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"Luca Brasi Sleeps With The Fishes" - Deutsche Bank Goes Gangster On Foreclosure Litigant

Lynn Szymoniak is the lawyer and foreclosure fraud expert who defeated Deutsche Bank in court when they tried to foreclose on her.  Apparently they had jacked up the rate on her adjustable-rate mortgage, but did so outside the allotted time period allowed by the terms of the mortgage.  Szymoniak complained and they demanded the higher rate anyway, contract be damned.  She refused, so they sued her.  When Deutsche Bank couldn't prove they even owned the mortgage (natch), the judge tossed the case and Szymoniak won.

Well, now Deutsche Bank is suing her again -- and this time they're also suing her son, a poetry grad student in New York who has absolutely no connection to the mortgage on his mom's house.  Now, either the bank's lawyers are simply incompetent, which is possible, or they've just decided to go ganster and  intimidate anyone, and their family, who dares to f^ck with them.  I now see that it's perfectly appropriate that Senator Jim Bunning used to pronounce it "Douche Bank."

Zach Carter has the full story at Huffington Post...

Video - Lynn Szymoniak on 60 Minutes - April 3, 2011


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Reader Comments (13)

La. readies to open spillway, flood Cajun country

May 14, 2011 at 6:08 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
"Now, either the bank's lawyers are simply retarded,"

Why are you insulting "retarded" people?

Editor: Changed it.
May 14, 2011 at 6:09 PM | Unregistered CommenterBenny and the Talibanks
Libyan TV carries audio of Gaddafi taunting NATO

May 14, 2011 at 6:09 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
May 14, 2011 at 6:15 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Here we go again......

Tim Geithner Responds To Druckenmiller With More Fearmongering And "Assured Destruction"



as if on cue the tax-troubled treasury secretary has released another letter, this time to Michael Bennet, D-Colo, in which he rehashes all the usual threats that Hank Paulson pulled out of his sleeve when he presented his 3 page term sheet demanding congress give him unlimited powers to do anything Goldman, er, he saw fit to preserve the banker status quo.
May 14, 2011 at 6:26 PM | Unregistered Commenterjohn
Thanks, john. Saw tht earlier -- should have a post up soon.
May 14, 2011 at 7:11 PM | Registered CommenterDr. Pitchfork
Dr.P, I was unable to put this comment in the Strauss-Kahn story so I am putting it here.

IMF warns Brazil and Latin America on possible economic crisis

May 14, 2011 at 10:18 PM | Unregistered Commenterjohn
Deutsche bank, Aren't they the ones that helped GHW Bush launder 220 billion in phony securities that were traded in during the two-week period right after 9-11 when the New York branch of the Fed claimed economic chaos would occur unless a two-week period of federal government securities and bond trades occured without any recording of serial numbers or names of the traders? Congress mewled and took the bait. There actually was a duplicate computer center to the one in the WTC situated across town for all the federal governments securities and bond trading and issuance, so there was NO true emergency. See Jeff Prager's paper on what the #1 cause and motive for the 9-11 charade and tragedy. Also, he has written TRUE material on nukes and the demolition. Preset demolitions plus much later nano-thermate to cut the WTCs in two at the impact level and all. This ain't on your TV.

Rumsfeld said in a speech that murderous acts to agitate and provoke certain foreign nations was going to become part of American foreign policy. Pres. Dover is their tool. The government has repeatedly lied about this and retracted and lied again. The White House is full of punks crapping on the furniture and breaking the dishes. Ya'll need a glass of ice water to the face. SPIT OUT THE KOOL-ADE. Report for duty to save your country from the OWO+CFR=NWO. The real Whitey.
May 15, 2011 at 3:19 AM | Unregistered CommenterHoward T. Lewis III
Deutsche Bank foreclosed on our neighbor three years ago. He moved and abandoned the house. Deutsche Bank has not maintained the property to the point that the roof is falling in, raccoons, possums and rats are a constant problem, the lawn has to be maintained by the city because the bank doesn't see to it that it is kept up. On top of all that, we get crack-heads sleeping in there and often have to call the police... who send out the city to board up the windows...which get pulled off by the next person needing a free place to sleep. It is a mess and it is bringing down the property values for the rest of us. The bank will not consider any price for a buyer, and I can see clearly that no one will pay the kind of price they want for it. It's going to cost 20 grand just to clear the property and clean it up. The house is not worth saving.

Douche Bank, indeed.
May 15, 2011 at 9:21 AM | Unregistered CommenterMaggie
Don't just sue those bastards for who owns title go after them for the fraud they have also committed and that includes anyone that has a mortgage and is not in bankrupcy.

Who owns the note?
Look at lender fees HUD statement you need to know what were junk fees( a no no) along many other fees that added to principle(more no nos)
Points and fees on Truth and Lending Statement.
Sign off statements did get yours?

Once one addes up the fraud on the mortgage now one can sue with authority and force the bankers into making a deal.

To learn more go to remedies in realestate dot com and learn how to fight back and win !
May 15, 2011 at 10:05 AM | Unregistered CommenterOne of a Kind
Taxpayers, Republicans, conservatives, Democrats, liberals and independents, do NOT be fooled by the MSM. The real method of taxation and depreciation methods is all in this article and explains why we all are being misled.

"Contrary to what some in politics and the media have said, the oil and natural gas industry currently enjoys no unique tax credits or deductions."


Also not being told: Since its inception, the U.S. tax code has allowed corporate tax payers the ability to recover costs and to be taxed only on net income.
May 15, 2011 at 6:23 PM | Unregistered CommenterTaterSalad

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