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New Weekly Post: 'For The Kids Friday'

Starting soon, every Friday afternoon we're gonna do a post called 'For The Kids Friday'.  I want readers to send me photos of their children and grandchildren, nieces and nephews (or pets if you have no kids), and I will post the photos in a journal entry.  I asked Michael Arrington of TechCrunch to send me pics of his dogs, so we'll see if he comes through with some pooches to stop the heist.

Don't have kids yet but I have 3 rockin' nephews and a niece who might be getting some pub.  And I got dog photos covered.  Hope the reasoning is obvious.  We fight the heist for ourselves (depending on age) but mostly for future generations.  All the bailout funds are borrowed (the U.S ain't got NO money) and when you see a child you are staring at your creditor (indirectly through some Chinese voodoo).

So send me photos of your creditors and I will post them on Fridays. 

Send photos to thedailybail@gmail.com


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Reader Comments (2)

Sent you some photos. Good idea.
Jun 11, 2009 at 7:01 AM | Unregistered CommenterCopa
I sent you a photo fo all 7 of my grandkids together last Christmas. They are who I think about most often when I ponder our country. I look forward to seeing the photo on the website. I am going to surprise my youngest grandson and send him a link to the article whenever you post it. Can't wait to see it.
Jun 13, 2009 at 7:46 AM | Unregistered CommenterSummer Of '62
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