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TRUTH SERUM: Shadow Government Controls Politicians, Regulators and The Fed

Henry Hank Paulson

While we don't agree with every detail, as an aggregate, this is important work.  Set aside a few minutes and buckle up.  Robert (Bob) Chapman of the International Forecaster is about to bust some heads.  I'm not kidding.


By Bob Chapman

The Morality Of The Financial Monetary System Is What is Broken

What do you get when you cross a Dumbo with a Jackass?  Answer:  You get a dumb-ass, overweight US politician with a sterile mind who executes every order that comes from our Shadow Government like some sort of mindless automaton. 

In fact, we no longer have even a bogus two-party system with Dumbos and Jackasses.  We note that there was never a dime's bit of difference between the two parties in any case (ask Herbert Hoover), but that is even more true today than it was during Hoover's administration, as the one world agenda, which both parties subscribe to, moves forward with lighting speed.  Since we really only have one party now, we thought that we should take this opportunity to dub it the "Dumb-ass" party, seeing as how this party is now hell-bent on destroying our country, and themselves with it.  If we are now starting to sound like the Mogambo Guru, so be it.

Case in Point:  The Obama-Dodd-Frank Frankenstein Fed Big Bankster Bailout Bill (hereinafter referred to as the ODFFFBBBB).  We thought that we would give credit for this toxic legislation to the three people most involved in sponsoring this bill who also happen to be three of the highest paid politicians in terms of their bankster-gangster campaign contributions.  So we have Obama," Dodd, the whipping boy, gopher and yes-man for Wall Street who has never seen a  bill that favored big bankster-gansters that he didn't like, and Frank, who compete's with Dodd for the post of top Wall Street whipping boy.  What a motley crew (with no offense intended to the heavy metal band "Motley Crue," who are paragons of virtue compared to this group of miscreants).

So, the Dumb-ass party calls the ODFFFBBBB the much-needed financial reform that Main Street has been yearning for in the aftermath of the ongoing financial criminality being used to economically destroy not only our country, but also countries around the world, in order to pave the way for a one world Orwellian police state of feudality.  Obviously, nothing could be further from the truth.  There was nothing wrong with the old system up until Glass-Steagall was removed and the Commodity Futures Modernization Act implemented.  Even after G-S was repealed and the CFMA passed (thanks Bill Clinton, Alan Greenspan, Robert Rubin and Larry Summers), there were still plenty of rules and regulations that very well could have prevented many of the current ongoing financial debacles.  The problem was that no one used them.  That is because they were instructed not to by our Shadow Government.  So instead, our so-called regulators sat around watching porn as Rome burned.  And if any of the states started to investigate due to the complete inaction of the federal regulators, their investigators ended up in a "honey pot" scandal like former NY Governor Elliot Spitzer, or were threatened with such, or were bought off.

The penultimate example of inaction was, of course, the Madoff Ponzi scheme, which, despite numerous warnings, continued to be uninvestigated or under-investigated as the New York Fed wire-transferred Madoff's investor's funds to Israel to help fund Illuminist off-shore retirement accounts.  The losses were bogus, and the books were kept in a shambles, to obfuscate what was really a direct theft of funds by various Illuminist operatives with connections to Israel.  You'll find many of these miscreants smoking cigars on the beach at Tel-Aviv after our country finally implodes and civil unrest ensues.  But the inaction on Madoff was just the tip of the iceberg.  You had the subprime debacle where politicians, borrowers, appraisers, ratings agencies, loan originators, investment bankers, brokers, Fed-heads and lawyers all lied through their teeth to keep the fraud going while regulators picked their noses.   Then there were the astonishingly fraudulent activities that led to the municipal bond and municipal bond insurer meltdowns, the AIG debacle, the Lehman Brothers debacle, the Bear Stearns debacle, the LTCM and Enron debacles, and on, and on, and on.

There were plenty of statutes, rules and regulations that could have been, and should have been, used to stop these ongoing frauds.  But the underlings made sure they did nothing as ordered.  If they had attempted to do otherwise, they might lose their cushy job where they were paid big bucks to watch porn all day.  Why would any Illuminist henchman-miscreant pass up on that opportunity?  If our regulators did anything, it was the opposite of regulation, namely, they engaged in the whitewashing of criminal activity with totally bogus investigations, diminutive fines and no jail time, ever, for any Illuminists.

The system was never really broken, although weakened by the repeal of G-S and the passage of CFMA.  The regulatory system does not therefore have to be fixed except to undo the repeal of G-S and to implement the regulation of OTC derivatives which were deregulated by the CFMA.  Instead, the fix being suggested by the ODFFFBBBB is, in reality, even more toxic than the current system has become due to the complete lack of action by our regulatory authorities.  This legislation is intended to create a Fearsome Frankenstein Fed, elevating it from a mere parasitical ghoul to a murdering, infamous monster, when it was the Fed that led the charge for deregulation.  The fox will now guard the henhouse, and make the rules besides?   Surely, you're joking, Mr. Obama, Mr. Dodd and Mr. Frank.

What is broken is not the system, but the morality of the people who run it.  The system is owned by the Illuminati.  If we don't oust the Illuminati by buying gold and silver by the truckload and by ousting all the incumbents and their ingrained corruption, the system will never be fixed, but will become ever more corrupt so that Illuminist cronyism and power consolidation can continue unabated until we are in bondage to a financial juggernaut which we have termed the Fearsome Frankenstein Fed.

We note that G-S, which we have used to denote Glass-Steagall, is also used sometimes to refer to the investment banking firm turned bank holding company, Goldman Sachs, aka the Vampire Squid.  We find this rather interesting as these two name pairs with the same initials represent philosophies that could not possibly be more contrasting and opposite.

Let's take a look at the members of the new proposed Financial Stability Oversight Council (the FSOC).  First, we have the Secretary of the Treasury (meaning the latest implant from the Fed or Goldman Sachs, in this case Tiny Tim Turbo Tax Geithner), who is also the Chairperson of the Council.  Then we have Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve (Buck-Busting Ben, the fox who will watch the henhouse).  Next we have the Comptroller of the Currency (John "I love GHW Bush" Dugan, who helped preside over the last culling of the small fry during the S&L Crisis as part of Bush Sr.'s Treasury Department), the Director of the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection, who will be an Obama appointee (aka "consumer protection czar"), Chairman of the SEC (Mary "Jump Them Goldie Bones" Shapiro), Chairman of the FDIC (Sheila "Let No One Ever Be Held Accountable" Bair, aka Sheila "Let the Large Insolvent Banks Absorb the Small Ones" Bair, aka Sheila "Shotgun Bank Weddings" Bair), Chairman of the CFTC (Gary "Strong Dollar Policy by Gold Suppression" Gensler, aka Gary "Silver Fraud, What Silver Fraud?" Gensler, aka Gary "What Do We Need G-S and OTC Derivative Regulation For Anyway?" Gensler, Director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency (Edward "Hide Those GSE Losses" DeMarco, who will also come to be known as Edward "We Love to Eat Toxic GSE Waste from the Fed" DeMarco).  Finally, we have a Presidential Appointee with some insurance expertise ("insurance czar") - hey Obama, how 'bout Hank Greenberg, former Chairman and CEO of AIG - he would be perfect!

As you can see, the entire Council is made up of nothing but Illuminist marionettes.  Our nefarious Shadow Government wiggles their strings and they do their deceitful little tricks.  Every one of them is an Illuminist automaton.  So how on earth could you possibly expect these people to in any way improve our financial regulatory structure in a way that is going to benefit Main Street, other than by throwing us a few bones here and there to gain some credibility.

Then there is the new concept of the "non-bank financial company."  This is how they intend to get all the major financial companies under the tentacles of the Fed.  Who decides what a non-financial company is?  Why the Fed does, of course, by making up its own regulations for making that determination.  And who decides whether any specific non-bank financial company will get to be regulated by the Fed? Why its the Financial Stability Oversight Council, of course, by two thirds vote, which must include the Chairperson's yes vote, meaning former NY Fed President Tiny Tim Turbo Tax Geithner.  Since the FSOC, aka Council of Illuminist Automatons, aka the new "CIA," are little more than Illuminist marionettes and the Chairperson is the former President of the NY Fed, well, we guess you get the picture by now.  This is how the Fed will gain control over all the major banks, bank holding companies, investment banks, commodity brokers, broker-dealers, insurance companies, hedge funds, pension funds, and licensed lenders.  Anyone big enough to threaten the system with a meltdown, especially those who could impact large Illuminist institutions, will be brought under the tentacles of the Fearsome Frankenstein Fed.  We also note that the Council of Illuminist Automatons can only make recommendations to the Fed regarding its regulatory oversight, meaning that in the final analysis, the Fed can do whatever it wants to.

So now, if you are a threat to the Illuminati, they can regulate you out of existence, or arrange to have you eaten up or absorbed by larger Illuminist institutions. And if you want to be able to play with the big boys in the international financial markets, you had better do as the Fed says, and play by Illuminist rules, or you will be crushed.  You either become a member of the Fed Crony Club, or you become a member of the Fed's Bankruptcy Club.  The Fed will be able to enforce draconian regulations against institutions that do not play by their rules, while these regulations are never used against any Fed-friendly institutions, who will be able to do as they please just as they did before the Council of Illuminist Automatons was formed.  All regulatory agencies will now do as the Fed instructs them, which means doing nothing, except where the Fed wants to crush a non-Illuminist institution.  Illuminist institutions will continue to get diminutive fines and zero jail time. So much for financial reform.

Then there is the issue of bailouts and institutions that are too-big-to-fail.  Illuminist institutions will still get bailouts, and the ODFFFBBBB sets up a 50 billion dollar fund to force the healthy non-Illuminist banks to pay for the losses suffered by the large Illuminist legacy banks on account of their rampant, ongoing financial fraud which these large bankster-gansters are using to destroy the US and world financial systems to make way for the global Orwellian police state envisioned by the New World Order.  And only non-Illuminist banks will be deemed too-big-to-fail, except where the Illuminati have to break up one of their own to lend legitimacy and credibility to what they are doing.  Yes, they will sometimes use their own as sacrificial lambs to gain credibility in the eyes of the public, as the current dog-and-pony show of regulatory teeth-baring with the Vampire Squid, aka Goldman Sachs, amply demonstrates.

In the end, however, remember that the plan is to destroy the world financial system, and many Illuminist banks will be destroyed financially, and be in need of a bailout, including the Fed.  Not to worry, because the ODFFFBBBB has a stealth bailout provision.  When the FDIC, as principal receiver and liquidator pursuant to the ODFFFBBBB, liquidates a failed institution under the ODFFFBBBB, they can use FDIC funds to pay off claimants in an amount equal to the failed institution's cash and cash equivalents, PLUS 90% OF THE "FAIR VALUE" OF ITS ASSETS that are available to be liquidated to wind down the failed institution.  But since all the Illuminist, and many non-Illuminist, institutions alike are marking their assets to model instead of to market, the FDIC will be allowed to overpay the Illuminist claimants of any failed institution just as Tiny Tim Geithner overpaid Goldman Sachs on their AIG insured Lehman bonds. This is just a codification of previous shenanigans!  First, the non-Illuminist institutions, banks and non-banks alike, will be forced to fail by the Fed which, pursuant to its new regulatory authority, will force them to mark their assets to market, forcing them into failure (unless they have large Illuminist claimants, in which case other reasons will be used to put the institution under while maintaining mark to model fantasy values so the Illuminist claimants can get paid in full).  This will be done so the Illuminist institutions can scarf them up for pennies on the dollar.  And if any Illuminist institutions might be negatively affected by any such liquidation, there is a special failsafe provision in the ODFFFBBBB that will allow them to get more than what they would get in straight liquidation as discussed later below.  

This process of controlled destruction with the Fed acting as a god-like institution with the power to destroy or save any given financial institution is called culling out the small fry or eliminating the competition as was done in the S&L Crisis, yet another contrived Illuminist hit on the non-Illuminist savings and loan institutions. This legislation is also about enabling and empowering the Fed to punish any non-Illuminist bank or non-bank financial company that does things they disapprove of, like making large investments in gold and silver, for instance.

Once the small fry have been thoroughly culled, the Fed will decide which Illuminist institutions will survive and which will be allowed to fail to keep the rip-off of taxpayer funds and monster salaries and bonuses going.  The surviving Illuminist institutions will be overpaid on their claims against other failing Illuminist institutions based on the government-sanctioned, bogus mark to model accounting, so that taxpayers, via the FDIC, will be left with assets that are worth a small fraction of the money that was used to pay off the Illuminist claimants involved in the liquidation.  This is similar to what the Fed plans to do by having the GSE's buy back their toxic GSE waste based on bogus mark to model values to give the taxpayers yet another screwing.  Mark to model fantasies are what the Illuminati like to call "fair value" these days.

This corrupt process will continue for as long as the Illuminati can keep the system going so that they can  keep paying out outrageous salaries and bonuses to Illuminist henchmen courtesy of US taxpayers.  When only a few major Illuminist institutions are left standing, these humongous institutions will be destroyed by the Quadrillion Dollar Derivative Death Star as planned in a worldwide economic destruction of the old nation-state economic system, where the Illuminati hope to force governments around the world to step in and create a one world system out of the remnants of the large Illuminist institutions which will all get bailed out under threat of a global depression.  These remnants will be combined to form a new global financial system with unlimited diabolical power over all of mankind which the Illuminati plan to use to replace the old nation-state system which they are in the process of destroying as we speak.  This "creative destruction," as Alan Greenspan, aka "Mr. Bubbles," likes to call it, is how we will get to the Mark of the Beast scenario from the book of Revelation.

As an aside, note the deafening silence in the media and newsletters concerning the Quadrillion Dollar Derivative Death Star.  That is because if people truly understood the implications, they would be buying gold and silver by the truckload, along with their related shares, which together comprise your only salvation at this point.  If you think a meltdown of the Euro zone electrified the gold market, the public's realization that the Quadrillion Dollar Derivative Death Star is on the verge of imploding would be like a million lightning bolts hitting the gold market all at the same time.  In the eyes of investors around the world, gold would become as bright as the ensuing supernova from the gravitational collapse of the Quadrillion Dollar Derivative Death Star.
  Note that the FDIC, which is the main regulatory authority charged with conducting liquidations of failed institutions of all kinds under the ODFFFBBBB bill, must liquidate commodity brokers and non-SPIC insured broker-dealers in the same fashion as firms that are liquidated pursuant to normal bankruptcy laws.  This means that when all the commodity exchanges go down as the gold and silver Ponzi scheme frauds are unveiled, all the boneheads who invested in these gambling casinos will get vaporized.  Not so with other institutions, where normal bankruptcy rules are suspended, meaning that many Illuminist claimants will not necessarily be cut off if the FDIC deems it necessary to pay them more than their fair liquidation share if necessary to minimize the FDIC's losses as receiver from the orderly liquidation of the failed institution.  This can only be done with the consent of the Treasury Secretary, Tiny Tim, who will of course rubberstamp all requests favorable to Illuminists. Translation:  If an Illuminist claimant of the failed institution is also insured by the FDIC, and that claimant might suffer losses or even go under as a result of getting only the normal liquidation payout amount, then the FDIC could give them more than they would normally get to prevent the FDIC from having to liquidate the claimant as well, thereby suffering further losses in a chain reaction of failures.  Once again, this is another codification of ongoing shenanigans.  So now Goldman Sachs or J P Morgan can get paid in full, or more than their fair share, for their Lehman bonds even if AIG goes under and the bonds are marked to market as long as they are insured by the FDIC and the FDIC would be putting them in harms way by paying only the usual liquidation amount.  It's just another excuse for a taxpayer-funded bailout.

Now here's the kicker.  The original Obama financial reform bill talked about the Fed working hand in hand with the FDIC in terms of figuring out how to fund the liquidation plans of failed institutions.  In other words, the Fed would arrange to provide the funds necessary to pay off claimants while the FDIC was in the process of selling off assets in an orderly fashion.  The Fed would put up the money based on the cash plus 90% formula so that the assets did not have to be sold off in fire sales for far less than they were prospectively worth.  What this really means of course is that when an institution with big Illuminist claimants fails, the Illuminist claimants of the failed institution will get their claims paid based on mark to model fantasy values for the failed institution's assets.  That way, when the assets are sold later on for far less than their mark to model fantasy values, the taxpayers will get stuck with the bill, not the Illuminist claimants.  And here is where it gets interesting in the ODFFFBBBB version.   In the ODFFFBBBB version, all talk about the Fed working with the FDIC is removed.  Instead, the bill obfuscates this issue by stating that the FDIC may issue obligations to the Secretary of the Treasury to help fund the "orderly liquidation" (i.e. to fund the payment of claims filed by large Illuminist institutions).  But where then does the Treasury get the money to be doled out to the FDIC in return for the FDIC's obligation to the Treasury?  The money is created by the Fed out of thin air, of course, as only the Fed has the monopolistic privilege of creating paper or digital counterfeit money out of thin air, at interest to taxpayers no less.  So the Fed will of course be involved all along the way, but they don't want you or Congress to know that, since the Fed has become very unpopular as of late, with much of that unpopularity arising in connection with the Fed's involvement in many of the big bailouts that have incensed the public on account of the cronyism and accounting frauds that have come to light.   So all we get from the ODFFFBBBB is the same old, same old.  Once again, so much for financial reform.

Then we have the creation of the Office of Financial Research.  This is a euphemism for a Fed spy agency that will be created and empowered to snoop among Fed-regulated banks and non-bank financial companies so the Fed can investigate and get the goods on non-Illuminist financial institutions.  That way, the Fed will know their weaknesses so they can extort them, punish them or put them under at will.  This will also provide the Fed with oodles of insider trading knowledge which they can pass on to their various operatives.  How do you think that Goldman, JP Morgan and Bank of America can go an entire quarter with no trading losses.  They are front-running trades, and working hand in hand with the PPT as it manipulates world markets 24/7. And now they will have yet more tools at their disposal.  Their perfect trading records for Q1 of 2010 tell you in spades that the system is rigged against non-Illuminist investors.  This totally blatant and arrogant criminality is simply unprecedented.

  Most importantly, the bill to audit the Fed has been gutted from a full audit to a disclosure about who the Fed doled out money to in the aftermath of the 2007 credit crunch and subprime debacles.  This is better than nothing and could lead to a more complete audit if the findings warrant it, but this buys the Fed a lot more time to milk the system for all it is worth before the Big Takedown is executed and everything is destroyed.  Then the audit will be of little use other than for a revenge vendetta against the Fed.  With the world financial system in shambles, the Fed hopes that people will be too preoccupied with their own problems to worry about the nefarious dealings of the Fed that have gone on now for almost a century.

If Congress really wanted reform, they would reinstate Glass-Steagall, regulate the OTC derivatives market, thoroughly audit and terminate the Fed while transferring its powers to the Treasury Department, terminate and disband the PPT, implement the "Volcker rule" against proprietary trading by banks, require that the FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board) enforce mark to market rules for financial reporting, stop all black box front-running trading activities, fire and investigate for fraud and obstruction of justice virtually all of the regulatory heads who fiddled and watched porn while Rome burned, expand the funding and manpower available to all regulatory authorities, encourage the state regulatory agencies to intervene wherever and whenever they desire, insist on thorough policing of the system with full accountability for regulatory failure, and thoroughly investigate and punish all past financial crimes, with plenty of jail time and humongous fines to be doled out to provide a deterrent against future criminality.  And most of all, require full accountability for losses without so much as another dime going to bail out financial criminal fraudsters.

Did we get any of that in this bill?  Not a freaking one!  This shows you in no uncertain terms that your Congress has no intention whatsoever of implementing any meaningful financial reform whatsoever.  All the ODFFFBBBB does is it allows the criminals at the Fed, and that run the large Illuminist financial institutions, to continue to game the system with even greater power than they already have.  This bogus, so-called reform bill creates a systemic monstrosity with god-like powers that will be used to suck up all the wealth from taxpayers and non-Illuminist financial companies as by a parasite's proboscis, siphoning their lifeblood upward to the Illuminist players at the top of the financial food chain.  Everyone but the Illuminati will be abjectly impoverished as the old nation-state economic system is destroyed.  The Illuminati want everyone to be as vulnerable as possible when they take the system down, to bring them to their knees so they will accept a one world government.  Any Congressional miscreant who votes for this bill should be thoroughly punished in November.  Voting lists will be provided so you can show your "heartfelt appreciation" for our "beloved" Congress's ongoing slime-ball activities this November.




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Reader Comments (40)

Does that mean that Obama now owns the bailout? If yes, great work you two.
May 19, 2010 at 1:48 PM | Unregistered CommenterZarathustra
Or stated differently, has Obama had enough time to change the things he didn't like (not political promises - mostly broken and ignored) about the Bush Administration policies? If yes, the blame Obama game should begin.
May 19, 2010 at 1:51 PM | Unregistered CommenterZarathustra
and i think it has begun zara...look at his poll numbers...they are awful...he has very little chance of being re-elected in 2012...i've been saying it since march of last year...
May 19, 2010 at 2:31 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
History proves that economies and political cultures are not controlled by groups, or individuals, and sometimes when they appear to be (Stalin and Hitler) the outcome is far from what was intended.

When the American Civil War finally "erupted", for example, it was far from certain who wanted it and for what reasons they wanted it.

The same is true of the American Revolution, not to mention the French and Russian revolutions.

If the American financial system falls, it will do so from its own internal pressures and laws, and nothing will be able to stop it from falling apart anymore than the 1929-32 American stock market crash could have been prevented or stopped. Then financial reform will become necessary.

Don't indulge in the futile fantasy that a few people and groups control history. History is not controllable. History happens and human beings respond.
May 19, 2010 at 3:47 PM | Unregistered CommenterJames Street
Obama Goes Golfing...

NKorea warns of war if punished for ship sinking
7 mins ago

SEOUL, South Korea – North Korea warns that it will wage "all-out war" if punished for the sinking of a South Korean warship.
May 19, 2010 at 10:42 PM | Unregistered CommenterZarathustra
Aren't we spending enough of our money on the Mexican people?

WASHINGTON (AFP) – President Barack Obama Wednesday deployed the full pomp of a White House state dinner for only the second time, honoring Mexico's President Felipe Calderon with a sumptuous menu and elaborate decor.
May 19, 2010 at 11:23 PM | Unregistered CommenterZarathustra
Don't indulge in the futile fantasy that a few people and groups control history. History is not controllable. History happens and human beings respond.


I tend to agree with you James Street...but there was so much enjoyable anger in this piece that i chose to post it...that's why i qualified it at the beginning of the story...
May 20, 2010 at 1:12 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
You guys.

You are starting to work it out. Here is a hint. You have been lied to all your lives. "they" are still lying to you. You have been brainwashed since you were born.
It is s a difficult journey to the truth. One filled with bitterness and most probably hatred.
And there is no good news. This will go on till there is civil war in the US.

How sad, what a way to find that out. On the internets. LOL.

First they came for you. But everyone kept quiet because they were afraid.
You ARE being watched. You are being monitored.
Please remain calm when they come for you. There is nowhere to run to. Do not panic. You will be taken care of. Along with your friends and relatives.
Theirs is a scorched earth policy.
And you are in the way.

Hope you had a nice life. Hope you had enough televisions and hope your car was big enough.

Not noticed how they over feed you? That's so you can't run.

May 20, 2010 at 1:58 AM | Unregistered CommenterMorton
The 1929-32 American stock market crash could have been prevented, in a fiat system, all bubbles and busts are created. And the "right" people profit both ways, just as you are seeing now.
May 20, 2010 at 5:19 AM | Unregistered CommenterS. Gompers
How is the Queen these days Morton? You got a lot to brag about.
May 20, 2010 at 5:20 AM | Unregistered CommenterS. Gompers
"Not noticed how they over feed you? That's so you can't run."

The scamper and run tactic is something uniquely British.

"Hope you had a nice life. Hope you had enough televisions and hope your car was big enough."

Trust me I will be just fine... It is all the " me big time party herd animal" people that have something to worry about.
May 20, 2010 at 7:46 AM | Unregistered CommenterS. Gompers
As for changing history, Arthur Koestler said:

We, the screamers, have been at it now for about ten years.

We started on the night when the epileptic van der Lubbe set fire to the German Parliament;

We said that if you don’t quench those flames at once, they will spread all over the world; you thought we were maniacs.

At present we have the mania of trying to tell you about the killing-by hot steam, mass-electrocution, and live burial-of the total Jewish population of Europe.

So far three million have died. It is the greatest mass killing in recorded history; and it goes on daily, hourly, as regularly as the ticking of your watch.

I have photographs before me on the desk while I am writing this, and that accounts for my emotion and bitterness.

From Arthur Koestler, Wikipedia

Arthur Koestler wrote in 1944, in his book The Yogi and the Commissar, that as late as 1943, 90% of Americans did not believe that the holocaust was taking place.

He also said that almost none of the American soldiers, whom he was in charge of instructing on what to expect when they arrived in Germany, believed in the holocaust and they thought it was simply Allied propaganda, even including the pictures of the death camps. His job was to try to convince them but he couldn’t.

He said that most intellectuals saw the danger of Hitler and the Nazis in 1934, after the burning of the Reichstag, and warned everyone from that time on.

Koestler said the warners called themselves Screamers because, he said, basically no one listened to them so they were forced to spend all of their time screaming at people to pay attention. Hardly anyone did.

Americans just went about their daily lives of conformity to fashion and fads the way we do now.
May 20, 2010 at 12:59 PM | Unregistered CommenterJames Street
yeah morton...that was kinda harsh...you are preaching to the converted with this crowd...
May 20, 2010 at 1:14 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
It Saddens me to know that most will neaver read this post to the end............ The ones that do, already know what's next.......? "Sticks-&-Stones"............ I so wish I still had my "Tour Bus" to find a nice place in the woods with a cave here in the Ozarks, with a stream near by.

But knowing what some of us know, why in hell would any of us want to be alive to struglle with whats left after they do it to us........?

Aint Heavin a better place to be. The hungery will be comming for the "Smart Ones" that have stocked up.........! How many "Dead Body's" do you want at yr front door.

Then again, it is a food sorce if yr real hungery, aint it.......? Have pleanty of Veggies & "Mac-&-Cheese".......meat will come-a-knocking at yr front door, wont it......?

Just make sure its a "Head-Shot" so you dont spoil any of the good Meat.......! The Fat, will light our lanterns, and the other body parts will be used as the American Indians did.

I still think goverment is going to get us, before God can save us.......? Great piece DB............You owe the writer a case of "Ozark-At-a-Boys"...........................for this one.......Kinda cracks the Nut Open, so we can see whats in the Inside.................................................................."Goverment-Krap".................
May 20, 2010 at 10:48 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
Texas, any update on the oil spill?
May 20, 2010 at 10:58 PM | Unregistered CommenterZarathustra
T Dar...yes it is a pretty impressive piece by Chapman...
May 20, 2010 at 11:48 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
........Yea, my buddy said that the goverment has a cap on whats realy going on, and it could be 3-6 mo. before what is realy going on.......thAre is a roumor going on underground that almost none of the oil is realy leaking.

The news today is planted to make the people think it is going to wipe out the south coast..........Dose 911 ring a bell..........

Wife heared on the radio about a reporter that went to the cost to see for her self, and was told that "The Plane Will NOT TAKE OFF"..........And was told you have no buissnes flying out to see whats going on.

I sure hope ya'll got to see the "Live Shot" I posted of the rig on fire just Min. after it was Blew Up, becouse it has been removed fron the net.

Stupid Dar, for not recording it, to re-play it............"Fuck-en Stupid-Dar"................but it looks almost like the pic the NG releasted today 36 Hr. after it..........................................."Exploded".................................................

Fire every-whAre. If you saw the piece on the Deep Water, and it going down in a "Blase-of-Glory".......rolling over on its side, and going down to the bottom, then yr not mis-informamed........

Im starting to think this is just another 911, in a different dress& peddicoat. Lets put all "Crap-&-Shis" aside here............ I love rant'en width-ja, but when it comes to American People, were all on the same side, & im sure DB, and Gompers, have my back, here.......?
May 20, 2010 at 11:51 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
have you seen the video of the oil escaping...


looks real to me...

i've never mentioned this but i was an oil and gas analyst as my first job on wall street...that means nothing in and of itself...but i think this is real T Dar...

Gulf oil spill leak now pegged at 95,000 barrels a day



BP accused of cover-up

May 21, 2010 at 12:02 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
If this is another 911, who is responsible? Please don't say Bush.
May 21, 2010 at 12:04 AM | Unregistered CommenterZarathustra
OH, or Cheney.
May 21, 2010 at 12:05 AM | Unregistered CommenterZarathustra
in less than a week we'll see it hitting the panhandle...with respect T Dar, i don't think this is fake in any way...
May 21, 2010 at 12:17 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Yes, nothing like the moon landings.
May 21, 2010 at 12:21 AM | Unregistered CommenterZarathustra
I've met Buzz Aldrin and spoke with him about the moon...do you believe that's a lie as well...
May 21, 2010 at 12:23 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
May 20, 2010 | Zarathustra I have no Clue who you are........but yr the best'est Heckkler in the croud........yr the guy I had in the 6th roe seat, becouse its true, we only see the first 5 rows of seats........ in the Follow Spot Lights..

When it comes to the American People, im hopping here, were all on the same side, Please.......!

Times Dar, thinks yr a lot like Dar. The one to spit back, just to make the people take notice, and debate the real truth..................

But if yr not, yr still Dar's best'est friend in the 6th row seat.........NOW, the oil spill......im getting a horficie feeling that the goverment is involved in this plan to use it for the "VAT-TAX".......and thier GREEN-CRAP"..........

Time wil tell. My buddy is still alive, but not saying much. Were both being looked over our sholders. I have a 80's Surborbon sitting across fron the club haus tonight, and have no clue Why....................

Ful of cardboard box's......whAre I've been, I dont trust anyone. reamber JFK...............................He was dead in 3 days, for saying hes gona take down the Fed.

Im just little potoes, for whats realy going on. But when push comes to shove, were all going down.........................Dont Come-a-Knockin-4-MY Vodica.....................................

When we all hit the bottom, its gona get messy, cuz thAre aint room for all of us........I'll meet ya's on the grond floor............"Tex" !
May 21, 2010 at 12:26 AM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
As well? I don't doubt the oil spill, it is bad news.

As for the moon? You really don't want that answer.
May 21, 2010 at 12:28 AM | Unregistered CommenterZarathustra
Thanks Tex.
May 21, 2010 at 12:29 AM | Unregistered CommenterZarathustra
....................BUT..................We all know that we an Neaver Trust what the Media trys and tell us.......You can take 500 Gal. of oil and make it look like a major spill. Im starting to question, as is Rush, becouse to many things are starting to NOT-ADD-UP...........Only time will tell, Guys.
May 21, 2010 at 12:33 AM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
6 drinks, andmy face is hitting my key-Board. Ya'll know as soon as I get word, im on here with the info. Pray im wrong, but im not betting on it.......................
May 21, 2010 at 12:36 AM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
Thanks Tex.
May 21, 2010 at 12:41 AM | Unregistered CommenterZarathustra
Looks like somebody read Capricorn one...
May 21, 2010 at 5:05 AM | Unregistered CommenterS. Gompers
I remember the movie...with oj simpson...i was young...
May 21, 2010 at 10:19 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Im not saying that there isnt oil spilling out. But the drilling pipe is only 12"-14" across. Evan leaking out three places, thats still a lot of oil. Now for thoes of ya's that dont know how much oil is in a barrel, its 44 Gal.

The news cant reamber thier facts when they tell us if its Gals. or Barrels. But think of it...? How could 95,000 Gal. of oil come out of that little pipe, evan at 100 PSI..? That much leaking off the oil rig.........Yea !

No, its real alright. But as the shit head said, neaver let a real bad evant go to waste..... The rig was only 35 Mi. fron the shore. If there was realy that much oil it would already be every whAre, from Texas, to Fl. and going up the east coast.

They keep showing the same clips over and over, so how do we realy know. I realy think that yr only gona get 8 to 10,000 Gal of oil a day out of a 12" pipe. And thats a shit load of oil looking for land.

Every day the news tells us its 35,00......57,000........68,000.......84,000.........now 95,000 Gal. of oil a day. By Tuesday they will have it up to 100,000 Gal. a day still comming fron a 12" pipe.

This is spinning right into BHO dirty little plan, to stomp on the oil Co. and "Green $$$$$$$$$$$$$"....!
May 21, 2010 at 3:03 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
Lost decade looming Op ed.
Published: May 20, 2010

"Despite a chorus of voices claiming otherwise, we aren’t Greece. We are, however, looking more and more like Japan."

And you say that I am being harsh?

Krugman is not only saying that your country is like Japan with at least TEN lost years.
He is saying that you are idiots and you can do nothing about it.

"thanks for the money suckers AND I'm gonna hang around and laugh at you"

He is saying that turning your country into a pile of sh!t is a good thing "at least it's not Greece"
And here's the kicker
He got payed by the nytimes to write that.
How much are you getting payed? IF you still have a job?

How about this line?
"What’s behind this new pessimism?"
What’s behind this new pessimism? Oh what wit. He is trying to be funny? No?

And this little beauty?
"So what we should really be asking right now isn’t whether we’re about to turn into Greece. We should, instead, be asking what we’re doing to avoid turning Japanese. And the answer is, nothing. "

Thats right folks NOTHING! Krugman wrote that!

How about this?
"Maybe the economic measures already taken will end up doing the trick, jump-starting a self-sustaining recovery. Certainly, that’s what we’re all hoping. But hope is not a plan. "

That is how he ends the article.

He should be taken out and shot. I that legal? Can I say that?
Next I will be arrested for posting that Krugamn should be shot. OK so he should not be shot. (pity)

He should be taken out and promoted and be given a bigger bonus.
A bonus that he decides how much he gets.

One last parting shot.
There is not that much difference between Totalitarianism and democracy.

The main difference is that in a Totalitarian state. The media is controlled by the state . And the state is a clumsy owner.
In a fake democracy, the media is owned by the people who run the state.
Take a look at what Krugman wrote. He is telling the truth.
Does that hurt? Yet?
He and his rich friends have not only turned your country not into Japan.

They have turned America into that bit of Japan that was in the crapper for 10 years AND they are proud of that because they did not turn America into Mexico.

And you say I was being harsh?
May 22, 2010 at 1:57 AM | Unregistered CommenterMorton
Nice work Morton, great points!!!
May 22, 2010 at 2:01 AM | Unregistered CommenterZarathustra
You are right Morton, there is not that much difference between Totalitarianism and democracy. The problem lies in the fact that we were not meant to be a democracy, but rather a republic. The usurpation began shortly after we kicked ole King George squarely in the balls by winning our freedom. Seems he did not like losing out on all the valuable resources that were over here, so he continued to have agents try to sway us back to his bosom, as well as maintained operations in the interior. Our founders knew this, and it lead to another kick in the balls called the war of 1812. But still meddling continued till we had a "democracy", a central bank, and many other ills from Europe.

Our problems started with European influences, and will only end by getting rid of those influences from this continent.

Hell, they even campaign in other countries anymore, and no one blinks a eye.


And I stand by my statement that the scamper and run tactic is uniquely British, but they do usurpation so well...
May 22, 2010 at 9:07 AM | Unregistered CommenterS. Gompers
And you say I was being harsh?

morton...i meant harsh to us...your first comment seemed like an attack on us...no big deal...back to regular programming...
May 22, 2010 at 10:53 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Last month, Freddie Mac further infuriated politicians after it paid 92 staff at least $100,000 (£68,000) each in bonuses to stay with the company – Mr Kellermann received $800,000.

I have never received a retention bonus of $800,000 buy I imagine that it could be very depressing, I mean, why not a million bucks. This at a time when the retention bonus should have been very hard to justify.


Outside work, Mr Kellermann was a volunteer board member for the charity DC Coalition for the Homeless.

We owe him another look!!!
May 22, 2010 at 3:40 PM | Unregistered CommenterZarathustra
Mr. Kellermann was also working in a poisonous political atmosphere. In addition to taking criticism over the bonuses, he was recently involved in tense conversations with the company’s federal regulator over its routine financial disclosures, according to people close to those discussions who also spoke on condition of anonymity.

May 22, 2010 at 3:47 PM | Unregistered CommenterZarathustra
zara...write the kellerman story..i will publish it with attribution to you...

i'm a 1-man show and i don't have time at the moment...
May 24, 2010 at 11:08 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
More info on the Mini Sub attack cover up:


May 24, 2010 at 3:20 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar

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