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Sarah Palin's Tea Party Hand Written Crib Notes (3 CLIPS)

Sarah Palin's Hand With Notes

Another close-up photo and 3 short videos.  Look at her left hand.  We make fun of Obama for the teleprompter, and Palin deserves the same ridicule for the palm-written crib notes.  She should have written:

  • "Use $100,000 speaking fee tonight to fund BRAIN TRANSPLANT next week."



Written on her palm:


Budget Tax Cuts

Lift Americans Spirit


Sarah Palin's Hand Written Notes






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Reader Comments (2)

I REALLY can't understand the issue here.

Much as I dislike Palin (as a politician) I certainly would NOT compare her writing a few keyword reminders on the palm of her pretty hand against READING AN ENTIRE SPEECH off a teleprompter ...as Obama accustoms.
Feb 10, 2010 at 8:18 PM | Unregistered CommenterRecoverylessRecovery
Confuse us say, to call Sarah Palin a cretin, is insult to cretins everywhere.
Feb 10, 2010 at 11:41 PM | Unregistered Commenteredwardo

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