Marc Faber: 'QE3 Will Begin As Soon As Stock Prices Fall'
Video - Marc Faber on Bloomberg - May 25, 2011
A few morning links:
- Consumer confidence falls to 6-month low in May
- Home prices: 'Double-dip' confirmed
- Home-price index hit lowest point since 2006 bust
- WTF? - Weiner's staff won't answer whether photo is of Congressman
- Chicago PMI decelerates sharply in May
- Ex-Husband Scammed by Madoff Wants Wife to Pay
Reader Comments (13)
Experts from the European Union, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund will likely conclude their review of Greece's accounts and austerity program over the next 24 to 48 hours, a European official said Tuesday.
The Skilled Veterans Corps, as they call themselves, is made up of retired engineers and other professionals, all over the age of 60.
They say they should be facing the dangers of radiation, not the young.
It was while watching the television news that Yasuteru Yamada decided it was time for his generation to stand up.
Never heard of this guy before.
But he is so right.
The elephant in the room is hyperinflation.
All this printing of money, there is only one place it can lead.
First time I have heard anyone call hyperinflation.
Only time will tell....
Before things got out of hand, it was a typical annoyance that happens once a flight gets airborne: A passenger hit the recline button and sent his seat intimately close to the lap of the guy sitting behind him.
What followed wasn’t typical at all: a smack to the head, peacemakers diving about the cabin to intervene and a pair of Air Force F-16 fighter jets scrambling into the night skies over Washington.
This is just a hobby for me.
I own no stock and no shares and have spent my life broke. :-)
I like to follow this stuff just to see how stoopid the proletariat can be. How dumb the public can be and how far up the fairy path the media can lead people.
Never heard of the guy before but he has it right. I like him I like his style and I agree with everything in that clip.
I was around in the seventies. Albeit as a child but I can remember inflation and the corrosion it caused in society. And it is on its way back. But like I say. I am with this guy Faber. I will go with probable hyperinflation.
Look at the way the Fed is printing. How many $ trillion? (That they admit?)
China will follow as Faber says.
During periods of inflation it is borrowers who benefit the most. Inflation erodes the initial cost of borrowing.
That is what the Fed is planning.
MASSIVE inflation. That is the ONLY way they can even dream, let alone hope of tackling the US debt crisis.