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So Much For World Peace...

Video: Canada vs. Mexico  turns into an actual slugfest.

Baseball brings the world closer together.

Bench-clearing brawl unfolds in WBC clash between Canada and Mexico.


PHOENIX (AP) - A bunt single turned this WBC matchup into a World Boxing Classic.

Alfredo Aceves and several players threw nasty punches when a fierce, full-scale brawl broke out in the ninth inning Saturday of Canada's 10-3 romp over Mexico in the World Baseball Classic, a melee that also involved fans and set off skirmishes in the seats.

Canadian first base coach Larry Walker, a former NL MVP, said he held back Mexico star Adrian Gonzalez during the altercation. The solidly built Walker also tried to restrain Aceves.

"I had a hold of him and I thought I saw Satan in his eyes," Walker said.

The collision of WBC rules and the unwritten rules of the game led to the blowup, Renteria said.  Whitt said WBC officials need to look at the tiebreaking rule.

"There's got to be another method other than the scoring runs, running up the score on the opposing team.  No one likes that.  That's not the way baseball's supposed to be played.  There's professionalism that we're all accustomed to here in North America.  And unfortunately teams are knocked out of the tournament because other teams run up the score on them."

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Alfredo Aceves' cranium shows a few battle scars.

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Reader Comments (5)

Cubans evade censorship by exchanging computer memory sticks


Sanchez said underground blogs, digital portals and illicit e-magazines proliferate, passed around on removable computer drives known as memory sticks.. The small computer memories, also known as flash drives or thumb drives, are dropped into friendly hands on buses and along street corners, offering a surprising number of Cubans access to information.

“Information circulates hand to hand through this wonderful gadget known as the memory stick,” Sanchez said, “and it is difficult for the government to intercept them. I can’t imagine that they can put a police officer on every corner to see who has a flash drive and who doesn’t.”
Mar 10, 2013 at 12:39 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
(Reuters) - Thousands of Hungarians protested in central Budapest on Saturday against imminent changes to the country's constitution that they fear would curb democratic rights, echoing worries this week from the European Union and the United States.

Mar 10, 2013 at 12:40 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Mar 11, 2013 at 1:57 AM | Unregistered CommenterTR
http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=ICBrXUuwvgg&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DICBrXUuwvgg. Don't know if anyone has seen this guy, just totally big ones.
Mar 12, 2013 at 8:39 PM | Unregistered CommenterSKINFLINT

Yeah, I've heard of the kid before. He's the craziest mofo I've ever seen. Hands down.
Mar 12, 2013 at 10:32 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail

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