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REPORT: U.S. War Machine Fights For Every Last Billion

Dec. 17 (Bloomberg) -- Without a fiscal cliff deal, defense contractors like Lockheed Martin could be hit hard by the budget axe.  Peter Cook talks with Bloomberg Government defense analyst Rob Levinson on which programs and companies are most at risk.

"It's a new world for defense contractors.  They're going to have to work a lot harder to get that Pentagon dollar."



How To Waste A Trillion Dollars On Defense

F-35: A Short History Of The Costliest Fighter Ever


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Reader Comments (1)

I like the way he called the failed F-35 program a "critical" program. It is the most assininely wasteful program ever devised, in, or out, of the government.

There's nothing "critical" about it.

Other than the fact that it wastes TRILLIONS of dollars per year (-not to mention budget overruns and Lockheed Martin begging for additional and more-an-more money for the failed program.) AND...the fact that the aircraft works less than 10 percent of the time!!!

Even if it worked HALF the time, it would still be an enourmous waste. With the Price Tag of this excessively bloated Program (and, that's putting it nicely) it sure as heck ought to work and function the way it's supposed to 100% of the time! Not 10%! This is way beyond being merely excessive and amounts to Outright fraud against the government, and the U.S. Taxpayers. 3 TRILLION dollars (failed Program, or not) is no laughing matter, as this Fraud being waged against all of the U.S. Taxpayers is affecting their taxes they pay- the Taxes they pay out every single year could be meaningfully reduced by eliminating this multiTrillion dollar Fraud by lockheed martin for a Program that works less than 10% of the Time, according the the government's own statistics. It's time to eliminate this aggregious crime...and return the money to its rightful owners the U.S. Taxpayers...NOT lockheed martin!
Dec 24, 2012 at 3:07 PM | Unregistered CommenterMike

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