No Bailout For The Governator: Cali Declares A Fiscal Emergency
Within the last hour, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has officially declared that California is in a state of 'fiscal emergency.'
State offices will now be closed 3 days out of every month and the legislature will have 45 days to send him a workable, balanced budget. Not sure if you caught the clip earlier, but former Governor Grey Davis said on CNBC that he didn't expect banks to accept California IOUs.
There is still so much room to cut the fat out of California's bloated budget. Government in the Golden State has grown steadily over the last decade. Obama had better stay out of this mess. Voters will not appreciate the precedent of a Democratic President saving an important political state while leaving 49 others to fend for themselves.
Reader Comments (10)
If you want the honest answer--covering the bailouts is driving me insane--that is not a joke...I have lost all sense of the correct and acceptable....I haven't slept very much since January when I started the blog...probably an average of 4 hours per night...i routinely stay awake for 36 hour periods and twice have stayed awake and working or reading for about 45 hours straight...
Yesterday was another 36 hour, no sleep affair and this story was the last I posted. No sleep, no judgement, borderline insanity. And the photo made me feel better as I finally gave into the sandman.
Please do not judge the site for the one picture. I will make mistakes in judgement occasionally perhaps even often. But my heart is in the right place, as I try to do what little I can to Stop the Heist.
If you want an honest answer, you are a hero. But please get some sleep. You are needed. Sadly, I wish I could tell you not to take this so seriously, but I'm not sure there is a more serious issue than the fiscal crisis facing Amerika (and the world) today. The implications of long-term debt service are profound. Thank you for responding.
One of my favorite pics on the site...i'll ignore the can't bait me this morning...