Update From Financial Crisis Commission Hearings
Live-Blogging The Bankers (Absolute MUST READ for laughs)
Blankfein Response on Role Was ‘Troublesome,’ Angelides Says
Michael Mayo testimony: Banks an 'Industry on Steroids'
Bank CEOs: We Didn't Foresee Severity of Crisis
Blankfein Says He Wasn’t Asked to Take AIG Haircut
Blankfein's prepared statement
Kyle Bass' prepared statement (excellent)
(Adding more links as we find them)
Reader Comments (2)
"If they are to exist going forward, Fannie and Freddie should be 100% government-owned, and the government should simply issue mortgages to the population of the United States directly since this what is essentially already happening today, with the added burden of supporting a privately-funded and arguably insolvent capital structure."
[absolutely. why should the bailed out bondholders be allowed to bleed us white?]
"The fact that the taxpayer was essentially forced (in the spirit of systemic risk reduction) to buy EQUITY in Citigroup rather than be senior to existing creditors/bondholders is an affront to the US taxpayer."
[indeed. every move made by Fedtreasuryadministration has been at our expense and unnecessarily so.]
There are other good points on how banks profit from the implicit TBTF guarantee and how SIV's and other off-balance sheet accounting should be banned outright.
Bravo to Kyle Bass.
bass gets it right...