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Obama With Jon Stewart (VIDEO)

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Barack Obama Pt. 1
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Rally to Restore Sanity


From last night's show.  Feels like a campaign appearance.  The audience behaves like a sycophantic puppy.  All 3 clips are inside.

Video:  Jon Stewart interviews President Obama - Aired Oct. 27, 2010

Part 1

The topic also turned to the economy. "I remember very clearly you saying," Jon said, "we can't expect different results with the same people. And I remember when you hired Larry Summers, I remember thinking, well that seems like the exact same person."

Obama responded that they were able to "stabilize the system, stabilize the stock market, stabilize the economy," and "in fairness Larry Summers did a heckuva job."

"You don't want to use that phrase, dude," Jon said.

"Pun intended," said the President, adding that "Larry was integral in helping to think through some really complicated stuff."




The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Barack Obama Pt. 2
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Rally to Restore Sanity


Daily Show Video: The Obama Interview - Part 2


The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Barack Obama Pt. 3
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Rally to Restore Sanity


Part 3



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Reader Comments (20)

It’s amusing that the parasitic banking worms felt it necessary for their Lapdog-in-Chief to characterize the dysentery they’ve caused as a mild case of gas on national TV. More amusing yet is the reaction of Stewart’s audience--the very demographic getting crushed the hardest by unprecedented levels of unemployment and unserviceable student loan debt. Rather than rail against their hopeless plight, they applaud it.

When Stewart asked his only real question--if you really want change, why decorate your office with decomposed cadavers like Larry “I lost $2 billion at Harvard” Summers--Lapdog merely recycled the same feces we saw when he reappointed Bernanke: you see, hoss, them worms have experience with complicated stuff and whatnot.

Pitiful showings by all involved.
Oct 28, 2010 at 2:59 PM | Unregistered CommenterCheyenne
Thanks for the video.

You manage to find most of the best videos.

I think our problems have a deeper cause than is generally perceived. And the cause is clear from our history: the Constitution was written, for the most part, by wealthy land owners and slave owners who feared the mob from below. (Senators appointed by state legislators, restricted vote, electoral college, 2 senators from each state, etc.)

Jefferson was among the exceptions, "I am not one of those who fear the people" and yet he owned a thousand slaves, very few of whom he freed.

While the top 1% continue to control almost 50% of the wealth in America and the next 20% control the about 40% of the remaining wealth, the American democracy will remain unstable and ultimately unsustainable.

We are always a "vote away" from complete confiscation and socialism. All it would take is the "audacity of nope" to bring the whole system down.

And I am not speaking as a leveler or socialist. I am an elitist and libertarian and prefer to be left alone by government.

But while we remain the victims of so much control and manipulation by the wealthy 1% and "the running dogs of capitalism" we will be in danger of complete collapse into revolution.

Remember that virtually no one saw the coming of the French Revolution or World War I, for that matter.

We live in dangerous times. It wont do to quibble over where the furniture should be placed on the Titanic. We had better set our course for more halcyon seas.
Oct 28, 2010 at 3:44 PM | Unregistered CommenterJames Street

Do you have a specific issue with the constitution outside its authorship? If it had been written by plebes, would it pass muster? And where are these halcyon seas you speak of?
Oct 28, 2010 at 7:11 PM | Unregistered CommenterCheyenne
What an ugly fall for Barry...Comedy Central...What's Next...

Oct 28, 2010 at 8:53 PM | Unregistered CommenterZ
Well, Z, Mr. Rogers Neighbor Hood, Captian Knagaroo, Shit, their gone now.............Dr. Phil.....................no Jerry Springer, thats a good fit, Yea !

Great coments tonight, but lets face the truth. They painted us into the corner, and we have no way out. I know, Dar is "Doom-&-Gloom", but WTF Do we have left.

Read my post tonight, and reflect on what our country is going threw, and whAre it is, and what we can do about it. RIGHT, Im just a no-body entertainer, looking down at the twister from 1,000' above ya's.

But I still see the same thing ya's see, just from above. Dont give up, we will fight till the end, but the end is near. Everything is Imploadind apon us. When its over, they will have to clean thAre own toilets.
Oct 28, 2010 at 10:50 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
What an ugly fall for Barry...Comedy Central...What's Next...

"OMG" Z, that is the best yeat. Please take us back to the Bush days. Did we see any of this shit like we see today, about Little Barry Boy....................NO !

Again, yr hot tonight............................The good thing is, is that we "Will See It Comming"..........................we can kiss our "Shit-Hole" good-by before it happens.
Oct 28, 2010 at 10:55 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
very nice summary cheyenne...i also enjoyed that stewart moment...it was the only decent part of the whole clip...but after he asked obama about Summers, he accepted the Deficit Presidentt's answer without a follow up...that was irksome...
Oct 28, 2010 at 11:01 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
The topic also turned to the economy. "I remember very clearly you saying," Jon said, "we can't expect different results with the same people. And I remember when you hired Larry Summers, I remember thinking, well that seems like the exact same person."

Obama responded that they were able to "stabilize the system, stabilize the stock market, stabilize the economy," and "in fairness Larry Summers did a heckuva job."

"You don't want to use that phrase, dude," Jon said.

"Pun intended," said the President, adding that "Larry was integral in helping to think through some really complicated stuff."

Oct 28, 2010 at 11:03 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Dont you love being alive today, to see the histroy book be rit, in a way we neaver thought it could of been writtin................At least were makin Histroy, folks.............good job DB !
Oct 28, 2010 at 11:39 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
Just remember folks, the price of "stabilizing the market and the economy":

Going into hock $500 per person per month, every month (plus interest).
Oct 29, 2010 at 12:02 AM | Unregistered Commentermark mchugh
We, the members of the Northern Cheyenne Tribe of the Northern Cheyenne Indian
Reservation in Montana, in order to establish a more unified tribal organization and to insure and
promote the best interests of our society, industry, prosperity, and the general welfare of ourselves
and our posterity do hereby establish this Constitution and Bylaws.


The jurisdiction of the Northern Cheyenne Tribe under this Constitution and Bylaws shall
extend to the territory within the confines of the Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation boundaries
as established by Executive Order dated November 26, 1884, under the administration of Chester
A. Arthur and extended March 19, 1900, under the administration of William McKinley and to such
other lands as may be hereafter added thereto by any law of the United States, except as otherwise
provided by law.

And etc.
Oct 29, 2010 at 12:15 AM | Unregistered CommenterJames Street
Dont you love being alive today?

Oct 29, 2010 at 12:54 AM | Unregistered CommenterCheyenne
When I think of the elite, I think of the great scientists, philosophers, saints, builders and artists of the past. I also think of scientist-businessmen such such as Edison, Bell and thousands of modern scientist-businessmen. I don't think of George Washington or Bismarck.

If we allow our financial elite to suck up all the wealth in the United States and transform our country into a third world country then we will no longer produce the elite which has produced everything of value for the human race and whose members generally come from the middle class and below. The wealthy rarely produce people who are good for anything other than ruling other people and maintaining their power.

The United States Constitution was produced by people who were afraid of the example of the French Revolution and the English Revolution which came before and they did not want to lose their way of life to a greedy, confiscatory lower class whom most of them feared. They wrote the Constitution, partly, to insure that their wealth would remain the same or increase.

Supreme Court Decisions have almost always sided with the financial elite over the will of the people (the Dred Scott Decision, Corporations are declared to be people, federal income tax is ruled unconstitutional, minimum wage is rule unconstitutional, etc.)

Even the clearly ambiguous constitutional question of States Rights (Hamilton vs Jefferson) was decided by force and not by legal interpretations by the Supreme Court: the military force of the North and its allies against a weaker, isolated South.

And when the Supreme Court DID rule, they always ruled according to a Southern or Northern majority.

The Constitution is flawed just as every other human document is.
Oct 29, 2010 at 1:09 AM | Unregistered CommenterJames Street

Let me repeat my question, lest I be accused of falsely thinking you're ducking it: what precisely is your issue with that document? Bicameral law-writing body up your ass, or is it lifetime appointments we find in Article 3? Please educate.
Oct 29, 2010 at 1:21 AM | Unregistered CommenterCheyenne
Sure but not tonight. I don't want to roil my brain and prevent a good night's sleep.

I would probably start with the Senate which I think should be abolished. Why should the United States be the only country in the world that allows states as large and powerful as New York and California only 2 senators while Montana, Vermont and Nevada, for example, have none at all (that was a bad constitutional joke but I think you get the drift of my criticism.)

Then I would proceed to the Supreme Court whose members should be elected for limited terms of office, by the people of the United States, as they are in most other civilized countries.

But, as I said, if you want to sleep at night, its better not to enter into this kind of discussion too late.

I also believe the Book of Genesis is overrated but I'm careful to pick not only the time of the discussion but the caliber of my opponents and the amount of energy I'm willing to expend on the issues.
Oct 29, 2010 at 1:58 AM | Unregistered CommenterJames Street
TDar...For you...taking you back...

One of my favorite speeches made by Rummy (really, listen to the words)...don't make the easy quip that it was his going away speech...please, take it in...with Obama, we might just forget the dangers that lie ahead...


Rummy is a great man. He went after the industrial war complex and got hell for his efforts from the Dems and the Rebubs. He went after the Pentagon bureaucracy with a vengeance. He knew we were waging a different kind of war and the redirection of spending from a cold war military to a mobile and aggressive pinpoint strike military was needed.
Oct 30, 2010 at 7:36 PM | Unregistered CommenterZ
But, as I said, if you want to sleep at night, its better not to enter into this kind of discussion too late.

Thats whAre I fall short. I pop in to late, 4 drinks, and let my temper get the best of me.................!

"Z" Rummy was the samrt guy. He got the F*** Out. & Try as I may Z, You get me to open up, when I should Shut up !
Oct 30, 2010 at 8:48 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
Dar, after four, five, six or seven drinks anyone can sleep like a baby.

The problem is, alcohol interferes with REM sleep and general health and most people wake up feeling worse.

You can always drink a can of beer in the morning to feel better ....

But I like to direct my life with as much intelligence and wisdom as possible.

As for the U.S. Constitution, obviously it's a flawed document. That's why it's been changed so much and not always for the better.

But I'm under no illusion that my ideas to improve it would necessarily improve it.

However, most people would like to see an end to the Electoral College, for example, and it might not hurt to raise the voting age to 70 ;)
Oct 31, 2010 at 12:44 AM | Unregistered CommenterJames Street
However, most people would like to see an end to the Electoral College, for example, and it might not hurt to raise the voting age to 70 ;)

....I;ll Drink 2 That....... ( Oh Shit ! ).............if just by chance, we did that, the votes of the American People, would count for something........

If you know how it REALY-WORKS, It dont matter if you vote, er, not.............it dosent matter. We do it, just for Piece-of-Mind.............

If the American People only knew that our votes do-not-count................but they do, on a local leavel, Sooooooooooooooo, Vote..............!

Goverment has F***'ked up our land, but we still can make our voice heared within our own state. "Vote"......God will sorte out the rest....!
Nov 1, 2010 at 10:53 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
Dar, I have my optimistic days and my pessimistic days but at the moment I happen to think democracy works pretty well.

Here in California, for example, no matter WHAT you think about their politics, it looks as if Carly and Meg won't be able to BUY their way past those hoary old politicians Jerry and Barb. And that (in itself, without regard to their ideas) is a good thing.

Most of the money spent on political ads is wasted, in my opinion.

As you probably know already, I don't think government has fucked up our land, BIG BUSINESS has fucked it up. Government is fucked only to the extent that it is in the pocket of big business. (For example, building the railroads on the backs of Irish and Chinese immigrants, while standing by and even helping the bosses dynamite the railroad worker unions representing loyal Americans who wanted a fair share of the profits.)

As for government vs free enterprise, maybe Nevada SHOULD vote for Sharon Angle. After all, a state "by the Mafia, for the Mafia and of the Mafia" should be run by a politician who believes government should get out of the way.

Harry Reed? How many Democrats actually LIVE in Nevada? Forty or Fifty? The Democrats have no place in Nevada. There is nothing there they can stand for or STAND period.

Which is why I think the Senate should be abolished by the way. Why not just have a representative democracy or parliament like every other civilized country in the world? We can stand one Sharon Angle in the House representing the Godless and God forsaken desert "Las Sodom and Gomorrah."

But one of fifty Senators? Democracy works well, but you've got to have one first for it to work.
Nov 2, 2010 at 1:30 AM | Unregistered CommenterJames Street

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