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There Are No Words To Describe The Following Part II


Alan Grayson questions the Inspector General of the Federal Reserve - 05/09/10


Circulate Far and Wide.

Our only hope to stop the heist will come from greater awareness.



If you're in a hurry, start watching at the 3-minute mark.  At issue is the accounting and oversight for $9 trillion in secret Fed bailouts of Wall Street banks, for which taxpayers are ultimately responsible to the tune of $32,000 for every man, woman and child in this country.  Fed audit, anyone?




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Reader Comments (677)

Trust me Mike...the clips that you and i would consider more relevant and more focused would NOT resonate with normal people who know nothing about the Fed...

There is a method to our madness...give us a little credit for understanding our traffic and how to build huge awareness...because 3.7 million views (yes it's gone up 300k in the past 10 days) means we are making substantial progress...thanks...
Feb 3, 2011 at 4:55 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Our great nation of the United States of America is disappearing at the hands of our "so-called" leaders who are greedy, selfish, ferrel dogs such as the zebra "OBAMA." Oh sure, call me racist or whatever---I could care less. I realize that I do not have the power to oust these non human animals from power, as I am only one amongst the millions. I grew up here and have always dearly loved this once great nation. If only some of the ones that do have some type of power, and detest this maggot we call "our president" as much as I do, would take a stand to overthrow the slugs in power, I would take a stand and fight to retake our country. We constantly hear talk show hosts such as Glen Beck, Neal Boortz, Hannity and Colmbs, etc. expressing how Obama and his thugs in office are destroying the country. Why don't some of them do something about It? Talk is cheap, and action has always spoke so much louder! Look at our constantly rising costs of gas, groceries, and everything else which are musts in order to survive. Social security has had no raise in two years yet prices continue to rise. Why aren't we drilling for petroleum here? TREE HUGGERS of course!!! Our jobs have all gone to China or elsewhere, illegal immigrants are taking over, being allowed to receive social security benefits, foodstamps, welfare for the kids they constantly have in order to get "more free stuff" from taxpayers. They remind me of a bunch of cockroaches. They continue to creep out of the woodwork and laugh in our faces because we are supporting them. Here is one example I recently witnessed. Standing in line at the check out counter at a grocery store, a hispanic family with 6 to 7 kids were standing in line in front of me. They had two shopping carts piled high with groceries. The items they were buying weren't cheap. They had costly steaks, poultry, and various other types of meat products. I am standing there with hamburger meat, and any items I could find either on sale, or off brand products that were cheaper than name brands. When the cashier added up all their items, the two shopping carts full, what did they do? They pull out their free food stamps to pay for them. And yes, I work!!! I am a nurse of 35 years, and my husband in order to continue working has had to take a job out of the state we live in. I have had two back surgeries, my husband recently had three-fourths of his left kidney removed because of renal cell carcinoma, and we are both 61 years of age. Still, we continue to plug along and pay our exorbitant taxes in order to support these illegal aliens our illustrious leader, OBAMA allows to infiltrate this country. Look at Arizona and how he supported them for trying to keep them out. HA! HA! One other issue. I have a son who lost his left leg in a car accident in 2005. He also has constant breakouts of MRSA which he contacted while in the hospital, and has entered his blood stream. He attempted to get disability, but of couse was denied, thus he takes whatever menial jobs he can get to continue to support the illegals that have taken over our country. Where and when is this going to end? Only when the people of the United States unite and retake our country. Until then, along with the rest of the suffering people who are barely able to make ends meet, I wil contiue to pray that God will hear my prayers and bring back some type of sanity to this nation.
Feb 4, 2011 at 3:36 PM | Unregistered Commentershelby
What is the purpose of paying taxes? Consider that some states when federal taxes are added add up to some of the highest tax rates in the world yet these states have some of the greatest financial crises around. Think NJ, CA, MA and IL. What good do all of these taxes do? My position is that if that if they can find a way to do it, the people should commit tax evasion. Tax evasion is the right thing to do. If government took in less money there would be less corruption and debt. Debt would be lower because there would less revenue to leverage into debt. If a government spends $1.50 for every $1.00 it takes in in taxes then every dollar of tax evaded reduces debt by fifty cents!
I call on all people to start committing tax evasion now! If everyone who works hard evaded they wouldn’t be able to fit all 200 million working people into jail. The system would collapse and the constitution would re-appear and America would be free and prosperous again.
Feb 4, 2011 at 5:28 PM | Unregistered CommenterExtreme Right
The Federal Reserve is a privately owned banking system, they pay no taxes, and do what ever they want! Kennedy tried to abolish the Federal Reserve with Executive order 11,110, see what happened to him! Andrew Jackson tried to abolish the feds in 1833, guess what, there was an assassination attempt on him.
Feb 5, 2011 at 11:06 AM | Unregistered CommenterBrad Bryant
this is exactly why we are in this position as a country. the wrong people are in charge.

but in order to put the right people in charge (tough resolve) everyone will suffer to a degree. it is all driven by person greed! all of it!

How will this affect me!

The greatest country in the world, built on sacrifice and now only the very very few are willing to sacrifice!

We are the laughing stock of the world for our self enduced double standards and bullshit! All being lead by the coward well educated crooks who all have law degrees!

No one wants to hear what Gingrich has to say, because its true!

The only right choice has to be painful! We dont have that kind of courage anymore!

Feb 5, 2011 at 7:11 PM | Unregistered Commenterjeff
I so totally agree with extreme right, Brad, Jeff and so many others here that are sickened by what has happened to this country. I haven't read all the comments, but enough of them to realize just how many people here in the USA have a brain and common sense, as compared to the few totally blubbering idiots who support the terriorist regime we have in control of our country. I agree with what extreme right said about refusing to pay taxes. I'm positively certain that would put the hurt on the sleazy crooks we have in power!!!! O-slumma, Nancy Piglosi, Bernacke, and all the rest of the terrorists in Washington, should be put on a very tiny boat with a name like " Titanic # 2, and shipped to an island where cannabalism is still being practiced. I would be more than happy to supply a boat load of Maalox for the cannibals, however because these greasy slimy sleze bags are sure to upset their stomachs.There are millions of people in this country, and if all the ones who aren't Zombies, or among the walking dead without brains would stand together, unite, and take control, we could take back what or ancestors bravely fought and died for. For that matter, so many young men and women are still dying, but for what? Socialism? That is where we are heading so fast it isn't funny. By the way--has anyone noticed how O-slumma and Pigshelle, his wife look like a black Howdy-Doody and Cheeta? Of course Howdy Doody and Cheeta were SOOOOO much better looking!!!!!
Feb 5, 2011 at 10:25 PM | Unregistered Commenterstarduster
If you are Christian, you know the score, if not look into it - quickly, because Jesus is all that is left that is good.
Feb 5, 2011 at 11:42 PM | Unregistered CommenterK.Granucci
The taxpayer is paying big bucks to these stupidios, to know NOTHING!!!!!
Feb 5, 2011 at 11:44 PM | Unregistered CommenterK.Granucci
Even I could do her job.
Feb 8, 2011 at 1:07 PM | Unregistered CommenterNanette
It's hard to believe this country is being run by such total incompetents. My question is: What can we do to stop this ???
I vote, but usually the majority of idiots in this country believe the media which keeps delivering lies and obfuscates the reality of important events. While our government hands out billions to cronies, what's in the news?? Sarah Palin ! - to me the very bottom of any ladder; a symbol of the low moral and imtelligence level of this "Greed is Good" society.
Feb 8, 2011 at 3:06 PM | Unregistered Commenterphelps
In my comments on intelligence, I see I mispelled "intelligence" maybe I fall into the idiot category....
Feb 8, 2011 at 3:09 PM | Unregistered Commenterphelps
OMG! This article has been collecting comments since May 19, 2009. What has changed since then? That's right, NOTHING!
Feb 8, 2011 at 7:16 PM | Unregistered CommenterPhaedrus51
All of you have really good insight on this matter. I have to ask though; if you're all so sure about yourselves, and truly believe your opinions will bring a solution to the problem, then why don't any of you try and run for these positions. Instead of arguing points on a 5 minute video that does nothing but get you steamed about what someone else has to say about it? Really? I'm not defending these people. I'm just saying if you think you can do better, then why don't you do something besides leaving comments about what should be done, what shouldn't be done, and/or who's to blame?
Feb 9, 2011 at 11:03 AM | Unregistered CommenterJK
I take it you believe that an honest, moral individual trying to do what is best for the majority of Americans could be elected to congress or even the presidency.

Without the approval of the political elite and the special interest masters, that individual is not going to get elected to anything. The only people in office who really give a damn about the people ( and there are very few ) probably misled the bigwigs to get elected and have to work like hell to stay.

The United States ceased being a Democratic Republic a long time ago. Our government today is a corrupt system that a very rich minority manipulate to their benefit and to hell with everyone else.

The more I see of no investigation or prosecution for obvious crimes by Banks and other industries, along with the obvious corruption of officials in the highest offices of our government, lead me to think a corrupt electoral process isn't going to change a damn thing.

What's happening in Egypt or worse is the only way to remove a corrupt, decadent government.
Feb 9, 2011 at 1:08 PM | Unregistered CommenterSagebrush
John Demo, Your calling the kettle black, never do this you set your self up for ridicule. John, have you ever heard the saying eyes' wide open?
Feb 10, 2011 at 12:46 PM | Unregistered CommenterDtblow
This is just another form of tyranny in our government! "We The People" need to take action and overthrow these useless pieces of shit! Americans need to arm themselves. Get a grip people and pull your heads out of your behinds. Your arming yourself and your militia IS NOT BRINGING ON TYRANNY. TYRANNY IS COMING EVEN IF YOU WANT TO PLAY LIKE A 1936 JEW and bury your
stupid head in the sand. THE TIME IS NOW!!!
Feb 10, 2011 at 10:40 PM | Unregistered CommenterME
There is definitely a growing awareness of our monetary system, and it is happening around theïr world.
The Government has taken away from the poor and given to those who are rich.
Why should a billionaire give up something he earned?
Why should he or she give up anything?
Yet we have thousand's of homeless people without food.
A gallon of gas cost as much as a child's school lunch or a gallon of milk.
Feb 11, 2011 at 12:24 PM | Unregistered CommenterMichelle
Thanks for making us aware of this.

I have posted same on The Plantation Nation http://www.theplantationnation.com/
Feb 11, 2011 at 5:24 PM | Unregistered CommenterTommy Barrios
Wow, Rojo. Ever think of getting some Kaopectate for your diarrhea of the mouth? Ever think of making a comment in less than 50,000 words?
Feb 11, 2011 at 9:32 PM | Unregistered CommenterCarl
The Fed is good! I don't think any of you realize how horrid the economy is in the US right now. I've been reading up on repressed inflation and hyperinflation for a few years now, and I have to say that when you hear the first person talk it sounds so convincing until you hear the other side of the story, just like King Solomon said! I'd like to go on record as saying that the US federal government is like a big turd circling the toilet of national debt right now, and the only reason we haven't entered into an Argentina-like inflation is because of the incredible creativity and amazing efforts of the Fed. You people seriously are completely and utterly naive. I'm more right-wing than any of you-- I'm a fundamentalist Christian and an uber-Republican, but listen brothers, this anti-Fed stuff is akin to a heart patient in an ambulance trying to rip out his IV because nobody can explain to him why he needs it in terms he can grasp. What do you really want the Fed to say, "The US economy is a house of cards, Social Security is a Ponzi scheme, and the Federal government isn't going to be able to service its debt any longer, so we're doing everything we can to manipulate several benchmark markets to keep the entire nation from breaking into anarchy"??? Get real, they can't come out and say that, you're attacking stuff you don't understand. The Fed didn't end the gold standard, Nixon did. Do you like being able to get student loans, or being able to buy a house without 50% down? The Fed built the America you love, and they've been quietly doing their job as the unsung heros. And now you, brothers, are coming in with good intentions brandishing a blade at our only hope of recovery. Just go to usdebtclock.org and look at the numbers: the only reason this horrid economy of ours isn't in hyperinflation already is because of the miracles the Fed has done behind the scenes. China is dumping treasuries, the Fed is buying treasuries to keep the dollar from crashing,... its like a stock buy-back, its good.
Feb 12, 2011 at 5:38 PM | Unregistered CommenterTaylor Moffitt of Holydean
Too many in Congress are clever in their inversion of the English language to further their self-promoting aims. The crime of deceit and fraud to get elected in order to push a socialist agenda instead of working for the "will of the people" must become recognized and punished by replacement as soon as possible; even before the "progressive" liberals get elected, if possible.
Interesting how the Big O and his cronies throw out the word "transparency," then they work feverishly in secret when we citizens are distracted.

The next dishonesty that must be exposed is the huge spending to further the collectivist agenda, then raising taxes to pay for their illogical and destructive expenditures. No wonder they support the attack upon the moral values of the US citizenry. It is with honesty and moral standards that we can recognize the politicians' thievery and transgressions. Ah me, how far the liberal-thinking politicians have "pushed the envelope!"
Feb 12, 2011 at 6:08 PM | Unregistered CommenterD.L. Wood
"the Fed is good" WRONG!!!!!!!

Taylor Moffitt of Hoydean the only things in your comment I agree with are ("the US federal government is like a big turd circling the toilet of national debt right now" and "The Fed didn't end the gold standard, Nixon did") I believe FED policy and incompetent enforcment of existing regulations along with corruption in the FED itself had as much to do with the economic collapse as did the fraud and corruption on Wall Street.

I think all existing records of the FED should be audited in detail and made available to the American People. I am sure this would result in the disbanding of the Federal Reserve or you would see what just happened in Egypt repeated in Washington D.C.
I think a million people marching up Pennsylvania Ave. might make those folks in Congress realize who they actually work for.

Feb 12, 2011 at 7:25 PM | Unregistered CommenterSagebrush
So in the pic, who's the guy flipping off?
Feb 12, 2011 at 9:17 PM | Unregistered Commenterjerry,
Regarding the following post:
"Kennedy signed an executive order in 63-64 to do away with the Fed entirely, all we need is a leader with some sack to enforce that order.
Jun 2, 2009 at 1:51 PM | qc103"

Perhaps that's why JFK is no longer with us!?
Feb 12, 2011 at 10:19 PM | Unregistered CommenterJohn Vacek
What kind of moron is Elizabeth Coleman? Why is this idiot in the position that she's in?
Who is watching the bottom line?
Feb 13, 2011 at 12:05 AM | Unregistered CommenterDr. Glenn
Socialism was engineered by bankers to unjustly enrich bankers. We are seeing it work exactly as it was intended to function. Who is it that benifits most from this public plunder?
Feb 13, 2011 at 10:02 AM | Unregistered Commenterfrank
I'm buying a 2nd dog today. I'll ask him. He will know more than this gal. Everyone but a few were hired due to their complete lack of intelligence. Even Obama is a no nothing "face" to the public. Exactly who is driving this train that has us on the express route to Hell? Soros and all like him? My best guess.
Feb 13, 2011 at 12:49 PM | Unregistered Commenterw0tm
The job of each of the thirty or so federal Inspectors General is to promote economy, efficiency, and effectiveness. The Inspector General is NOT the Controller at the Federal Reserve. That dumb ass Alan Grayson doesn't know that questions concerning specific accounting activities and accounting data - sources and uses of funds, payables and receivables balances, and other Balance Sheet and P&L related information - is not in the purview of the Inspector General. You go to Accounting and Finance for specific accounting/financial questions. If you need answers to questions concerning computer software code, you don't go to the Building Maintenance department. Why? Because it is not in Maintenance's subject area of expertise and experience. Computer details are handled by a Data Processing department.

Ms. Coleman's only error was in trying to Not embarrass the Representative - to expose his ignorance. Grayson's questions were inappropriate for the Inspector General and his office. He should have known better..
In addition, his use of unverified Bloomberg News’ gossip was pathetic. Until verified, ‘Insider” news is just more data from Ripley – Believe it or Not.
Grayson was lynching the wrong person.
Feb 13, 2011 at 2:04 PM | Unregistered Commentercareyre
What makes me sick is most people want to blame the democrats for all the bad economic times when all the bad economic times have happened when republicans are in the White House. Think about it. An eight year old with half a brain can see that, and they should also be able to see that the unbalance of wealth is the real cause of economic depressions and recessions, and there has never been a time, including 1929, that the unbalanced wealth has been so unbalanced as it is today. And our problem is our government is being run by the owners of our own Federal Reserve System. Consequently our government needs more power, not less.
We will not recover until we get a president who has the guts to defy the FED and return to the tax structure initiated by Franklin Roosevelt. He raised the top tax rate to 91% and that rate was not lowered until 1956, during that time of high income tax rates, we had the best economic times the world has ever known. But no one will tell you because the FED doesn't want it told.
We will not recover from this disaster. We will make adjustments as we have been doing since 1956 and carry on as best we can but we cannot recover as long as gasoline prices are so high because the working man cannot buy as many other products - an economic spiral that always goes down. And just think, the major oil companies pay no income tax. They have a tax credit for overseas production. They're keeping that a secret also.
Feb 13, 2011 at 4:04 PM | Unregistered CommenterDon Inman
No one should worry. The US must always be the leader of the world. Nothing bad will happen to our economy. If it does, we'll just start another war to drum up the economy. We'll all be just fine. ;)
Feb 13, 2011 at 4:27 PM | Unregistered Commentercommonsense
It,s a HUGE PONZI ........................Thank God I don,t have to worry bout this SHIT ........Movin to Costa Rica in 2012.....Thank-You !!!
Feb 13, 2011 at 5:51 PM | Unregistered CommenterThe Transporter
Is she really that stupid?
Feb 13, 2011 at 6:44 PM | Unregistered CommenterLeslie Wood
the easy way out, is to always pretend dumb--fiddle around with the pen, look at the paper work in front of you- maybe the answer is there. Liz looked like a cornered rat in a cheese factory-- stupid ia as stupid does, that don't cut it honey. i wuold have been happy with a latin response, like ANSI SERA, GROIGNE QUI GROIGNE. but no, we have to live with a smart ass grin and a by your leave.
Feb 13, 2011 at 9:04 PM | Unregistered Commenterdog bone
The tired old battle-cry of "throw the bums out" never works because all you do is vote new bums in. Remember, most people in politics and bureaucracy are there because of one of two reasons: 1) they know they can legally steal money or 2) they are too incompetent to perform any real work in society (or both). So how can you expect anything less from the likes of Coleman, Paulson, Bernanke, etc. Unfortunately the mess created over the centuries is now far too complex for any human brain to comprehend let alone fix. But not to worry - - - as it turns out, every society comes with built-in, self-correcting and self-purging mechanisms. Just study history. Can you say "socioeconomic collapse"? Fasten your seat belts.
Feb 14, 2011 at 11:03 AM | Unregistered CommenterJ
The Sky is Falling, the Sky is Falling. CL
Feb 14, 2011 at 2:11 PM | Unregistered CommenterLynn
God help us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Feb 14, 2011 at 3:11 PM | Unregistered CommenterDave
Feb 14, 2011 at 4:14 PM | Unregistered CommenterJoe
Feb 14, 2011 at 4:21 PM | Unregistered CommenterJoe
(Can you say "socioeconomic collapse"? Fasten your seat belts.)

If thats the situation I would think fastening an ammo belt would a better choice of belts.

I definitely would not want to face the anarchy that would rule once the sheeple realize a wheelbarrow full of cash won't by a loaf of bread, strapped to a seat.
Feb 14, 2011 at 4:41 PM | Unregistered CommenterSagebrush
If thats the situation I would think fastening an ammo belt would a better choice of belts.
You got that right Sagebrush.

By this time next year we will have our people in the streets doing the very same thing. Kickking the "SOB's" out of Washington. & we need "All of Them" to go too....................................
Feb 14, 2011 at 5:35 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
....@ Sagebrush..........."the Fed is good" WRONG!!!!!!!

This just gos to show us that there are still many many people out thAre that dont have a clue as to how this "Piece of Magget-Shit Goverment" realy works behind closed doors.

Were doin our best to get them up to speed thoe. When we do....................Look Out ! & I will have my Gun Belt on !
Feb 14, 2011 at 5:55 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
I would like to know why they can not track the 9trillion but yet they know the minute and down to the penny of when I don't pay taxes?
Feb 14, 2011 at 7:25 PM | Unregistered CommenterMichele
@ T. Dar ...Most Americans refuse to believe their government is one of the most corrupt governments on the planet. They will not pay any attention to information that shows corruption or even criminal activity by elected officials. It's almost as if that is the way politicians are supposed to behave. A majority of the American People are locked in denial of reality and they're letting the multinational parasites plus those on Wall Street and our crooked politicians in D.C. steal their children's and grandchildren's future.

@ Michele... Don't be fooled by the verbal B.S. They know exactly where that 9 trillion is at and they are making damn sure you don't.
Feb 14, 2011 at 8:16 PM | Unregistered CommenterSagebrush
Sagebrush I like your style!!!! I'm looking into the ammo belt purchase tomorrow!!! Anyone with a lick of commonsense will be doing the same---We have nothing but corroupt maggots in office,who are taking we working class down the toilet because not one of the babbling idiots have enough gray matter to do a real days work, thus the only thing they can do is blab-blab-blab and try to make the rest of us appear as stupid as they are!!!! starduster
Feb 14, 2011 at 10:11 PM | Unregistered Commenterstarduster
Boys, Boys, Boys - - the ammo belt goes without saying but without that seat belt (a plan "B") what will you do when this thing hits the wall at 200 mph? You ought to know by now that your government will NEVER give you a warning, you'll just wake up to it all one morning. Things will happen fast. You'd better have that plan in place to save your ass so "cinch up". I, for one, will be wearing a 5-point harness.
Feb 15, 2011 at 9:59 AM | Unregistered CommenterJ
Kind of makes you wonder who are the ones lacking the 'grey matter' that starduster is speaking of, the corrupt maggots, or those who voted them into office, or at least voted into office those who appointed the slugs?
Myself, I'm pretty picky about who I vote for!
Feb 15, 2011 at 1:22 PM | Unregistered CommenterChristopher
The only thing that amazes me is that there is actually anyone in our country is surprised by her refusal to answer the question. The FED has never opened its books to anyone and never will. They are the monied-aristocarcy that our founders warned us about repeatedly. These people didn't care about the law or ethics or even human decency when the FED was created in 1913 nor do they care now. We can only wait for the reset button and we will need to start over again. This time I hope some lessons have been learned.
Feb 15, 2011 at 1:52 PM | Unregistered CommenterDBG
What I don't understand is WHY AREN'T PEOPLE BEING LINED UP TO ENTER PRISON FOR A LONG TIME?????????? Bill Corbin
Feb 15, 2011 at 4:07 PM | Unregistered CommenterBill A. Corbin
The Inspector General of the Federal Reserve should be fired right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Feb 15, 2011 at 4:40 PM | Unregistered Commentergary
We can only wait for the reset button and we will need to start over again. This time I hope some lessons have been learned.

There wont be many pieces left to pick up after its all over......................"Oh", the lessons will be learned by the ones that dident belive it was going to happen....we call them "Sheeple".............!
Feb 15, 2011 at 7:24 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar

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