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Sketchy CNN Insider Poll Says Romney Won The Debate

We haven't been able to track down the actual poll, but it certainly seems biased given Ron Paul's 0% showing, especially in the context of this LIVE POLL at CNBC showing Paul annihilating the GOP 2012 competition.

CNBC Poll on GOP candidates - Vote Now - See The Surprising Results




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Reader Comments (5)

This CNN poll has Ron Paul at 79%


Well if they can manipulate the polls like this there is little doubt what can be done to elections.

Here are a bunch of polls.. he was way out in all of them.

**FOX- http://fxn.ws/jPkzuW
**CBS- http://bit.ly/mvKQYZ
**CNBC- http://bit.ly/isin2p
**TellDC – http://on.fb.me/lG91d5
**MSNBC – http://bit.ly/kosQ1r
**Cooper – http://on.fb.me/itnEUH
**Vortex – http://bit.ly/iNHnUB
…**CNN – http://bit.ly/lk65TK
**WePolls – http://bit.ly/j5aOC5
Jun 14, 2011 at 6:50 PM | Unregistered Commenterheather
great links...thanks heather...
Jun 14, 2011 at 7:42 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
The MSM has morphed from reporting the news to manipulating the news. It's about opinion & spin rather investigation and reporting the facts to help you make informed decisions. In the 2008 campaign ChuckTodd & George Stephanopoulos dismissed both Dennis Kucinich & Ron Paul as "not viable candidates" . After that Kucinich wasn't even allowed to participate in debates. Perhaps the most progressive choice we had, dismissed.
This time CNN dismissed Gary Johnson (a real candidate) as "not viable" but invited Michelle Bachmann to participate even when she hasn't stated she is running. WTF...?
This perverted process spends too much time and too much money so we can hold our noses and pick the lesser of two evils. The MSM's job is NOT to pick our candidates or pass judgement on who is viable. Just take the damn money and serve up the entertainment.
Jun 14, 2011 at 8:51 PM | Unregistered Commenterelemental jim
I trust the American people to realize that while we don't need big government, we do need a government that stands up for families who are being tricked out of their homes by Wall Street predators; a government that stands up for the middle-class by giving them a tax break; a government that ensures that no American will ever lose their life savings just because their child gets sick. Security and opportunity; compassion and prosperity aren't liberal values or conservative values – they're American values.

Across America, a constant cross-pollination is occurring, a not entirely orderly but generally peaceful collision among people and cultures. Identities are scrambling, and then cohering in new ways. Beliefs keep slipping through the noose of predictability. Facile expectations and simple explanations are being constantly upended. Spend time actually talking to Americans, and you discover that most evangelicals are more tolerant than the media would have us believe, most secularists more spiritual. Most rich people want the poor to succeed, and most of the poor are both more self-critical and hold higher aspirations than the popular culture allows.
Jun 14, 2011 at 10:23 PM | Unregistered CommenterHarrison J. Bounel
Kerry trusts have major media holdings



Senator John Kerry controls more stock in media companies than any other member of Congress, including a $1.75 million stake in Comcast, which owns NBC, and a $600,000 stake in News Corp, which owns Fox News, according to an analysis released today.

The holdings were listed on financial disclosure forms analyzed by the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics.

In all, 59 federal lawmakers have media interests worth between $3.8 million and $7.7 million, with the average individual reporting holdings ranging from $65,000 to $131,000. The forms require lawmakers to list ranges rather than exact dollar amounts.

See report here:

Jun 15, 2011 at 12:44 PM | Unregistered Commenterjohn

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