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NATIONAL DEBT WATCH -- Latest Figures On Government Spending, Total Federal Debt & FY 2010 Deficit

We've got $900 billion more to go until we bump against the latest debt celiling at $14.3 trillion.

Figures on government spending and debt (last six digits are eliminated). The government's fiscal year runs Oct. 1 through Sept. 30.

Total public debt subject to limit Aug. 19          13,310,379
Statutory debt limit                                               14,294,000
Total public debt outstanding Aug. 19              13,363,228
Operating balance Aug. 19                                    230,177
Net interest fiscal year 2010 thru July                   185,248
Net interest same period 2009                              167,706
Deficit fiscal year 2010 thru July                          1,169,071
Deficit same period 2009                                     1,266,963
Receipts fiscal year 2010 thru July                       1,752,541
Receipts same period 2009                                  1,739,949
Outlays fiscal year 2010 thru July                        2,921,612
Outlays same period 2009                                   3,006,912
Gold assets in August                                               11,041


Source: Link

My apologies but I could not format the figures to get them lined up correctly.




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Reader Comments (4)

The Federal Reserve plans to cut American International Group Inc.’s credit line by about $3.6 billion in a sign of confidence the insurer can reduce reliance on taxpayer funds, said a person with knowledge of the proposal.

Aug 23, 2010 at 11:48 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
In its single biggest repayment of bailout loans so far, American International Group Inc. said Monday it is paying back nearly $4 billion in taxpayer aid with proceeds from a recent debt sale.

The insurer's aircraft leasing company, International Lease Finance Corp., completed the sale of $4.4 billion in debt. AIG will use more than $3.9 billion of the proceeds to repay the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, trimming the balance on its credit line with the Fed to about $15 billion. Adding interest, the total is about $21 billion.


This is a different AIG story than the one above...
Aug 23, 2010 at 11:51 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
The L.A. Times Suppresses Obama’s Khalidi Bash Tape

Andrew C. McCarthy
October 27, 2008 6:00 A.M.

Let’s try a thought experiment. Say John McCain attended a party at which known racists and terror mongers were in attendance. Say testimonials were given, including a glowing one by McCain for the benefit of the guest of honor … who happened to be a top apologist for terrorists. Say McCain not only gave a speech but stood by, in tacit approval and solidarity, while other racists and terror mongers gave speeches that reeked of hatred for an American ally and rationalizations of terror attacks.

Now let’s say the Los Angeles Times obtained a videotape of the party.

So now, let’s leave thought experiments and return to reality: Why is the Los Angeles Times sitting on a videotape of the 2003 farewell bash in Chicago at which Barack Obama lavished praise on the guest of honor, Rashid Khalidi — former mouthpiece for master terrorist Yasser Arafat?

DB...if this were Sarah Palin...if this were an old story on Dubya that was now back in the real news...don't worry...let it hide here...the calls for the truth are getting louder with or without you...
Aug 23, 2010 at 1:20 PM | Unregistered CommenterZ
Yes, it was the story that would have made Obama lose the election...yes, it is a huge story...yes, one of many that would sink Obama...

Aug 23, 2010 at 1:23 PM | Unregistered CommenterZ

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