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No Freedoms In Post 9/11 America: Big Brother Watch

Abby Martin and her new show on RT.

Start watching at the 2-minute mark.

Abby breaks down the systematic erosion of our civil liberties through legislation passed in a post 9/11 America.  Breaking the Set seeks to smash through the Left/Right Paradigm set in the media and political establishment to find the middle ground: the truth.

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Reader Comments (3)

The deregulation of the Banking and Wall Street milieu has rendered the U.S. open to pillage at high velocity. The sheeple, even those who invest, are repeating the mistakes of the late 1920s. They cringe in fear in front of the CFRmedia and maintain the false faith that their brokers and their CEO president Obummer are doing the best they can and we WILL pull out of this state of angst. Angst has become dread. Dread shall soon become hunger and hard earned fortunes are unnecessarily being lost. I got on the Dean's list in college a few times, and during one of these quarters was the top 'A' by a wide margin in my 170 member logic class while taking 21 credit hours. I have been watching stock brokers and watching this 'train wreck in slow motion' for about 11 years on the internet and other media and getting by, as opposed to building an empire for myself.

This is being done to the U.S. just like the last 'great depression'. Back then, it is said, stock brokers and bankers, out of feelings of personal failure, took their own lives 'out of shame'. Don't believe it. They were shot and pushed. The very rich people on the perpetrators' side of the scam were bailed out in time but the less endowed honest and naive were needed for these pushed and shot brokers to receive a healthy amount of commissions to pay their bills. There is no excuse for defrauding clients. Go hungry if you must. Take a second job flipping hamburgers. My brother and I were the best fed kids in the neighborhood. There are more important things than a spoiled brat wife and a Lamborghini. Well fed children with the means to a meaningful education. Personal dominance is for Monkey Island. any body considering themselves as 'Top Dog' is delusional.

So what is MY solution to this impending disaster? I am only a spot on the wall, but I would heed the evidence of wrong-doing and arrest the Bush cabal and about 50 others I can think of, then nuke the Vatican and The City of London during business hours.. Remember 9-11( now available, photographs of the deep craters and molten rock from the three nukes placed under the basements of WTC I and II to accept the pulverized building cores on demolition. See Dimitri Khalazov's 4 hrs of interview as to 'how' on Youtube). Study HAARP warfare(to create flooding, hurricanes, tornadoes, rain storms, hail storms, etc.) and gaming the 'weather futures' market and Katrina. Review the U.S. Senate's report and findings of the intentional destruction of the Gulf of Mexico by the intentional drilling into a fault line next to a salt dome to access a 90,000psi high pressure oil/gas reservoir they knew they could not stop nor tap. Check out Wall Street looting with high velocity trades and offshore banking in British protectorates. Review the hundreds of Fukushima videos covering the intentional sabotage and destruction of the Fukushima facility( The most stupid act by human beings in the history of the world), and remember the LIBOR fraud, for which that Auburn neighborhood theater was shot up and James Holmes, the son of Dr. Robert Holmes(Dr. Homes defined and nailed the guilty parties for LIBOR fraud.) kidnapped, and remember who OWNS the U.S. Associated Press and Reuters News Service and who controls the Council on Foreign Relations. The U.S. has a certain overstuffed antiquated big fucking White Elephant vampire sucking us dry and domestic groups loyal to The English Crown are it, with the Vatican's CIA riding shot-gun.

If the above sounds insane, it is because you have been too busy to collect and analyze the evidence. There is so much of it out there that a million inbred knuckle dragging hairy backed steroid monsters led by Janet the Molester couldn't find it all, let alone read any of it. We have NO justice department, SEC or FTC to speak of. This has meaning. A military intervention with the Bush cabal being arrested and handcuffed on the spot is our only way out. The genetic slag of the Bush cabal occupy the White house to molest and murder, and they are liking it up to now. Project Monarch reached fruition. The U.S. is murdering innocent people in a dozen different countries(mostly Muslim) and rocks being thrown at our embassies in 20 different countries, at least. The U.S. government and the American people can not afford this crap. Romney? He should stick to eating catbox sandwiches. He is still stuck in his highchair, being fed with a spoon. Arrested development.
Sep 16, 2012 at 4:07 PM | Unregistered CommenterHoward T. Lewis III
Nicely done, Howard.
Sep 17, 2012 at 5:28 AM | Unregistered CommenterDailyBail
The deregulation was necessary to facilitate the establishment the bad investor habits to compliment the withdrawal of currency from loan availability to put the harness over our heads which are, ideally, stuck in the Food Stamp trough. No Food Stamps for me, thank you. I will eat tree leaves first. The 'Grand Patron' of freemasonry, queen Elizabeth II(queen lizard) is 10XGDP in debt and does not want to sell land. Ron Paul was a freemason shill to collect and destroy opposition to the efforts at financial domination of the U.S. by her lizardship. Paul quit, like the 2004,and 2008 times, when there became insufficient time to rally another third party candidate. I have collected photos of Paul, a multigenerational freemason, giving freemasonic handsigns and freemason handshakes. This is intuitively obvious, and in evidence.
Sep 17, 2012 at 5:04 PM | Unregistered CommenterHoward T. Lewis III

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