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The AIG Bonus Imbroglio: $165 Million Versus $165 Billion

AIG Financial Products Employees Are Shit In Luck.  Reaction round-up plus a great Olbermann video are after the jump.

Joseph J. Cassano is a reprobate who deserves to spend the rest of his days in federal prison.

Two themes keep popping up in our daily bailout culture: bailout politics make for strange bedfellows and advantage commode.

The AIG bonus brouhaha is of the latter.  I believe people understand the difference between $165 million and $165 billion, just as they understand the difference between $45 billion for Citigroup and a $45 million private jet, and $45 billion for Bank of America versus John Thain's $35,000 commode with legs.

Particularly, with AIG, the outrage stems from the fact that we have been told the $165 billion was to prevent global financial collapse, while we all intuitively understand that the $165 million in bonuses were part of employment contracts agreed to BEFORE the failure of AIG. 

Virtually everyone has felt the sting of a broken contractual promise. SOL. We all get it. The damning affront is, that because of our largesse, these AIG employees are shit in luck.

Two particular sub-dramas of note are developing. (Not counting Senator Grassley first calling for AIG executives to committ Hara-Kiri, then, during his apology on national television, saying the phrase 'suck on the taxpayer tit.'  He didn't opt for teet.  He went boldly for tit or more likely it was a dementia and he thought he was in AP gov't. class talking to Kevin, the videographer.  Make sure to watch the Keith Olbermann video below for the Grassley brilliance.)

Back to the the sprouting themes: the calls are growing for Geithner's head and title, from Senator Shelby to Henry Blodgett to yours truly.  And the other kettle brewing is what I detected and wrote about yesterday.  The feigned White House outrage.

ABC and others are reporting tonight that Obama was told about the bonus payments Thursday afternoon and that Geithner knew all week and likely for much longer since he was the principal architect of the AIG bailout along with Henry Paulson.

I postulated yesterday, that Geithner would have simply needed to leak the news to the msm last week, and within 24 hours public outrage would have killed the payments.  Instead he sat on the information until Thursday, and then the White House held it tightly until Saturday when someone leaked it to the New York Times.

Since that moment it has been spin city at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, including yesterday's moment of Obama channelling Slick Willy Clinton in a speech that sounded like an AIG Clawback from the Big Guy, but was really just an attempt to ride the populism and deflect blame. 

I'm too cynical to be so easily fooled.  I knew the payments had already been made and Obama was just trying to catch the anti-AIG train before it threatend to run him over.  It was lying at worst and disingenuous at best, and it is not a good sign for those who cherish the truth from our leaders.


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Reader Comments (5)

Tucker Carlson repeatedly blasted Jon Stewart for his grilling of Jim Cramer on "The Daily Show" last Thursday. Carlson, appearing on CNN's "Reliable Sources," called Stewart a "partisan hack," just an operative for the Democratic party, who only took on Cramer and CNBC because they criticized President Obama's budget. Carlson also predicted that Stewart was becoming "so self-serious and sanctimonious that it's just a matter of time before he becomes unfunny."

Mar 18, 2009 at 7:51 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
More Congressional Scrutiny For Merrill Bonuses

Mar 18, 2009 at 7:53 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
17 of the G-20 have erected trade barriers. Quickly wither free trade

Mar 18, 2009 at 7:54 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Tucker is the pot calling the kettle black......Suck It Tucker! Better yet...go suck Cramer!
Mar 18, 2009 at 9:55 AM | Unregistered CommenterAin't Bullshittin'

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