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Man Arrested In Plot To Use 1,000-lb Bomb To Blow Up The Federal Reserve

Video, links, criminal complaint and statement from the FBI.

FBI Statement On Arrest Of NY Fed Bombing Suspect Quazi Nafis




He met an undercover agent that supplied him with what he thought were explosives on Wednesday morning. After meeting up, they both traveled in a van to a warehouse, the Justice Department said.

That’s apparently when Nafis told the agent he had a "Plan B."

If Nafis felt his attack was about to be thwarted by cops, he would invoke the back-up plan, which involved a suicide bombing operation, the criminal complaint alleges.

When the pair arrived at the warehouse, Nafis began putting together what he thought was a 1,000-pound bomb inside the van. Then they drove together to the target: The New York Federal Reserve Bank. As they drove, he armed the purported by putting together the detonator and the explosives, the criminal complaint says.

The van was then parked next to the bank. The pair went to a nearby hotel, where Nafis apparently recorded a video statement meant to be shown to the American public in connection with the attack.

"We will not stop until we attain victory or martyrdom," he said, according to the criminal complaint.

He then tried, several times unsuccessfully, to detonate the device, which was actually inert explosives.

Nafis was then arrested.

A good portion of the sting operation was caught on tape, according to a source familiar with the investigation.


NBC New York

A suspected terrorist parked a van packed with what he thought was a 1,000-pound bomb next to the Federal Reserve building in Lower Manhattan and tried to detonate it Wednesday morning before he was arrested in a terror sting operation, authorities said.

The suspect, 21-year-old Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis, is a Bangladeshi national who came to the U.S. in January for the specific purpose of launching a terror attack here, authorities said.

The criminal complaint against Nafis said he wrote a statement claiming responsibility for what he thought would be the Fed attack, saying he wanted to "destroy America" by going after its economy. He referred to "our beloved Sheikh Osama bin Laden" in the statement.

The complaint said he proposed various other targets beyond the Fed building at 33 Liberty St., just blocks from the World Trade Center site. He also considered targeting a "high-ranking U.S. official" as well as the New York Stock Exchange, prosecutors said.

Nafis, who lives in Jamaica, Queens, allegedly sought out al-Qaida contacts to help him, unknowingly recruiting an FBI source in the process. At that point, the FBI and NYPD began monitoring him as he developed the plot, prosecutors said.

An undercover FBI agent posed as an al-Qaida facilitator, supplying him with 20 50-pound bags of what he thought were explosives to use in building his bomb. He also visited the Lower Manhattan site multiple times as he planned the attack, officials said.

Prosecutors say Nafis met the agent Wednesday morning and put the bomb inside a van before driving to the Fed building, assembling the detonator while he drove.

The pair parked the van by the Fed, got out and walked to a hotel, where Nafis recorded a video statement he meant to be released after the attack. He then tried to detonate the bomb, officials said.

Law enforcement officials stress that the plot was a sting operation monitored by the FBI and NYPD and the public was never at risk.  The materials he believed were explosives had been rendered inoperable, officials said. 

Nafis is expected in court later Wednesday. He is charged with attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction and attempting to provide material support to al-Qaida.

"Attempting to destroy a landmark building and kill or maim untold numbers of innocent bystanders is about as serious as the imagination can conjure, " said Mary Galligan, FBI acting assistant director in charge.

Nafis was living in Queens at the time of his arrest.





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Reader Comments (18)

"He met an undercover agent that supplied him with what he thought were explosives" shit ,this is endless .Every arrest is backed by an Agent provocateur ...everytime.
Oct 17, 2012 at 7:31 PM | Unregistered Commentermick
Many innocent people could have been killed so no matter how you feel about the Fed this is a terrible thing to do. Wall St. was bombed years ago and that's just what happened innocent people were killed and maimed.

At noon on September 16, 1920, a horse drawn buggy loaded with 100 pounds of dynamite and 500 pounds of cast- iron slugs exploded across the street from the J.P. Morgan bank headquarters in downtown Manhattan, New York. The explosion blew out windows for blocks around, killed 30 immediately, injured hundreds of others and completely destroyed the interior of the Morgan building.

Oct 17, 2012 at 7:34 PM | Unregistered CommenterLadyLiberty
Please don't tell me that anyone believes that this is anything more that FBI bullshit.

They found some half-wit, talked him into doing something stupid and then provided him with the "tools" to do it. How is that law enforcement? How is that promoting public safety?

Haven't we seen enough of these mental patients-turned-into-"terrorists" to know they're total nonsense? Today it's a headline. Six months from now in court, the thing will be an embarrassment as all these things turn out to be.

And the target? What a joke. Now anyone who claims to be a critic of the Fed can have terror charges hung on him.

Wake up folks and start calling these stories what they are. By talking about them as if they are anything other than bullshit, you give credence to them.
Oct 17, 2012 at 9:43 PM | Unregistered CommenterBrasscheckTV

Did you even read the comments before yours. I think it's pretty obvious that people are skeptical about this story. Everytime you speak up around here you are criticizing someone. Relax.
Oct 17, 2012 at 10:46 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
It must suck to be an FBI agent today. Agents used to investigate actual criminals who did things like, I don't know, perpetrate $10 trillion frauds, then write reports warning the public that "epidemics" of mortgage lending fraud would cause a huge financial crisis unless the frauds were stopped.

But that scared the criminals too much, who fed peanuts to politicians to have the agent re-assigned to... anti-terrorism detail, where they make Barney Fife look like a superhero crime fighter.

Now all agents do all day is hatch terror plots that make Clouseau look like Einstein. And like mick says, the FBI (and CIA) plot lines NEVER deviate from the script. It's like a TV episode of the Incredible Hulk. You know David Banner will snap twice and just barely elude Jack McGee.

The only intersting part of the stories is who's being set up for targeting by the police state. Today it's people who challenge the Fed. Imagine that.
Oct 17, 2012 at 11:50 PM | Unregistered CommenterCheyenne
Many innocent people could have been killed so no matter how you feel about the Fed this is a terrible thing to do. Wall St. was bombed years ago and that's just what happened innocent people were killed and maimed.


I agree completely LL. The only violence we advocate is the violence of ridicule, embarrassment and exposure. Thanks for the link.
Oct 17, 2012 at 11:54 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
I'm somewhat skeptical of this bombing story because we have learned, as all of you have stated, that the FBI is now in the business of entrapment. That said, I also recognize that the NYSE, and any FED bank but especially the FRBNY, are big targets for any terrorist. So I will reserve judgement on the degree to which the FBI entrapped this guy until we learn more.

But it did immediately remind me of this story:

Oct 17, 2012 at 11:59 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
The FBI knows better than to let agents use real explosives when entrapping patsies, and thus we are dutifully informed:

"The materials he believed were explosives had been rendered inoperable, officials said."

Oct 18, 2012 at 12:21 AM | Unregistered CommenterCheyenne
Oh yeah. Fake all the way. Went to a hotel with the fbi informant and filmed a video right after parking the van. Then tried repeatedly to detonate, but nothing happend. Then agents jumped out from behind the potted plants and nabbed public enemy #1. I've been wondering since I read the story earlier if the guy knew immediately that he was about to get busted when the bomb didn't go off.
Oct 18, 2012 at 1:16 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Maybe he was dialing the wrong number. My phone kept ringing but I did not recognize the number. However, my phone did cook my sandwich and I had grilled cheese for lunch.
Oct 18, 2012 at 7:00 AM | Unregistered CommenterSKINFLINT
You'd think the poor sap would have been a little suspicious when he easily found a parking space in front of the FED building in downtown New York in the middle of the morning!
Oct 18, 2012 at 7:14 AM | Unregistered Commenterhappy1

I had the same thought.

Skin. Did your sandwich taste like Federal Reserve notes?
Oct 18, 2012 at 12:30 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
"Did you even read the comments before yours. I think it's pretty obvious that people are skeptical about this story. Everytime you speak up around here you are criticizing someone. Relax."

Yes, I do read the comments and as anyone can see (the comments are time stamped) there were a grand total of TWO comments before I posted. And one of of the two commenters obviously believed the story. That's what I was responding to.

Am I supposed to intuit what people think and believe hours before they post?

As for using obviously incorrect information to make a personal attack on me, it reflects on your character.
Oct 18, 2012 at 2:00 PM | Unregistered CommenterBrasscheckTV
The Federal Reserve is already imploding and blowing up America! Will anyone arrest those scumbags? I doubt it. I was wondering thought when we could see an actual plane hitting the Pentagon, are you or maybe you believe the bullshit the controlled media feeds you?

Da Plane, Da Plane, where is Da Plane, show us Da Plane!!!!!!!!!! Americans are imbeciles not all but maybe 99% Mostly the ones that believe in "Global Warming" garbage. You must remember Carbon is A [TRACE ELEMENT] ONLY .03148 % of the Atmosphere. See Dictionary for definition of the word trace, because most were never told about this FACT.

Oct 18, 2012 at 3:56 PM | Unregistered CommenterEdward

My apologies for the attack. There were 2 other comments that were posted before yours that were skeptical of the story but they also made threats against the Fed. I removed them a few minutes before your comment and I assumed that you had seen them.

It doesn't matter. I was stressed yesterday, and I lashed out. It was an over-reaction on my part. My fault. My apologies.
Oct 18, 2012 at 4:11 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Edward, There was a report shortly after the 911 massacre that the Feds had confiscated all camera footage from all the cameras that were in the area of the Pentagon. This includes camera footage from gas stations, stores, military installlations etc.
Oct 18, 2012 at 6:17 PM | Unregistered CommenterSKINFLINT
DB, My sandwich tasted something between creamy chedder cheese with a slight after tastte of defeat.
Oct 18, 2012 at 6:39 PM | Unregistered CommenterSKINFLINT
Edward, There was a report shortly after the 911 massacre that the Feds had confiscated all camera footage from all the cameras that were in the area of the Pentagon. This includes camera footage from gas stations, stores, military installlations etc.

Yea,all that was left at the secne was a big hole like one of them thAre missels was diercted right on target.........someone did manage to Sneak a Pic out of the front landing gear and a 10' by 20' piece from a airplane way out in the middle of the lawn. The landing gear was from a Cesna C-5 Main Gear, not a 757....

I wonder if the goverment stages these "FAKE", events to scare the sheep into their pen and scream "Goverment Protect Us from Evil People" trying to blow us up....if the sheep ever caught on TSA would be the first to go-a-way...There is no people realy trying to bomb us, its all on our tv screens at 5:30 everynight.....

And I just started to like that screener putting his hand down my pants and saying..."My thats a very Large Package" you got there Mr...............
Oct 18, 2012 at 10:59 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar

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