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Threats To Assassinate Mitt Romney Explode On Twitter

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Reader Comments (4)

The people making those threats are a danger to all of society they belong in a locked facility criminal or mental but locked up.

Look who's important not the people no one gets prosecuted under obama but his bankster bankers get even richer

Inflation by any other name – Rising rents have pushed up the CPI to highest monthly change in three years. Shifting the Fed bailouts onto the working class and poor.


A Recovering Housing Market is Great News for Too-Big-To-Fail Banks


Democrats have always been the bankers real choice they make money off those programs the dems put in place like food stamps. Being the food stamp president with millions more added to the roles his policies have been very good for the banks that is. It was a D president who gave us the Fed...

If Obama Wins, Will He Be Another Woodrow Wilson?

In his first term, Wilson had legislative accomplishments more popular than Obama's. A partisan Democratic Congress passed a new antitrust act, created the Federal Trade Commission and the Federal Reserve, lowered trade barriers and imposed an income tax on high earners.

When Americans voted in November 1916, World War I had been raging in Europe for more than two years. Hundreds of thousands were dying in trench warfare, and Wilson ran on the slogan of, "He kept us out of war."

Wilson's second term was wholly unlike his first. In April 1917, he went before Congress and got approval for a declaration of war against Germany. A military draft was instituted, a law passed criminalizing antiwar protests, the railroads were nationalized, and the top income tax rate was raised to 77 percent.


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Third Way Document Proves Democratic Party Supports Institutionalized Looting by Banks

Oct 22, 2012 at 6:37 PM | Unregistered CommenterLiberatedCitizen

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