Senator Clair McCaskill To Goldman Sachs Executives: "You Were The Bookie AND The House" (VIDEO)
Originally published in April of 2010.
Video - Senator Clair McCaskill at today's hearings - April 27, 2010
Short clip from earlier today. McCaskill said to execs from Goldman Sachs:
- "You are the bookie. You are the house. You have less oversight and less regulation as you all began this Wild, Wild West of tranches, waterfalls, residual warehousing...You had less oversight than a pit boss in Las Vegas."
Commentary on the hearings from Dylan Ratigan...
Ratigan begins at 4:50; Senator Tester precedes him.
Reader Comments (10)
Biden...has two but they are small..."
Sooner or later our right wing friends, within the Congress and without, are going to be forced to admit that the era of anything goes deregulation was a really stupid idea. You can only sit calmly in a burning house, ignoring the flames all about you, for just so long. Sooner or later you'll be forced to flee for your life. After making your escape, if you still refuse to acknowledge that the house is indeed on fire, you're beyond the point where you can make rational decisions on your own. You've entered Librium Country, hombre!
Tom Degan
I doubt it; I know some people from Missouri and they usually won't puit up with being peed on by scumbag politicans.
CatLady--says get the pitchforks :^(
On the other hand, the banks will lobby to prevent any laws or regulations that would reign in their risky behavior, investor confidence not a concern when it limits their freedom to defraud investors.