxes on the rich, those funds will also be squandered, you will be thrown a bone (maybe a free lunch) to satisfy your contempt for those that are more successful than you, the criminals will go unpunished, and we will continue to commit the fiscal equivalent to child abuse that has unfolded in the last 3 years. Don't choose a side! That is the diversion that the manipulators want to happen. Try to see through the diversionary tactics and rise above your guttural instincts to get even.
The difference between you and me, then, is that I shag my ass down to the protests and get involved as an ordinary law-abiding American. I disagree with most of the protesters on any number of points. However, our disagreements are always civil, and never violent. I've even gotten quite a few to, not necessarily come around and switch sides, but at least to respect my views. It is the PROCESS of the protests--not so much the substance, at least not yet--that has piqued my interest.
You see, I think if you take a bunch of Ameiricans and present them with a problem, they will if left unimpeded arrive at something like a correct solutuion.
This is where #OWS is winning where the Tea Party lost, imo. And I'm way to the right of mosy TP'ers.
Give this movement a chance, man. Hell, di what I do and go get involved. You are certainly correct that our nation faces SERIOUS problems. We don't have much time to get back on track. It seems crazy to me to not seize the opportunity that #OWS presents for us as individual Americans to do just that.
Don't let a few outliers throw you off the scent. My $0.02.
Take a look at the people from both sides of the olde aisle who are, if not endorsing this movement, at least suspending judgment
#Occupy is the real deal. Hell, it had better be, for our republic is running low on sand.
Oct 30, 2011 at 1:55 PM | chunga
I to am not afraid to admit im a growen man and many many times "Real Tears Flow" down my face. This is real pain people. Real Men have tears................!
He quoted his Grandfather that it was alright for a man to cry. It would be unwise to consider it a weakness.
Many of the OWS occupants remind me of the Rodney King riots combined with a generous helping of the stupidity from the hippie generation. At one protest at Penn State in the 60s, the protesters were trashing the school even though they were unprovoked. Why? They believed in their cause and reality did not matter. Many of the OWS folks are not a conscientious as the respondents on this page. To not admit this fact is to betray the worthwhile cause that protest can encourage.