Video: Bob Woodward Asks Tim Geithner About Debt Ceiling Back-Up Plan If Congress Fails To Act
Interesting 2-minute clip. The failed NY Fed President now masquerading as Treasury Secretary will not even consider the possibility. Woodward wasn't fed this much BS during the entire Watergate scandal that made him famous, and I give him credit for interrupting the failed NY Fed President several times to force a slightly more honest answer. Ultimately, Geithner just lies. Treasury has a back-up plan which involves prioritizing payments that would allow debt interest to continue being paid, though you'll never hear Turbo Jr. admit it publicly.
Reader Comments (12)
Judge voids controversial Wisconsin union law
Prosecution aside, please note that Martha Stewart went to jail not for insider trading, but for lying about it. Had there been no such laws (laws that Congress is exempt from), she would not have been prosecuted in the first place.
Regardless of how you feel about Martha Stewart, for Congress to be exempt from laws that apply to everyone else is simply unacceptable
Note: This is an absolute MUST read.
BREAKING: Indiana Citizens Take Back 4th Amendment
bank runs, empty shelves follow Belarus' currency devaluation - photos,0,777294.story
our story on lowenstein was picked up by Forbes writer...
What are the political leanings of these Indiana justices?
Don't tell me, I may start a RANT in my next comment.
Whenever the criminal government wants to re-direct the story away from what really happened, they trot out Bob Woodward. Imagine, if a real journalist were to question Geithner? For example, "Mr Geithner, who actually received the $27,000,000,000,000.00 (trillion) for the fraudulent mortgage backed securities?" or "Mr Geithner, you say that we must pay our past debts and not to pay them is unthinkable. Is it true that the debt is in fact owed to your true bosses at the Rothschild Bank and the debt was created by simply stoking a keyboard and simply adding more zeros to the make believe debt?"
Congress abandoned it's responsibility 98 years ago. Most of the presidents since then along with most of the politicians in Washington up to and including Obama are nothing more than puppets with the special interests pulling their strings.
Hell they don't fear him, Republican or Democrat they all work for the same bosses and MSM claims of deathly fear, rivalry, and hatred between the parties are bullshit theater to keep the sheeple occupied. If they knew both parties are working together to screw them to death the sheeple might actually stampede instead of standing around bleating their discontent and doing nothing.