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Marc Faber Tells CNBC: 'Stock Market Has Peaked, For Now'

Faber on Fast Money.

Look for a short-term bond rally.

"I think we have made an intermediate top, and it could be a longer-term top.  I don't think the market is as overbought as it was in '87, so I don't expect a crash.  But I think for the time being, the market has peaked out, and I think in the meantime, bonds, which are extremely oversold, could rebound."

Faber's holdings are 25 percent gold, 25 percent stocks, 25 percent corporate bonds and cash, and 25 percent in real estate.

Read more at CNBC...



Last week in case you missed it:

Doug Kass: 'Market Feels Like '87 Right Before The Crash'


Faber: 'U.S. Will Never Balance Its Budget'

'Expecting the U.S. to balance its budget is like expecting my Rottweilers to hoard sausages.'



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