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Trend Forecaster Gerald Celente: Revolution Is Coming In 2012 - The United States Will NOT Be Spared

Don't count on it Celente.  Unemployment checks keep the oppressed from fighting back, preferring a night on the couch with American Idol  & Dancing With Palin to revolution in the streets.

Runs 11 minutes.  If you're rushed for time, start somewhere in the middle.  The final 5 minutes are excellent.

Wall Street is a Mafioso's game: Bernanke, Geithner, Paulson, and Obama have replaced Gambini, Afatelli, Luigi, and Malovitti.  The stimulus and bailouts, though disguised eloquently, are little more than a taxpayer cover-up of criminal, generational theft.  The crooks and liars make the rules, and revolution is coming to the United States in 2012.





Editor's Note: We are reposting this older Celente clip in light of revolution sweeping Northern Africa and the Middle East.



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Reader Comments (18)

The 2nd American Revolution...Celente editorial
Oct 1, 2009 at 6:56 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
One More Celente Clip...haven't watched this one yet...
Oct 1, 2009 at 6:57 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Completely off-topic: I'm watching Bernanke testify right now.....

"....A strong, well-regulated financial system should not have been crashed by an increase and decrease in house prices..."

What a flippin' retard
Oct 1, 2009 at 10:17 AM | Unregistered Commentermark mchugh
Clowns like him didn't do their job last time, so let's give them more authority.....

Oct 1, 2009 at 10:21 AM | Unregistered Commentermark mchugh
Time to start buying more bullets!!
Oct 1, 2009 at 11:23 AM | Unregistered CommenterMad As Hell
Celente isn't (unfortunately) saying anything very shocking or even (truly) revolutionary. The only thing out of the ordinary about his talk is his use of the R word, revolution.

Many, many pundits and, of course many cranks also, are telling us the same thing because it is, essentially, true. We are surrounded by an advertising, Pop culture and most people don't want to listen to the truth because it makes them feel bad. Who wants to be told that beer, pizza and cigarettes are bad for you, not to mention all that other depressing bad news. When someone like Celente tells us the truth, he sounds very shocking to "ordinary" people and they feel like changing channels.

By revolution I think Calente means that things have already stopped working the way they used to work, for a long time, and people will finally be forced to come to terms with this state of affairs. And that even though Americans have been doing this gradually, they still have a long way to go before the process is over.

What usually happens, in our personal lives as well as our social, economic and political lives, is that it takes a long time for old habits to die and make way for new realities. In their personal lives most people don't change with the times and continue to like the same music, food, television programs .... of their youth.

The process of political and social change can take several generations. Children have been exposed to the "new" world from the time they have come into it and accept it as normal. They see the beliefs and habits of their parents as old fashioned and out of date.

Sometimes social, political and economic changes occur with violence and occur very quickly such as during the French, American and Russian Revolutions and the American Civil War or World War I. I don't think Calente is referring to an event like that.

Celente and others of his generation have seen vast changes, since about 1960, in the distribution of wealth and income in the United States, a severe decline in the educational system, the infrastructure, the health care system, sexual morality and so on, and yet most of social traditions such as baseball, Rock n Roll music, buying a new car every few years, marriage and many other social, economic and political traditions persist almost unchaged.

The revolution he is predicting will be social, economic and political and probably (or hopefully) without violence and war but not without pain, especially for older Americans.
Oct 1, 2009 at 3:28 PM | Unregistered CommenterJames Street
That reported is trying to act masculine for some reason? Oh wait, she is Russian.

Now here we are…ahhhh…There is NO recovery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I pick rebirth over revolution.

I don’t put a lot of stock into this guy because trends should take into account the spikes and wildcards.

As Rumsfeld said…”There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know.”

I miss Rumsfeld.

Buy gold, yes, we get it.

GM did fail. Saturn just got flushed down the toilet and more to come. The only thing Barry Soetoro did was float GM so that his employment numbers (most importantly union unemployment) wouldn’t go sky high so quickly. Way to go Barry, you make a great car executive. Your car czar who has never worked in the car industry is doing a real good job.

Dailybail, this guy is one big conspiracy theory. He is not all wrong, mostly right but he is saying nothing. He reads the paper and he has an opinion that some will pay for. We know why you like him, he supports Ron Paul.
Oct 1, 2009 at 4:03 PM | Unregistered CommenterGobias Bluth
WTF? The arrogant sons of bitches banned clove cigarettes! I mean, WT f-ing F, people? In Celente's terms, I would call this "shot number 5" of the 2nd American Revolution. I honestly writhe with anger knowing that these sons of biscuit eaters think they can ban clove cigarettes. ARRRRRRRRGGGHHHH! And they can't even resolve a friggin' bank. I don't know why this makes me so mad, but it does. It's just so petty and thoughtless and stupid -- esp in the face of their complete incompetence in dealing with the banks. Yeah, I guess that's it.

BTW, Gobias, can you honestly look at those legs and think "masculine"? (Please say nyet.)
Oct 1, 2009 at 9:58 PM | Unregistered CommenterJames H
Gobias, at about 1:38. Right after she says (fittingly), "happy ending."
Oct 1, 2009 at 10:03 PM | Unregistered CommenterJames H
She who laughs last, laughs loudest.

It is my prediction that Sarah Palin is having a good long laugh at Bozo the Clown, I mean David Letterman.

Another lame liberal hypocrite gets a Chicago style beat down.

I hope that his wife is the Good Wife, no, not really.
Oct 1, 2009 at 10:55 PM | Unregistered CommenterGobias Bluth

I agree that Celente is no superstar...it's why I have not posted about him until now...he always felt some pop-culture-ish to me...but i found this clip to be entertaining and full of gems about the bailouts and political capture of Washington by Wall Street...i agree there's nothing earth-shaking yet it is quite entertaining...
Oct 2, 2009 at 12:22 AM | Unregistered CommenterDailyBail
And to me, the Russian host was by no means masculine...there is definitely something about her...and i usually don't go for the shorter-hair girls but she is sexy...

I think it was the legs and brain combo thing...
Oct 2, 2009 at 12:25 AM | Unregistered CommenterDailyBail
What is a Libertarian/progressive? Confused on how he sees Far left and far right coming together on anything ever, especially a third party.
Oct 4, 2009 at 1:02 PM | Unregistered Commenterbecky

It's happening right now. Look at Dylan Ratigan's new show, for example. Dylan is a hardcore capitalist libertarian type, while Arianna Huffington, dahling, is a progressive. Yet, they both agree wholeheartedly on the bank bailouts and on the corruption that infects Washington. Check out this clip. The guest is from redstate.org and he's on air to talk about ACORN, but Dylan and Arianna want to bring the conersation around to fraud and taxpayer waste IN GENERAL. They mention Haliburton and companies like that, the banksters, AND groups like ACORN -- Arianna even proposes that they all make common cause -- a "coalition" of left-right-center -- to combat fraud and corruption. Here's what Celente is talking about, happening right under our noses, on air.


Also, check out this piece by anti-war activist and authentic lefty, David Swanson. He says Obama may as well be Bush's Third Term. He mentions (natch) the banks, Wall St., corruption, lobbying, habeas corpus, etc. Some of the same things that libertarian types are complaining about. It's happening, alright. Let's just hope it bears fruit.

Oct 4, 2009 at 1:22 PM | Unregistered CommenterJames H
Outstanding comment James...you summed it up rather succinctly...hadn't seen that Ratigan clip..thanks...
Oct 5, 2009 at 10:54 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
You guys are generally right. Celente merely watches the news and gives a common sense interpretation of it.

What he(and many of you) and Schiff, Jim Rogers, etc.are missing is that this is a textbook case of post real-estate meltdown in a capitalist economy and a textbook blow up.

It happened to Argentina in the mid 20th Century and to Japan in the 80s. It's only the Japanese let their economy deflate. Bernanke and Geithner are letting it deflate gradually to avoid a massive market correction -- aka -- deflation. A practice I support. Letting the market deflate will lead to Soviet style revolution and food riots and massive unemployment.

Imagine taking a heroin addict off of his dope right away, the effects are barbaric and inhumane. What do we do? Give the poor son-of-a-bi*ch morphine and methadone.

That's what we're getting now.

Argentina was once the richest nation in Latin America, following their real estate bubble they got 25% unemployment, a stagnated currency, and decades of political unrest. The Japanese went about it in a more humane and intelligent way. They borrowed out the ass to do useless infrastructure projects. Their unemployment stands at an 'unheard of' 5.5%. God forbid.

The Japanese borrow and spend like crazy, that's how they keep their economy going. They provide menial jobs to their citizenry to keep them employed. I *think* our banksters are doing the same, albeit in a much more clunkier way as we have no concentrated bureaucracy like the Japanese have.

A property bubble is a terminal tumor. Once you're in it, if you deflate it too quickly you get a crash and depression, if you do it slowly you get what we have. For years Europe has had 11% unemployment or higher. But they have generous welfare payments, we do not.

Expect a few more years of the what we have right now then a gradual escalation of unemployment regardless of which party is in power. Assuming the Fed does its job correctly and inflates the pain away at an intelligent rate. If they inflate too much they'll ruin the economy as well.

For years people like Ron Paul and Pat Buchanan railed against the neocons and freetraders.

Buchanan was run out of the party and Paul was marginalized as a denizen of the yahoo conspiracy far-right. In other words, the people who cried wolf(and appropriately I might add) in the Republican Party were repudiated and either cast out as troublemakers or ignored as nutballs.

So in essence the Republican party shucked Reaganism and scuttled the conservative movement by making itself a globalist party on the take like a hooker who'll take anybody with a big enough pocketbook.

Expect more of this crap, and expect years of stagflation. Short a nasty hike in interest rates and a 30 year old slog back to a nominal level of prosperity, there is no alternative.
Oct 10, 2009 at 11:05 PM | Unregistered CommenterJope
".......Assuming the Fed does it's job correctly......" Whoah! That's one hell of a lot of assuming. Are we forecasting a different dude in that office?" The Bernanke" ain't gonna do anything correctly....hasn't yet, isn't gonna. He's an incompetent schlub who should have stuck with playing bad saxophone.

As for Celente, he's a gas bag and so full of himself as to be coma inducing. As others have said; he reads the papers, remembers what he's read and makes a few "educated" guesses. It's more his age than his sagacity. The guy's been around long enough to have seen most of these things happen at least once before with the exception of this administration, no one has seen the overt hijacking of an entire admininstration......at least not in the U.S.

Holder blows his horn about the "big net" he used to nab all of those pensioner goombas whilst the RICO thugs on Wall Street and their D.C. Branch, the Cabinet, continue to support and encourage the looting and pillaging of this country. Yeah, big forecast, Quelle suprise. As for an actual revolution here....they'd have to switch Cable off in order for many of our fellow 'mericans to notice.
Jan 30, 2011 at 7:58 PM | Unregistered CommenterIndia

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