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Olympus CEO: 'Japan Is Corrupt, I Feared For My Life'

"I feared for my life while exposing the Olympus scandal."

Watch at least the first 2 minutes.  Revealing interview about Japanese corporate culture and fraud.  Former CEO of Olympus Michael Woodford, author of Exposure, talks to CNBC earlier this week.

All that fuss over a lousy $1.7 billion in losses hidden off balance sheet.  Lehman hid that much for breakfast.


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Reader Comments (2)

...as an "officially protected" federal whistle-blower...and after working for the US Government for over two decades, living around the world...Japan, Germany, Bosnia, Hungary...and being the only Whistle-Blower in history due to out-of-date-Burger King Whopper Meat Patties....well...let me tell you..the world is corrupt...from top to bottom, corruption reigns.....and if you stand up to it...they try to eat you alive...and they never forget that you stood up and told the truth...they make you pay for it in the strangest ways possible...in Japan...the idea of "losing face" will almost drive some to suicide...so it is easy to understand the corruption at Olympus.....we are in for a great revolution of information...culture change, repression and tyranny...but hopefully , eventually we will be lead by people like this WB who had the guts to do what is right...


RJ O'Guillory
Webster Groves-The Life of an Insane Family
Nov 26, 2012 at 1:23 PM | Unregistered CommenterRJ O'Guillory
I worked for Mazda Europe. They sold three year old cars as new cars, or salt damaged cars (seawater came in during shpment) to their customers. Mazda also mounted new bumper on cars which couldn't be sold for four years.

Beware of Mazda and all Japanese goods - avoid Toyota and co.
Nov 27, 2012 at 3:07 AM | Unregistered Commentergmathol

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