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VIDEO: 120 Seconds Of Gerald Celente Kicking Wall Street's Ass - "$144B Bonus Is 49th Largest GDP In World!"

Video:  Celente is on fire...

I don't usually post GC, so you know this clip is really good.  By far the best part is the utter annihilation of private equity billionaire Stephen Schwarzman

Text from youtube page -- While millions of Americans are unemployed and the national debt is soaring, it seems top financial executives are far from feeling the pinch.  A recent Wall Street Journal survey estimates they'll receive a staggering $144 billion dollars in compensation and benefits this year. 

  • This amount is equal to the U.S. stimulus package approved by Congress in 2008

Celente says Americans are failing to react to the payouts, because the financiers' fanbase in the mainstream media is distracting public opinion.


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Reader Comments (61)

Eventually, these pigs will have to steal from amongst themselves because the "middle class" will be gone...
Nov 5, 2010 at 6:13 PM | Unregistered Commenterjosie
Agree, josie. Right now it looks like BofA will be the first victim of crony cannibalism. I have Wells Fargo pretty high in my dead pool as well. These deaths are long overdue, just as the stock market rally is long in the tooth.
Nov 6, 2010 at 11:54 AM | Unregistered CommenterCheyenne
things sure aren't looking very good for either of them...i trust chris whalen's analysis and as you know he says that both are in some serious trouble...
Nov 6, 2010 at 4:58 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Nov 6, 2010 at 4:59 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Britain urges action over extremist U.S. website

Nov 6, 2010 at 5:05 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Opt Out of a Body Scan? Then Brace Yourself


this is interesting...
Nov 6, 2010 at 5:08 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
It seems odd that the corporate "snake" has turned around to bite its own tail:

The corporate dominated (LEFT WING!!) government gives the banking industry all the money it wants and then encourages it to use this money to purchase interest bearing securities which provide interest free of any risks.

No wonder the banks refuse to loan the money to ordinary folks who are still a risk. Any CEO with a functioning brain would do the same.

Libertarians rightly blame "big" government for being complicit but they forget that the complicity is going in the other direction:

Government has become an arm of the corporations (General Motors, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, AIG, the "FED" ....) and part of a revolving door bureaucracy where young graduates of top American business graduate schools get their training so they can lobby Congress or advise corporations how to get what they want from government.

Yes big government is the problem because it has completely abrogated its responsibility to protect the ordinary citizen against the wealthy 1%, who own almost 50% of the wealth. It's one thing to allow the intelligent, energetic and creative citizens the freedom to create and another thing to allow the hereditary elite to draw up the draw bridge.

For example, the FDA, NCI and NIH are all in the pocket of Big Pharma and "regulate the hell" out of Big Pharma by allowing them to patent just about any minor variation of an already existing drug to effectively extend the length of their patents from the old 8 years or so, to more than 50 years in many cases, and extort monopoly prices. ($5,000 per treatment of the drug Cisplatin, for example.)

It "regulates" Big Pharma so that it can make "me too" copycat drugs such as Cialis and Levitra for Viagra.

It "regulates" Big Pharma by effectively discouraging people from buying generic drugs such as aspirin and acetaminophen and effectively encourages them (by not providing educational advertising to counter corporate advertising) to pay much higher prices for Bayer Aspirin and Tylenol.

It allows Big Pharma to charge 10 times as much for drugs purchased in the United States compared to those purchased in Canada and other countries.

Government WASTES about 120 million dollars on prostate cancer research every year when, the wisdom of the people diverts 3,000 million dollars every year on Viagra and copy cats.

As Michael Milken says “The elimination of cancer in America as the cause of death and suffering is worth $60 trillion to the U.S. economy. There is no greater stimulus than the elimination of cancer.” But we all know Milken is a Socialist.

"People hear what they want to hear and disregard the rest." Simon and Garfunkel
Nov 6, 2010 at 5:11 PM | Unregistered CommenterJames Street
Caught that body scan thing, DB. Trains here on in.
Nov 6, 2010 at 5:11 PM | Unregistered CommenterCheyenne
Count me in, too, Cheyenne. I will never fly again unless I absolutely have to. Pitchfork don't do nudie scans. Neither do Pitchfork's sweet little girls. I'm serious. There are two conferences next year that I usually attend. I'm only going to the one I can drive to. Flying ruled the other one out. Really, that was THE deciding factor.

And if you want to go overseas there's always freighter ships or the QM2.
Nov 6, 2010 at 6:08 PM | Registered CommenterDr. Pitchfork
here's more on the body scans with alex jones...

TSA Fondles Women and Children Refusing Airport Naked Body Scanners


Nov 6, 2010 at 6:45 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
"Here-Here", the goverment is way out of control, controlling us. & its only going to get "Worser'er" from now on. Take 20 guys, 145 # to 185 # and we all look alike. God dident give the ladys much to lust over, ok, not at 60, yes, somehow I got that frickkkkkin old........

I think 48, I look 70, I feel like 98 on my bad days. But the body scanners aint gona see much. Control, thats all its about. Our children, nor us old "Farts" sure aint gona take down "De-Plane".............?

And all the Shoutting, its all about them feeling the power of forceing us to do what they want. They know its creepy padding us down, and they love it.

Its all about goverment control, getting us ready for "You Know What"..........
Nov 6, 2010 at 7:56 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
You still manage to find excellent articles and videos DB and I appreciate that.

But I find your outrage over airport body scans to be misplaced.

If you accept the validity of the war on "terrorism" (I don't) then you have to accept various restrictions of your freedoms.

Body scans at airports are nothing compared to all the other stuff. Try suffering the indignity of finding yourself with an automatic weapon in your hands and a government official, a United States Army lieutenant, telling you to "wipe out that village. Every man woman, child and animal. If you don't you will face a firing squad."

It's the "war" on terrorism that's unacceptable, not some prurient prole drooling over your daughter's private parts.
Nov 6, 2010 at 8:14 PM | Unregistered CommenterJames Street
"I think 48, I look 70, I feel like 98 on my bad days."

I have a 98 year-old bartender at one of the few Chicago joints you can smoke in.

Places like that are a joy because they're a finger in the eye of TPTB. That there are so few of them is a reminder of just how fucking far the government has crossed the line.

We're seriously talking about naked body scans? Well, we've sunk pretty fucking low then. What exactly is left to kill off?
Nov 6, 2010 at 8:19 PM | Unregistered CommenterCheyenne
TSA Fondles Women and Children Refusing Airport Naked Body

This is "Sick"...........evan worse. But then, this is the control the goverment has on us. Soon it will be in every mall. AJ, says, time to start sueing................sure, putting food on the table is hard today, and the goverment knows that.

Obama's cazars are havein a hay-day with the American People, and this is only the start of it. Wait till next year. BHO, Harry Reid, Nancy-Bitch, has a great big supprise instor for us.
Nov 6, 2010 at 8:22 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
james s...i'm just posting links i think people will enjoy...i've never done any stories on body-scanning...it's not high up on my list of outrage...i think it's awful, personally, yes...but not something i would cover on the main page...
Nov 6, 2010 at 8:31 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
"If you accept the validity of the war on 'terrorism'"...

No, I don't.
Nov 6, 2010 at 8:45 PM | Unregistered CommenterCheyenne
I've been a libertarian all of my life but I've paid a heavy price for it.

If you value individual freedom over group think and coercion you have to stand outside of the group in important and costly ways.

Anyone who has ever been a member of a sports team, the Boy Scouts, a fraternity, a government OR a corporation knows that group think and group practice take precedence of the individual and you either have to do what the captain, boss, coach, governor, president or Boy Scout leader wants or quit.

We can't even get married in any modern society without giving up important rights. Look what happened to Paul McCartney and place bets on whether he will ever marry again. Why homosexuals want the government to place these kinds of restrictions on their behavior mystifies me.

Think of what a lot of people like Alexander Hamilton (the great spokesman for a strong central government) said to each other when Thomas Jefferson, who owned a thousand slaves, made such a big deal out of freedom.

"We know what Jefferson wants: the freedom to do whatever he wants with his slaves."

For the record, I hate being scanned by a lot of rude and petty officials too but I have to say that at least 90% of them have been polite and respectful to me. I try to respect them because, after all, most of them aren't libertarians and they have to feed their families too ....

Anyway, keep the great video clips and articles coming and I wish success for the site.
Nov 6, 2010 at 9:06 PM | Unregistered CommenterJames Street
I've been looking for this, but here's another Alex Jones video about the body scans.

Highlights at:


Prize for counting how many times Alex says "squeeze," "genitals," and "breasts."
Nov 6, 2010 at 9:36 PM | Registered CommenterDr. Pitchfork
I have to say that at least 90% of them have been polite and respectful to me.

Yea, James........................yr a guy. I'ed like to see a mom and 3 little girls say that when they are 6-9-13................us guys dont get testy, they did that to us when we were drafted..........plus they shover thAre finger up ur Ass too.........!

Just wait till this time next year. All girls will get the cavedity surch from the "Creepy-Ol-Men", how much yr wife and little girls are gona like that.....???????????????? Creepy-Bastareds !
Nov 6, 2010 at 9:54 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
The first and last time I got scanned I had on me something not unlike a fat orange bud in a zip bag.

It's a breeze getting through the metal detector like that. For the scan you have to empty your pockets. The TSA guy was Operation Desert Storm vintage, and sifted my belongings in the plastic bowl as I was scanned. It didn't take long for the orange snoot busted through the paper hedge of tickets and cash.

"What is this?" Storm asked, mesmerized by the bag.

"It's a soil sample, sir."

He handled the bowl like a saucier.

"Is this what I think it is?" Storm asked.

"If you think it's a soil sample, sir, then yes, sir," I said with as much authority as I could muster without laughing.

A black female TSA agent, maybe half Storm's age, saw his gold mining pantomime and walked over to look.

"Waz thaaaaaa...," she asked, pointing at the bag.

Storm wheeled on her violently.

"It's a soil sample, Jones!" He pivoted back to me and thrust the bowl into my hands. "Sorry to detain you, sir."

I hustled to an open concourse at a far end of the airport and changed shirts, regretting there was no one to high-five.

With that my professional TSA record shall remain 1-0.
Nov 6, 2010 at 9:56 PM | Unregistered CommenterCheyenne
Cheyenne, I had no idea you were a scientist.

In other news, pilots are now rejecting the body scans and also complaining about the "enhanced" pat downs.
Nov 6, 2010 at 10:16 PM | Registered CommenterDr. Pitchfork
Exploding breast implants and genitals... What will they do if they find regular breast implants, cut them out on the spot and check for explosives? In regards to children, it sounds like government sponsored pedophelia. I am sure the nations pedophiles and perverts are lining up for these dream jobs.

I suggest a steady diet of pickled eggs and beer before flying so you can fart in their face as they get their cheap thrills...

Wait, they might like that to...
Nov 6, 2010 at 10:40 PM | Unregistered CommenterS. Gompers
Cheyenne, I had no idea you were a scientist.

It dont matter who you are. They are having the time of thAre life, "Fuckking With Us", becouse Obama says they can. & we just gotta suck it up, too.....!

Just think if you could have a once of mercury, and drop it on the floor, spilling it all over the place. It would shut down the airport for 10 days, just to clean it up. That would fie-em......plus, everyone in the airport will be detained for 20 days to make sure you wont kill anybody.

Its the old attage, "Dont Get Mad-Get Evan"...........fuck with them, it would be Soooooooo much fun.
Nov 6, 2010 at 10:40 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
Here's John Boehner explaining his vote for the bailout in 2008. All cliched propaganda talking points are included:

--the American people are angry about this, I'm angry, everyone here is angry

--if we don't pass this, economic catastrophe will ensue

--the risk of doing nothing is far greater than the risk of passing this bill, as flawed as it is

--the American people elect us to make painful votes like this, for these are the votes that separate the men from the boys


We're in for two more years of pain. Strap in.
Nov 6, 2010 at 11:13 PM | Unregistered CommenterCheyenne
In regards to children, it sounds like government sponsored pedophelia. I am sure the nations pedophiles and perverts are lining up for these dream jobs.

This is how Sick, our goverment has become. The good part is, "Dombo-Frank", wont want to do the cavity-surch, on our little girls................................."Thank-God"...............!

But little boys will be wanted to put the "Spot On Monkia's Blue Dress", just to board the airplane...........How, Sick is that People...........

This is how far the BHO, Creeps have come in 2 years.................? How "Fuckking-Creepy" has this become. The People, should wake up, before its to late to save our children.

Im sick to my, you know what, for our kids. They have no clue as to what they will "Submitt-Too", for the fun of getting their fingers "Stinkey",,,,,,, with 7-9-12-14 year old little children..................

"How-Fuckking-Sick" has BHO, gotten with his Car-Zars.........................................?????????? I Could "Puke" all 5 drinks, just thinking about this, Shit..............Dose anybody else care about out kid's...
Nov 7, 2010 at 12:02 AM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
"all 5 drinks"

And what might those have been? Just curious.
Nov 7, 2010 at 12:15 AM | Unregistered CommenterCheyenne
We have 5 drinks every night to take the "Rage-a-Way" from living the stress of trying to save our cabin, and kiddy-kids...... with all we have gone threw with "Lyme", both of us, wife still working, but just able, it takes 4-5- to take the pain away from just trying to keep up with ya's still living the good life.........................

Am I Proud...............................I once was....! That was a long time ago, thoe...............! We now live with the stress of hoping "Were Not Next"................

Dose a few drinks help, you bet yr Britches-It-Dose.............? Someone on DB's site, like me, fested up, were having a tought time making the bills.

z Shot you down, and I stook up fer ya. Its now nice to admitt yr back'ed into the corner, becouse BHO, said this is what my "Boss" said you are going to go threw.

Shut-the-Fuck-Up.........................my boss said, this is the way its gona be, Fuckers.....................!

Times like last night, Dar had 6 drinks, of 3 shots+of Vodack, plus, bubbly water, and a tad of "Creen-De-Mint", for the Good Taste...............................like the first time ya got the "Chick-in the Back-Seat".....flavor..........

many times, its less.........Tonight, its a "Shit-Load-More"................with our little children being "Raped" in front of Mom-&Dads.......at the airport................

How Fuckking Stupid, are We, to let Obama, do this to our kids........? I gota goooooooooooooo, This is out of control, and our kids will suffer from it........

I neaver thought Bama, would Stoop this Fuckkig Low, to Rape our kids. How dare that "MFR"................They neaver did a thing wrong.

All we can do is Pray for Our Kids........its not thier fault. They did nothing wrong.......................
Nov 7, 2010 at 12:48 AM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
"We have 5 drinks every night to take the "Rage-a-Way" from living the stress of trying to save our cabin, and kiddy-kids."

Cheers, cheers, may Texas Dar live 900 years.
Nov 7, 2010 at 12:59 AM | Unregistered CommenterCheyenne
I'm not all that worried about sex and fondling.

As far as drinking goes DAR, I've always said there should be a Manhattan project to find a form of alcohol that produces NO hangovers and actually makes you healthy and long-lived.

But until that kind of alcohol gets here I will continue to respect hangovers and fear addiction.

I'm a lot more worried about all the alchies roaming the streets, asking for a handout and doing very bad things to buy a can of beer every hour on the hour, every day of every week of the year -- than I am of having my ball sack scanned in the airport for explosive materials.

I'm a lot more worried about all the murders committed in the name of delivering drugs to wealthy Americans AND the murders committed in the name of stopping "the crime" of me and my fellow citizens freely choosing to take any drug I want.

Controlling what I ingest is what I call government interference.

I'm a lot more worried about all the people in America going to bed hungry also. Most of them end up allowing themselves to be fondled for money anyway, IF they are good enough looking to attract paying customers.

We need perspective boys, perspective.

It isn't about "showing our parts for Uncle Sam" it's about stopping this phony, hysterical "war" on "terrorism" which is, in reality, nothing but a power grab and the cornering of the oil markets of the Middle East.

Bomb, bomb, bomb bomb bomb Iran,
Bomb, bomb, bomb bomb bomb Iran
Bomb Iran ....

Government intervention into our lives

Our daughters will survive airport surveillance but a thousand bunker busters dropped into the laps of the daughters of Iran would be an obscenity that all the drugs and alcohol in the world could not cover up.

Nov 7, 2010 at 1:44 AM | Unregistered CommenterJames Street
"I'm not all that worried about sex and fondling."

Well I am, I do not need a corrupt government telling me what is right or wrong, I can figure that out on my own.



Do you think a new Speaker will look into why President Bush flew 360 TONS of U.S. cash on 3 planes into the Iraq war zone which is now missing and unaccounted for? I only ask because Pelosi didn't, and I doubt anyone else will either.


Excellent Boehner comments Cheyenne, we are about to begin the next wave of corporate sponsored TARPinesta's. This time it will be better...
Nov 7, 2010 at 2:22 AM | Unregistered CommenterS. Gompers
cheyenne..yes great link on boehner...it looks like pitchfork has used it as the basis for a longer story that's coming...also your TSA 1-0 story was an absolute riot...so here it is again...


The first and last time I got scanned I had on me something not unlike a fat orange bud in a zip bag.

It's a breeze getting through the metal detector like that. For the scan you have to empty your pockets. The TSA guy was Operation Desert Storm vintage, and sifted my belongings in the plastic bowl as I was scanned. It didn't take long for the orange snoot busted through the paper hedge of tickets and cash.

"What is this?" Storm asked, mesmerized by the bag.

"It's a soil sample, sir."

He handled the bowl like a saucier.

"Is this what I think it is?" Storm asked.

"If you think it's a soil sample, sir, then yes, sir," I said with as much authority as I could muster without laughing.

A black female TSA agent, maybe half Storm's age, saw his gold mining pantomime and walked over to look.

"Waz thaaaaaa...," she asked, pointing at the bag.

Storm wheeled on her violently.

"It's a soil sample, Jones!" He pivoted back to me and thrust the bowl into my hands. "Sorry to detain you, sir."

I hustled to an open concourse at a far end of the airport and changed shirts, regretting there was no one to high-five.

With that my professional TSA record shall remain 1-0.
Nov 7, 2010 at 10:03 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Gompers: No libertarian wants or needs a government, corrupt or not, telling him/her what is right or wrong.

But most people accept the fact that it is the government's role to make and enforce laws, or, to tell us what is right and wrong and to enforce the definitions with prison and/or fines. That's why it is difficult to be a libertarian.

In fact, most people on the Internet who are ranting, are ranting about right and wrong and for punishment of the financial criminals in and out of the government.

I'm trying to say that, compared to people having their bodies blown apart in war, being tortured or losing their lives, the pranks of insensitive or sexually aggressive government officials at the airport are minor. Obviously they too should be prosecuted. But we need perspective and we need to direct our aggression to bigger targets.

It's the war itself that is the greater evil. Let's direct our energy towards ending the war. So far, I hear almost NO protest in the popular media. Why is that?
Nov 7, 2010 at 3:07 PM | Unregistered CommenterJames Street
I just read this and It pissed me off enough I think it will take at least T Dar's 5 drinks to cool me off! Hell I may do the whole damn bottle!

Nov 7, 2010 at 4:18 PM | Unregistered CommenterSagebrush
"It's the war itself that is the greater evil. Let's direct our energy towards ending the war. So far, I hear almost NO protest in the popular media. Why is that? "

Because mainstream media has always been Goobermint controlled, first amendment be damned. Although it is funny how as each party takes power, they always blame the other party for the bias. The bias comes from those controlling things above the government.
Nov 7, 2010 at 6:48 PM | Unregistered CommenterS. Gompers
Nice link Sagebrush, as I have stated before, people fashion their own shackles...
Nov 7, 2010 at 7:18 PM | Unregistered CommenterS. Gompers
Gompers: The government controls the press in certain areas, almost all of which relate to wars and national defense but the press controls itself everywhere else.

Think of PRAVDA or any of the presses associated with communist countries if you want government controlled presses.

The government passes and enforces obscenity laws, what can be advertised (cigarettes, etc.) and that kind of thing but it is the corporate press that decides what gets printed, put on television and radio or the internet. The owner controls the editor and the editor decides what gets out there.

For a simple example, think of Google. Google controls its search engine results for monetary reasons. The government has nothing to do with it. ARPANET was invented by the government and sold off to private industry. We've never had a socialist tradition in the United States but the government could have easily kept control of the internet from the very beginning. They didn't and they don't control it, except in various areas I already mentioned.

The Chinese government which is still totalitarian tries to control Google and the internet.

I've never read a book or article that proves that the United States Government controls the press. Could you please direct me to one. Thanks.
Nov 7, 2010 at 7:43 PM | Unregistered CommenterJames Street
The press is controlled by the same group that controls the government. And in ether case it sure as hell is not the American People.

Big business screwed up with the internet. They never believed it could compete with the corporate controlled main stream media outlets. Now however they are trying to make up for that mistake. If they have their way we will be paying through the nose for internet access and information in the not too distant future.

Outside of Dylan Ratigan and one or two other shows I don't pay any attention to the MSN.

I think big business, the ultra rich, the F.I.R.E. sector, and the multinational corporations control the U.S. Government and they completely control the press in this country.
Nov 7, 2010 at 9:39 PM | Unregistered CommenterSagebrush
Sagebrush: I don't disagree with that but I don't think it is helpful to confuse government control and corporate control.

It's pretty well agreed by most people that we are now living in a plutocracy or oligarchy or whatever name you want to give a country where the top 1% own almost 50% of the stuff (wealth) and the next 19% own a little less than 45%.

That leaves the "bottom" 80% of the American people with a little less than 6 or 7% of all the wealth (houses, boats, cars, ...) in the United States.

And we know why.

During the last generation, after the fall of the Soviet Union, countries such as India and China and Russia decided to open up to the world and allow their intellectual capital to be used by the United States and other "first world" countries.

They called it outsourcing.

And the rich got more brazen in their immigration policies and allowed even more low-wage earners to enter the United States and further drive down wages.

They call it the American dream and "we've always been a nation of immigrants, etc."

The bottom line is that money controls, usually, or at least has a very big voice. Money also controls government.

But news corporations are big enough and powerful enough to control their own news output except for a few very notable exceptions revolving around sex and national defense issues.

But yes, since corporations control government then technically government also controls us by doing what the corporations want them to do.

The now defunct left wing and working class that used to support it (now only 7% of America is unionized) used to represent the ordinary working people.

But the left is dead.

Ironically, "right wing" Tea Party is supporting the little guy today. I sincerely wish them luck but I'm skeptical. The rich will sideline them also and their presses will call them nutcases.

I wish they could get a truly intelligent and knowledgeable candidate to run for president. I would vote for him/her.

But I wont vote for another ambitious politician, and especially a "no-nothing" politician without experience like Sarah Palin.

Ron Paul has experience but I can't believe he has the enough experience and ability to take on the entire American Empire.

Who is waiting in the Tea Party wings to step forward and be a truly great president?
Nov 7, 2010 at 11:28 PM | Unregistered CommenterJames Street
Dar's 5 drinks to cool me off! Hell I may do the whole damn bottle!

Im So Sorry Guys. Yea, I did 6 last night, im proud of it. I say shit I would neaver say in the light of day.......... I realy got Piss'ed, all for our children. It hurt me realy bad, and I said what was on my mind.

Thats the good thing about bozzzzzzzze.! It lets ya "Vent"..........and keep from killing somebody...................them little girls, moms, did nothing wrong........how fuckking creepy, has our life became....?

The press is controlled by the same group that controls the government. And in ether case it sure as hell is not the American People.

......................"Hello"......................Its Time to Wake Up, People...............George Soros, Bill Gates, & the "Shadow Goverment", says who Shits, and, who "Dont Shit"....................its the way it is, folks.

Im sorry I lost it last night, its just men & little girls, and moms, got to me......Good thing the bottle had a back-up......................here I go again, my 7th...............but somebody has to stick up for whats right, right....?
Nov 7, 2010 at 11:45 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
Ironically, "right wing" Tea Party is supporting the little guy today. I sincerely wish them luck but I'm skeptical.

Dont Be, time will show ya's.

But I wont vote for another ambitious politician, and especially a "no-nothing" politician without experience like Sarah Palin.

Gorge Soros, has put the Tea Party out in front of the MSM with all the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ they need to make a point, and they did it very well Nov. 2 nd. Sara P. is a set up to fail to keep Boogy-Boy in office for 4 more years. Trust me, GS, dose control both sides.........

Who is waiting in the Tea Party wings to step forward and be a truly great president?

Nobody, GS already has his "Flop" running for two more years, only to let Barry "Do-It-Again" for 4 More Years...........the hand writting is on the wall, if you look for it.

I see 3 drinks, and thAre all 3 Empty..................................Good-Night...! Dont Fuckking Tough Them Little Girls, or Else...........?
Nov 7, 2010 at 11:58 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
I don't want to get into a semantic war about government control and corporate control.

So I'll throw in a palm branch of peace with this N.Y. Times article which demonstrates the bedtime partnership between big government and big corporations.

Who controls whom? Do Americans really give a shit anyway? Freedom to eat pizza is the most important thing.

Nov 8, 2010 at 12:33 AM | Unregistered CommenterJames Street

The government controls the press in more areas than the wars and national defense. Ever ask yourself why some things get a brief blurb and then the silence of nothingness. A few examples;

• 360 tons of U.S. cash on 3 planes sent into the Iraq war zone which is now missing and unaccounted for.
• Iran pumping money into Afghanistan for years years now.
• Veterans Hospitals reusing needles and creating a hepatitis epidemic among U.S. veterans.
• No questions on abuses of the no bid contract apparatus.
• Stumbling blocks set forth before women employees of same contractors above being raped and abused, then denied due process.

The items above are just a few examples of things that tend to fall into “holes”. These issues are about peoples rights and money. There is nothing binding to National Defense protections for any of these questions, it is just nationally embarrassing. So the question is, where did they go? And why?

PRAVDA is just more controlled James, so yes we still have limited first amendment protections, but it is getting weaker by the day.

In regard to other media issues, do you really believe it when they say “our new economy”, “green shoots every where”, or how about “jobless recovery”, as just a few examples. So tell me, is this an example of truthfull reporting, or propaganda. If it is propaganda, then explain how it can be so with such fine and upstanding media outlets spewing it.

I never said anything about wanting government controlled presses by the way James. Ever watch a sit com with a politically inspired message in it?

Is Google really independent? What is China’s real beef with Google? How about England’s beef with same?

Back in 2006 a former CIA case officer, Robert Steele, made headline news when he revealed that Google was “in bed with the CIA”, confirming fears that the internet’s all-seeing eye is more a US government spy tool than a user-friendly search engine. Follow the money…

You are a big boy James, and intelligent, unlike Gobie. Let your fingers do the walking, and use scroogle…

I also think you know why there is no popular protest in the popular media.
Nov 8, 2010 at 2:53 AM | Unregistered CommenterS. Gompers
("I wish they could get a truly intelligent and knowledgeable candidate to run for president. I would vote for him/her.")

Unless we reform our electoral system we could elect the most intelligent, knowledgeable candidate in the country and they would be powerless against the corrupt system that controls Washington. We have to get the money and the lobbies out of government. If that doesn't change nothing will.
Nov 8, 2010 at 12:07 PM | Unregistered CommenterSagebrush
Here is a site that claims Jews control the news in the United States.


It makes a strong case that news, television and film are controlled by a handful of large corporations which are mostly owned by Jews. The logical fallacy is that because Jews have such a large presence in these corporations, Jews control them.

Jews have received about 25% of all Nobel prizes and an even higher percentage in physics. But you have to go back to the Nazis to hear phrases like "Jewish physics" when describing relativity theory and quantum mechanics.

A few points.

1) The American people aren't interested in news. They don't buy newspapers and don't watch news programs. They want infotainment.

2) The entertainment industry exists to make a profit so there is little incentive for them to produce unpopular news programs.

3) The Founding Fathers valued news to the point where they often allowed newspapers to use the government printing presses for free and gave the newspapers reduced postage rates. But if there is no demand for and interest in the news then there is no incentive for governments to subsidize newspapers, news magazines and radio and television stations.

The way to discuss these things is to find a book or article written by someone everyone can, more or less, respect and then criticize and analyze it together.

Otherwise people start yelling and calling each other names or, at best, "talk past" each other which is boring and not helpful for anyone.
Nov 8, 2010 at 4:25 PM | Unregistered CommenterJames Street
I won't be discussing issues of race, and impacts on society as I believe it to be hogwash. I have noticed an increase in anti semitism lately, I was just thinking Gobie was getting some of his American Renaissance (terrorist watch list) friends out in feeble attempts to hijack the site.

I thought you of all people were better than that James.
Nov 8, 2010 at 5:22 PM | Unregistered CommenterS. Gompers
I guess you didn't read my post very carefully.

I was trying to say that it is all too easy to find conspiratorial theories about just about everything on the internet and therefore we have to be careful about what we read. The Jewish link was just an example of yet another unsubstantiated, paranoid delusion based on faulty logic, evidence and argumentation.

That's why I said the best thing to do is to find an article or book on a subject WHOSE INTEGRITY WE CAN ALL RESPECT and then discuss it.

Then I gave a few of my ideas.

I don't think anyone or any one group controls the press in America and certainly not the Jews. The U.S. government doesn't either.

Nominally speaking corporate America controls the press but it is only because there isn't enough demand among consumers to create robust and great news programs. The money just isn't there for the advertisers so they create infomercials that don't scandalize or bore the public.

The American people are ultimately to blame for the quality of their news, certainly not the Jews or the United States government.
Nov 8, 2010 at 7:22 PM | Unregistered CommenterJames Street
If they have their way we will be paying through the nose for internet access and information in the not too distant future.

The only reason the "S-Goverment" wants to shut down the internet on us, is becouse with out it, we would all be "Clue-Less" as to whats realy going on out thAre..........

It is our best sorce of the truth, and whats going on , on Daily Bails web site. whAre the real men+ plussssss 1, hang out each day.

Not sure if Im's one of ya's, then, Steve has not cancled my membership either. "Holy-Moly--Gwauk-a-Moly"........got ya on that one, dident Dar, "Z"......

Realy, we would be in the days of that Black Phone, on the wall in the kitchen, going into the liveingroom, with out the Internet......something to think about, when we lose it ?
Nov 8, 2010 at 8:33 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
("Nominally speaking corporate America controls the press but it is only because there isn't enough demand among consumers to create robust and great news programs. The money just isn't there for the advertisers so they create infomercials that don't scandalize or bore the public.")

I disagree James, elite control of the American people depends on the press to manipulate the masses. Truth and real facts will be presented only if they don't conflict with the elite agenda. Any news outlet that published or broadcast information that could truly be considered robust or great but did not meet elite approval would be out of business in a week. I think the American people have been subjected to a lot of misinformation from the press and I do not believe much if anything that they have to say.
Nov 8, 2010 at 9:17 PM | Unregistered CommenterSagebrush
I disagree James, elite control of the American people depends on the press to manipulate the masses.................................

................................. I think the American people have been subjected to a lot of misinformation from the press and I do not believe much if anything that they have to say.

Right, the people only know what that "Stupid TV" tells them. Why would they question what Brian Williams tells them at 5:30, every night. Thats whats realy going on, and the truth, right......????

Like my buddy says, the Heared will follow the heared animal in front of him. People are sooooooooo shot up with vaccines, they do what the "SG" wants them to do. Its in the shots.

The people are no-longer real Thinking People, anymore. Its how they planed it, many, many, years ago. I would like to Shake-the-Hand, of the guy that called us "Sheeple", he sure knew what he was Talkin-About..........

That You, Gomp ? Some are awake, but not enought to realy take back our country, just yeat.......? A Sleep for 60 years, goverment has a big lead on us.

Guys like "G S" & B Gates" have so much money, they can "Buy us Dead" if and when they want to. This years flu shot is poised to KILL Millions of young, & Old. Last year it floped on them. They got thAre ducks in-a-row this year.

"DONT-GET-the-SHOT"................Look around you, show me anything that is going great in our country, realy, try..........dident think so..... "z" cant evan show us anything thats going good for the American People.

Not to worry thoe, it was all planed up 60 years ago to go down in 2008-2012. Its right on corse to hit the "Ice-Burg"..........
Nov 8, 2010 at 10:14 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar

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