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Phantom Firms Bleed Millions From Medicare


SHELL GAMES: A Reuters Investigation

MIAMI/ATLANTA (Reuters) - By the time authorities busted a fake AIDS clinic in Miami, it had bilked Medicare of more than $4.5 million. Still, the man behind the scheme remained far ahead of the agents pursuing him.

Michel De Jesus Huarte, a 40-year-old Cuban-American, hadn't simply avoided arrest. He had hatched a plan to steal millions more from Medicare by forming at least 29 other shell companies - paper-only firms with no real operations. Each time, he would keep his name out of any corporate records. Other people - some paid by Huarte, some whose identities had been stolen - would be listed in incorporation papers.  The shells functioned as a vital tool to hide the Medicare deceit - and not only for Huarte. Hundreds of others have used the veil of corporate secrecy to help steal hundreds of millions of dollars from one of the nation's largest social service programs, a Reuters investigation has found.

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Reader Comments (4)

As my last post, the goverment has it all pre-set-up, so the Dem. voters can "Rape the People", all for the Dem. vote......why in Hell, would the Crooks, not vote Dem................?
Dec 30, 2011 at 10:46 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
TDar, it aint just the Democrats, both parties have sold out. They're completely compromised and the Republicans are raping the people right along with the Democrats.
Dec 30, 2011 at 11:27 PM | Unregistered CommenterSageBrush
There are crooks in each party, and then there are people in both parties that vote for the crooks that protect the rackets. This guy must not have been paying homage ala campaign contributions...

If he did that right, he would be governor somewhere by now. The masses love to vote for those involved in fraud.
Dec 31, 2011 at 8:53 AM | Unregistered CommenterS. Gompers
TDar, it aint just the Democrats,

I know Sage. Once apon a time the Rep. were half way good people. The Dem. have always been a evil bunch. Steal, kill, rape, dismember, its just the way to do buissnes. Its sad that for the last 50 years the Rep. have been bought by the Dems. and joined thAre side.

Only differance now is that the Rep. tell the American People, what they want to hear.....& look the other way....!
Dec 31, 2011 at 2:33 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar

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